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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu uproszczeń uprawowych na kształtowanie różnych parametrów struktury warstwy wierzchniej czarnej ziemi. Do analiz pobrano agregaty glebowe o objętości 1 cm3 z dwóch głębokości (7,5 i 22,5 cm), z dwóch serii poletek doświadczalnych. Na poletkach uprawiana była od dziewięciu lat kukurydza w monokulturze w systemach uprawy: konwencjonalnej, uproszczonej i zerowej. Badano takie parametry struktury, jak wodoodporność i agregację wtórną. Wykazano, iż wieloletnia monokulturowa uprawa roli różnymi systemami spowodowała widoczne, mierzalne różnice w wybranych właściwościach fizyczno-chemicznych gleby, a więc w gęstości, porowatości oraz zawartości materii organicznej. Konsekwencją zmian tych właściwości były zauważalne różnice w wodoodporności agregatów pobranych z różnych systemów uprawy.
The paper presents the results of a research on the impact of cultivation simplifications on formation of various parameters of black earth topsoil structure. Soil aggregates 1 cm3 in volume have been taken for analyses from two depth levels (7.5 and 22.5 cm), from two series of experimental plots. These plots have been used for nine years to grow corn in monoculture using the following cultivation systems: conventional, simplified, and zero. Examined structure parameters included: water resistance and secondary aggregation. It has been proven that monoculture soil cultivation carried out for many years using various systems caused visible, measurable differences in selected physical and chemical properties of soil, that is in density, porosity and organic matter content. Noticeable differences in water resistance of aggregates taken from various cultivation systems have been observed as a consequence of changes in these properties.
The subject of the article is to assess the effectiveness of using the reinforcement system in road construction (surface, foundation, subgrade), treated as the multilayer system of granular soil. In the first part of the paper the authors use analytical models of friable layers of soil with horizontal inserts in order to evaluate the bearing capacity of the reinforced road surface, basing on results of the experimental research realized on physical models on a laboratory scale. The second part takes the form of a diagnosis as regards the possibility of quantitative estimations of the bearing capacity, and provides the bases of procedures aiming at the assessment of the bearing capacity of the reinforced soil by means of advanced methods and approaches in geotechnical engineering and theoretical mechanics.
Modern climatic changes, in particular, changes in the amount and intensity of soil moisture (precipitation regime), have a significant impact on the water-physical properties of mineral soils. The state of soil’s solid phase and the mutual arrangement of its structural particles can be considered as the most significant factor for soil properties. Due to the structure of the soil, it is possible to influence the uniformity of the distribution of water in the soil sample not only in the vertical direction, but, partially, also in the horizontal direction, which will allow to resolve the issue of local flooding of individual areas and the bearing capacity of mineral soils. For the analysis of changes in the water-physical properties of the soil environment, the soil was considered as a homogeneous in density and continuous environment formed by a set of separate structural aggregates connected by cohesive forces. Based on the experimental results of the physical modelling, it was determined that the presence of structural soil macroaggregates with a size of 4 to 6 mm is the most appropriate for slowing down the vertical filtration of water saturating the lower soil layers, and the formation of structural soil macroaggregates of size larger than 6 to 10 mm for the predominant types of soils is necessary to increase the vertical filtration. Due to the size of the formed macroaggregates, it is possible to predict a change in the water-physical parameters of the soil, which then can be used for the assessment of the calculated characteristics of the soil environment.
This work presents the results of research on the influence of aggregate structure of the arable layer of rendzina in shaping its hydrophysical characteristics, i.e: - the ability of retaining water in the process of drying and wetting, water conductivity in the saturated and unsaturated zones; and the ability of returning water to the atmosphere. A close interdependence between the dimensions of rendzina aggregates, and all the above mentioned hydrophysical characteristics, was noted in the present research.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu budowy agregatowej warstwy ornej rędziny na kształtowanie się jej hydrofizycznych charakterystyk, tj. zdolność do retencjonowania wody w procesie osuszania i nawilżania, przewodnictwo wodne w strefie nasyconej i nienasyconej oraz zdolność gleby do oddawania wody atmosferze. Stwierdzono ścisłe zależności pomiędzy wielkością agregatów rędziny a wszystkimi w. w. charakterystykami hydrofizycznymi.
Since biochar is considered to be a significant source of carbon, in this work we have evaluated the changes in soil organic matter (SOM) and soil structure due to application of biochar and biochar with N fertilization, and have considered the interrelationships between the SOM parameters and the soil structure. The soil samples were collected from Haplic Luvisol at the locality of Dolná Malanta (Slovakia) during 2017. The field experiment included three rates of biochar application (B0 – no biochar, B10 – biochar at the rate of 10 t ha-1, B20 – biochar at the rate of 20 t ha-1) and three levels of N fertilization (N0 – no nitrogen, N160 – nitrogen at the rate of 160 kg ha-1, N240 – nitrogen at the rate of 240 kg ha-1). The rate of biochar at 20 t ha-1 caused an increase in the organic carbon (Corg) content. The combination of both rates of biochar with 160 and 240 kg N ha-1 also caused an increase in Corg. In the case of B20 the extractability of humic substances carbon (CHS) was 17.79% lower than at B0. A significant drop was also observed in the values of the extraction of humic acids carbon (CHA) and fulvic acids carbon (CFA) after the addition of biochar at a dose of 20 t ha-1 with 160 kg N ha-1. However, both rates of biochar had a significant effect at 240 kg N ha-1. After application of 20 t ha-1 of biochar the content of water-stable macro-aggregates (WSAma) significantly increased compared to control. This rate of biochar also increased the mean weight diameter (MWDW) and the index of water-stable aggregates (Sw) and decreased the coefficient of vulnerability (Kv). The biochar at a rate of 20 t ha-1 with 240 kg N ha-1 the value of MWDW increased and value of Kv decreased significantly. The contents of Corg and CL correlated positively with WSAma, MWDW and Sw and negatively with WSAmi and Kv. The extraction of CHA and CFA was in negative relationship with MWDW. We conclude that the application of biochar and biochar combined with N fertilizer had a positive influence on SOM and soil structure.
The issues of soil fertility preservation are relevant in all countries of the world. Concrete actions, technological and organisational solutions allowing to overcome this complex and continuous phenomenon by using exclusively agroengineering approaches are proposed. The preservation of the structure of agricultural soils requires urgent adoption of technological and organisational decisions in the following areas: maximum limitation of immobilisation of nitrogen in the soil after introduction of organic residues into the soil; development of technological methods and tools for the soil cultivation, aimed at loosening the surface layer of the soil with a minimum area of its contact with the airborne environment; improvement of the fundamentals of aggregation of agricultural machines, taking into account the maximum permissible slipping of wheeled energy facilities at the level of 15%, and a conceptual approach to their ballasting with respect to the requirements of the tire ecophilicity; application of a soil structure indicator when determining the ploughing frequency by means of ploughs with skimmers or their twotier analogs; wide practical application of the controlled traffic farming system; adoption of a legislative document on specific conformity of the land users for the level of soil fertility for agricultural purposes.
Soil organic matter (SOM) is an essential soil constituent. The deficiency of SOM is an essential problem in many regions in Poland. Diversity of organic matter and the environment create varying structures and compositions, and thus differences in properties of humic substances (HS) especially humic acids (HAs). It was found that soil amendment with organic matter resulted in improving of soil and HAs properties compared with non-treatment ones. The results obtained provided the following evidences. With respect to HAs: an increasing content of carboxylic groups in HAs from amended soils; a major content of aromatic ring systems; higher carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulphur and lower oxygen contents comparing to the control; the addition of straw caused an increase of carbon content in HAs particles and, consequently a decrease of the C:H ratio; higher content of oxygen functional groups compared with non-treated ones. Organic matter from straw is more resistant to fast decomposition as compared to compost and it shows higher long-term sorption capacity. Therefore, straw may be an equivalent to natural sources of SOM in terms of agriculture and ecosystems protection.
W zależności od rodzaju egzogennej materii organicznej (obornik, kompost, słoma) wprowadzonej do gleb wyekstrahowane kwasy huminowe charakteryzowały się różnymi właściwościami. Stwierdzono, że w kwasach huminowych wystąpił wzrost zawartości grup karboksylowych i fenolowych, większy udział struktur aromatycznych. W kwasach huminowych z gleb nawożonych stwierdzono większą zawartość węgla, wodoru, azotu i siarki oraz niższą zawartość tlenu w porównaniu do kwasów huminowych z gleb bez dodatku egzogennej materii organicznej. Dodatek słomy spowodował wzrost zawartości węgla w składzie pierwiastkowym kwasów huminowych a w konsekwencji zmniejszenie stosunku C:H. Materia organiczna ze słomy jest bardziej odporna na szybki rozkład w porównaniu z kompostem.
Assessment of changes in porosity (ö) along depth for soils with surface crusting is difficult because conventional soil physical investigation tools are destructive and usually require a long period of time for preparation and analysis of the samples. Computed tomography (CT) has frequently been used as a method to evaluate soil structure in a nondestructive, sensitive, and rapid manner. CT data can be used for measuring at a millimetric scale changes in ö along depth for soils with surface crusting. The main objective of this work was to investigate the sensibility of the gamma-ray CT to assess soil structural changes along depth in samples presenting structural crust. CT images were taken with a first generation scanner of 1.14 mm resolution along eight different soil layers within the 0 28 mm depth. Porosity increased along depth up to the 14 17.5 mm layer. Through the analysis of the ö distribution of each layer it was possible to show that the sealed surface layer presented ö values of approximately 30%, while the other layers were greater than 30% up to 60% (macropore regions). The sealing crust thickness was estimated to be in the range of 2.3 3.5 mm.
The Miocene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep are relatively poorly recognized in geotechnical terms. The article analyzes the properties of the Krakowiec clays of the Przemyśl region, in particular physical and deformation parameters. In this part of the Carpathian Foredeep, clay usually occurs at considerable depth under younger Quaternary deposits. Particular attention was paid to the structural characterization of the tested samples. Structural heterogeneity of the studied clay, noticeable already at the stage of macroscopic studies, causes difficulties in conducting laboratory tests of strength parameters, especially the angle of internal friction and cohesion. The specific, layered, claysilt structure may cause difficulties in assessing load-bearing capacity and stability of the ground made of this type of soil. The unusual structure should draw attention of the contractors of geological-engineering and geotechnical documentation and encourage them to check mechanical properties by testing material with direct methods. An important issue is also forecasting changes in strain parameters in relation to the estimation of the effects of settlements of engineering structures.
Iły mioceńskie Zapadliska Przedkarpackiego są dość słabo rozpoznane pod względem geotechnicznym. W artykule przeanalizowano właściwości iłów krakowieckich rejonu Przemyśla, w szczególności parametry fizyczne i odkształceniowe. W tej części Zapadliska Przedkarpackiego iły występują przeważnie na znacznych głębokościach pod nakładem młodszych osadów czwartorzędowych. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na charakterystykę strukturalną badanych próbek. Niejednorodność strukturalna badanych iłów, zauważalna już na etapie badań makroskopowych, powoduje trudności w przeprowadzaniu badań laboratoryjnych parametrów wytrzymałościowych, głównie kąta tarcia wewnętrznego i spójności. Specyficzna warstwowana iłowo-pyłowa budowa może powodować trudności w ocenie nośności i stateczności podłoża zbudowanego z tego typu gruntów. Nietypowa struktura powinna zwrócić uwagę wykonawców dokumentacji geologiczno-inżynierskich i geotechnicznych i skłonić ich do sprawdzenia właściwości mechanicznych poprzez badania materiału metodami bezpośrednimi. Ważną kwestią jest również prognozowanie zmian parametrów odkształceniowych w nawiązaniu do szacowania skutków osiadań obiektów inżynierskich.
Digitalizacja danych geologicznych oraz geotechnicznych jest obecnie intensywnie i szeroko rozwijana. Jednym z powodów jest łatwiejszy proces wymiany danych poprzez zastosowanie cyfrowej wersji dokumentacji geologiczno-inżynierskiej, a także brak dostatecznej informacji na temat warunków wodno-gruntowych o danym obiekcie budowlanym w tworzonych modelach BIM. W artykule opisano różne możliwości wykorzystania cyfrowej informacji o podłożu gruntowym, uzyskanej z badań polowych w makro- i mikroskali oraz badań laboratoryjnych, zapisanej w jednym z cyfrowych formatów – AGS. Statystyczna analiza wyników badań i jej interpretacja, przekroje geologiczne, generowanie modelu gruntu opisanego zależnościami matematycznymi (model Mohra-Coulomba, hardening soil) do modelu numerycznego MES 3D to niektóre z możliwości, które obecnie pozwalają na tworzenie cyfrowych platform geotechnicznych przez biura projektowe. W drugiej części pracy opisano przykładowe zastosowanie narzędzi modelowania parametrycznego do automatyzacji projektowania geotechnicznego interakcji konstrukcji obiektu budowlanego z podłożem gruntowym. W pracy zaprezentowano przykład wykorzystania gotowych modeli BIM w programach geotechnicznych, wykorzystując środowisko Rhino-Grasshopper. Schematy blokowe obrazujące przepływ informacji pomiędzy programami do modelowania BIM (Revit, ArchiCAD), obliczeń konstrukcji (ARSA) i analiz geotechnicznych (Plaxis, ZSoil) pokazują szerokie możliwości działania zgodnie z ideą OpenBIM.
The geological and geotechnical data are currently extensively digitized on a wide scale. One of the reasons for this is the facilitation of data exchange using a digital version of geoengineering documentation as well as the lack of sufficient information on soil and ground water conditions of the given structure in the BIM models being developed. The article describes various possibilities of using digital information about the ground obtained from the field investigation in macro and micro scale and laboratory tests, recorded in one of the digital formats – AGS. The statistical analysis of research results and its interpretation, geological cross-sections, generation of soil model described by mathematical relations (Mohr-Coulomb model, hardening soil) to be included in a FEM 3D numerical model are just a few possibilities which are made available to us thanks to the geotechnical platforms that are currently created by the design offices. The second part of the work describes an example showing the use of tools in the automation of the geotechnical design of the interaction between a structure and the ground using the parametric modelling technology. The paper presents an example of the application of the ready-made BIM models in geotechnical tools using the Rhino-Grasshopper environment. Block diagrams presenting the information flow between the BIM modelling programs (Revit, ArchiCAD), construction calculations (ARSA), and geotechnical analyses (Plaxis, ZSoil) show wide possibilities of applying these tools in accordance with the concept of OpenBIM.
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