Jednym z istotnych efektów projektu badawczego KBN Nr TO7E 01012 [1], kierowanego w latach 1996-1999 przez Profesora S. Pisarczyka, było opracowanie projektu i wykonanie prototypu nowej sondy obrotowej, nazwanej piezosondą PZO-1 [2], która umożliwia podczas ścinania gruntu in situ pomiary dodatnich i ujemnych (ssanie) ciśnień wody w porach. Pomiary ciśnień przeprowadzane są za pomocą dwóch niezależnych układów tensjometrycznych, rozpoczynających się ceramicznymi krążkami na przeciwległych powierzchniach jednego ze skrzydełek sondy. Wartości ciśnień wody w porach umożliwiają kontrolę stanu naprężeń efektywnych, który uwzględniany jest w interpretacji wyników badań. Artykuł zawiera opis konstrukcji sondy, jej możliwości i ograniczenia oraz perspektywy określania dodatkowych danych, cennych dla rozpoznania warunków geotechnicznych projektowanych budowli. Perspektywy te dotyczą badań gruntów nienasyconych, określania położenia zwierciadła wody gruntowej i charakterystyk hydraulicznych gruntów słabonośnych.
The new PZO-1 piezovane, capable of pore pressure measurements, solves one of the most recalcitrant problems faced by foundation engineers, namely; finding the on-site characteristics of compressible soils, in particular organie soils such as peat and organic clays. This paper describes the construction, features and functions of the PZO-1, together with measurement procedures and the interpretation of results for relative to their stress distribution and history. Some pilot test results on peat deposits in the Biebrza valley are also included. The interpretation of the measurements of hydrostatic pressure prior to shearing and pore pressure during shearing shows that the PZO-1 supplies far more of the data required for foundation design than existing probes.
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The aim of this article is to present the results of statistical analyses of laboratory experiment results obtained from an ITB ZW-K2 apparatus, Kamieński tubes and grain-size distribution curves. Beside basic statistical parameters (mean, sum, minimum and maximum), correlation analysis and multivariate analysis of variance at significance levels ? < 0.01 and ? < 0.05 were taken into account, as well as calculations of LSD confidence half-intervals. The research material was collected from the valley of the Odra river near the town of Słubice in Lubuskie province. The research involved mineral, non-rock fine-grained, non-cohesive soils lying at the depth of 0.3-1.5 m.
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DMT is one of the most popular methods of determining soil parameters needed to design a safe construction. Apart from the basic outcome parameter obtained from DMT measurements hydraulic conductivity (k) can be determined, previously proposed DMTA and DMTC methods were modified. The basic idea of the method is that the return of the deformed membrane is due to soil and water pressure. In the proposed SASK method the hydraulic conductivity of the soil is determined by measuring time-varying pressures A and C. Research has been performed at the experimental site of the Department of Geotechnical Engineering, WULS. In the paper, the assumptions of the new method for determining the hydraulic conductivity k are presented. The proposed method allows us to determine a reliable value for the hydraulic conductivity of clay soils. Using this method, the value of hydraulic conductivity (k = 5,47*10–11) is similar to the results of BAT, DMTA and laboratory measurements.
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