Applying Bitter's theory, the wear of high-chromium ferritic alloys attacked by an abrasive material at 450°C was described. The theory enables the material wear rate to be analysed as a function of the incidence angle of abrasive, with the material loss in volume ascribed separately to the two different wear mechanisms, i.e. microcutting and surface fatigue. After some additional modifications, this theory is also used as a basis to interrelate the effect of wear with individual phase constituents and examine it as a function of the chemical composition of an alloy.
W artykule z zastosowaniem teorii Bittera przedstawiono opis zużycia grupy ferrytycznych stopów wysokochromowych strumieniem ścierniwa w temperaturze 450°C. Teoria ta umożliwia analizę zużycia materiałów w funkcji kąta padania ścierniwa z jednoczesnym rozdzieleniem wielkości ubytków materiałów na mechanizmy składowe, takie jak mikroskrawanie i zmęczenie powierzchniowe. Po zastosowaniu dodatkowych modyfikacji teoria ta stwarza także podstawy do rozdzielenia skutków zużycia na składniki fazowe oraz umożliwia wykonanie analizy w funkcji składu chemicznego stopów.
Magnesium alloys are very interesting engineering materials because of their high strength-to-density ratio. On the other hand, they are characterized by low hardness as well as low erosion resistance. Because of these reasons, their applications in the industry are very limited. The article presents the results of the high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying of the hard cermet coatings onto AZ31 magnesium alloy substrate. Three feedstock powders were used in the process with composition (wt.%): WC-12Co, WC-10Co-4Cr and WC-20Cr3C2Ni. The spray distance (SD) was selected as a variable parameter with values equal to 320 and 400 mm. Observations carried out under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed a typical HVOF-sprayed microstructure with a compact structure and low porosity (below 3 vol.%). The hardness of the manufactured coatings, ranging from 912 HV0.2 to 1328 HV0.2, what was significantly higher than the substrate. The solid particle erosion tests were carried out according to the ASTM G76-04 standard. Erosive experiments were done for 30°, 60° and 90° inclination angles of the nozzle using Al2O3 abrasive. Erosion tests confirm that cermets exhibit substantial erosion resistance better than the substrate. The highest erosion resistance was noted for WC-10Co-4Cr coatings. The erosion rate for cermet coatings was mostly below 0.9 mg/min, whereas for the AZ31 it was more than 1.5 mg/min. In the case of the average erosion value, it was between 12 and 22 times lower than for the substrate. Results analysis reveal that shorter spray distance decreases porosity, increases hardness, and finally supports erosion resistance of the cermets.
W pracy dokonano analizy wpływu kąta padania strumienia cząstek stałych na zużycie erozyjne stali 38GSA i Hardox 500. Podstawą analizy było założenie istnienia korelacji między szybkością erozji i właściwościami mechanicznymi materiału reprezentowanymi przez pracę odkształcenia (W0) wyznaczoną z wykresu rozciągania do zerwania i udarność (U). Kąt padania cząstek piasku kwarcowego (30, 60 i 90°) uwzględniano poprzez rozdzielenie energii kinetycznej atakujących cząstek na kierunek prostopadły i styczny do powierzchni erodowanej.
The paper investigated the influence of the impact angle of a solid particle jet on the erosion wear of 38GSA and Hardox 500 steel. The basis of the analysis was the assumption of the existence of a correlation between mechanical properties of the material, represented by the work of deformation (P) determined from the stressstrain diagram (U). The impact angle of quartz sand particles (30, 60, and 90 °) was considered through the separation of kinetic energy of particles impacting the eroded surface perpendicularly and tangentially.
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