A social system is represented by the Barabasi-Albert model. At each node of the graph, an Ising spin is placed, S=š1, with antiferromagnetic interaction between connected nodes. The time to reach equilibrium via Glauber kinetics does not depend on system size. The average energy associated with the rare spin flips in equilibrium oscillates with the number m of edges of new nodes. The conclusions are illustrated with events from recent European history, where after some strong change a rather immobile society evolved.
Omówiono kamienie milowe ekonofizyki a także socjofizyki wybrane w kontekście wyzwań, jakie stawia współczesna społeczno-ekonomiczna rzeczywistość. Wskazano na ich rolę w budowaniu obszarów badawczych ekonofizyki i socjofizyki [1, 2, 3, 4 ].
We discuss the milestones of econophysics and sociophysics. We chose them in the context of the challenges posed by contemporary socio-economic reality. We indicate their role in building research areas in econophysics and sociophysics [1, 2, 3, 4 ].
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