In the paper an initial attempt to the experimental analysis of viscous effects, characteristic for homogeneous solid rocket fuels is proposed. For this reason uniaxial tensile experiments, carried out on dumbbell homogeneous solid propellants have been chosen. Laboratory tests have been carried out on INSTRON tensile testing machine. Research schedule involved destructive tensile tests with various strain rates. Three different values of strain rates have been taken into consideration. Experimentally obtained hardening curves are presented in suitable diagrams. Basing on obtained results, authors confrm the viscoplastic behavior of studied materials. Essential impact of the applied strain rate on the position of experimental hardening curves is observed. Acquired results are the base for the further stage of investigations of homogeneous solid propellants – the modeling of their physical properties. Additionally, numerical modeling of studied phenomena, using the viscoplastic Chaboche’s model, identifed on the basis of experimental data, is presented. The material parameters of the constitutive law are determined numerically using an evolutionary algorithm procedure. The effciency of the model and the identifcation approach are discussed.
W artykule zamieszczono podstawo-we informacje na temat wykorzystywania izolacji termicznej w silnikach rakietowych na paliwo stałe. Dokonano podziału materiału izolacyjnego wraz z przykładami polimerów, które są stosowane do ochrony powierzchni wewnętrznej silnika w trakcie spalania paliwa i jego produktów o wysokiej temperaturze. W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono badania dla wybranych materiałów polimerowych wykorzystywanych w trakcie produkcji silników rakietowych na paliwo stałe i wytypowano polimer o najlepszych właściwościach ablacyjnych. Metoda badań polegała na przeprowadzeniu badań fizyko-chemicznych oraz mechanicznych. Wykonanie pomiarów DSC i TG umożliwiło zaobserwowanie przemian fazowych danego materiału pod wpływem zmian temperaturowych.
The article presents basic information about using thermal insulation in rocket solid fuel motors. A breakdown of the insulating material is given with examples of polymers used to protect motor internal surface at combustion of fuel and its high-temperature products. Tests were carried out in the work for selected polymer materials used at production of rocket solid fuel motors, and the polymer was indicated with the best ablative properties. The method of testing consisted of physicochemical and mechanical tests. Per-forming DSC and TG measurements made it possible to observe the phase transformations of a given material under the influence of temperature changes.
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The paper discusses experimental results obtained for a selected group of solid propellants with and without previous thermal loading history. The viscoplastic constitutive model of Chaboche is proposed to model nonlinear properties of the studied material. An effective method of model parameters identification, based on evolutionary algorithms, is applied. The results of numerical simulations are in very good agreement with experimental data.
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