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Aim. The study intends to determine the influence of socio-economic status on academic interest of secondary school students in Meghalaya. The study was conducted in two districts of Meghalaya i.e., in East Jaintia Hills and West Jaintia Hills Districts. Method. The researcher used sequential explanatory design for collecting the necessary information. The procedure of data collection was that the researcher constructed a semi-structured interview schedule whereby it was validated by the experts in the field of education. In order to determine the influence of socio-economic status on academic interest of secondary school students, the researcher conducted an in-depth interview on 50 secondary school students who were studying in class X. These students were selected purposively from two districts of Meghalaya. The interview was conducted at school premises and the necessary information collected from students was recorded and transcribed to obtain the results. Results. Based on the interview conducted, the study found that socio-economic status did not influence the academic interest of the secondary school students; however, student’s high aspirations, their interest in various subjects, their ambitions, determination and will power to work hard in their studies influence their academic interest. Conclusion. Socio-economic status was not found to have influences on the academic interest of the secondary school students and on the whole the present study suggested for teachers and parents to work cooperatively in order to help students realize their goals and desires.
The meaning of life is an incredibly important indicator of psychological health, deficit of which may lead to numerous disorders and a lack of motivation to face everyday-life difficulties. A subjective vitality was defined as a subjective experience of the full energy and liveliness. Taking into account the fact that the subjective vitality and material status of a family are incredibly important variables looked at in the studies on school children and youth, we decided to check their relationship with the concept of the meaning of life among the youth. The survey-based experiment was conducted in 2016 in the schools. There were 643 participants – students of the grades 1-3 of the secondary school (358 boys, and 285 girls). The analysis showed that the gender and the grade of the students did not significantly affect the perceived meaning of life. However, there was a significant difference in the vitality between boys and also the grade 1 students compared to the girls and the grade 3 students. Girls and the grade 3 students were more likely to describe their families as poor. There was a significant interaction between the average meaning of life and the level of vitality among the students. The regression analysis showed that an average level of the vitality increased the likelihood of a high meaning of life almost three fold [OR = 2,91], and a high level of the vitality of life increased the likelihood of a high meaning of life almost eight fold [OR = 7,71].
The aim of this study is to assess the biological status of girls from landless rural families - daughters of working fathers, and those of unemployed fathers. The measures include age at menarche, body height and weight, and the body mass index (BMI). The study of rural girls was conducted in 2001; a total of 9599 girls aged 9-18 were examined. The material used in the present article only embraces girls from non-farming rural families (N = 4476). It was divided into daughters of working fathers (86.5%) and those of unemployed fathers (13.5%). Daughters of working fathers mature earlier than those of unemployed fathers. The difference in the age at menarche is 0.39 years and is statistically significant. The age at menarche of daughters of unemployed fathers approximates the menarchal age of daughters from farming families with many children (5 or more) in which both parents have elementary education. In groups similar in terms of the father's education and the number of children in the family, daughters of unemployed fathers display a later age at menarche and a lower body height and weight. These results support the statement that a father's lack of employment affects the biological status of his daughters.
W Polsce bezrobocie zostało dostrzeżone jako negatywne zjawisko społeczne po zmianach systemowych, jakie miały miejsce w 1989 roku. Wzrost bezrobocia powoduje pogorszenie sytuacji ekonomicznej rodzin, co może wpływać na rozwój biologiczny dzieci i młodzieży. Celem pracy jest ocena kondycji biologicznej dziewcząt z wiejskich rodzin bezrolnych, zróżnicowanych ze względu na status zatrudnienia ich ojców: córek ojców pracujących oraz bezrobotnych (tabela 1). W przedstawianej pracy za mierniki kondycji biologicznej przyjęto: wiek menarche, wysokość i masę ciała oraz wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI). Badania dziewcząt wiejskich zostały przeprowadzone w 2001 roku w czterech różnych rejonach kraju. Łącznie zbadano 9.599 dziewcząt w wieku 9 - 18 lat. Materiał niniejszego artykułu stanowią jedynie dziewczęta pochodzące z wiejskich rodzin nierolniczych. Liczebność tej grupy wynosiła 4.476 dziewcząt, co stanowi 46,6% ogółu zbadanych dziewcząt. Grupa ta została podzielona na córki ojców pracujących - 86,5% (N = 3.646) oraz bezrobotnych - 13,5% (N = 567). Strukturę rodzin tych dziewcząt przedstawia tabela 2, a ich sytuację materialną - tabela 3.Córki ojców pracujących dojrzewają wcześniej niż córki ojców bezrobotnych. Różnica w tempie dojrzewania w badanych grupach wynosi 0,39 roku i jest istotna statystycznie. Wiek menarche córek ojców bezrobotnych wynosi 13,51 roku i jest wyższy niż we wszystkich wyróżnionych grupach społeczno-zawodowych dziewcząt wiejskich badanych w 2001 roku (rolnicza, rolniczo-robotnicza, nierolnicza). Wiek pojawienia się pierwszej miesiączki u córek ojców bezrobotnych jest zbliżony do wieku dojrzewania córek z rodzin rolniczych, wielodzietnych (5 i więcej dzieci), w których oboje rodzice posiadają wykształcenie podstawowe (tabele 4-6). W grupach wyrównanych pod względem wykształcenia ojca oraz dzietności rodzin córki ojców bezrobotnych odznaczają się wyższym wiekiem menarche oraz mniejszą wysokością i masą ciała (tabela 7). Przedstawione wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że bezrobocie ojca wpływa na stan biologiczny ich córek. Wpływ ten jest znacząco większy na tempo dojrzewania niż na wysokość i masę ciała.
This paper examines whether socio-economic status influences residential outcomes (e.g. proximity to Whites) equally across minority groups. Using tract-level data from 2000 U.S. Census for Los Angeles County, California, this paper investigates the relationship between high income status of a neighborhood and proximity to Whites by mapping residential distribution of major racial groups in comparison to residential patterns of affluent minorities in Los Angeles. The findings have implications for theories of residential segregation and locational attainment.
Introduction. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-2, possesses varying degrees of susceptibility and lethality worldwide and WHO declared this as a pandemic of this century. Aim. In this background, the aim of this present narrative is to provide a complementary overview of how low iron stores and mild anemia offers protection from infectious diseases like COVID-19 by restricting the viral replication and also to suggest some potential adjuvant therapeutic interventions. Material and methods. Therefore, we performed a literature search reviewing pertinent articles and documents. PubMed, Google Scholar, Chemrxiv, MedRxiv, BioRxiv, Preprints and ResearchGate were investigated. Analysis of the literature. Recent studies reported drastic systemic events taking place that contribute to the severe clinical outcomes such as decreased hemoglobin indicating anemia, hypoxia, altered iron metabolism, hypercoagulability, oxidative stress, cytokine storm, hyper-ferritinemia and thus Multi Organ Failure, reportedly hailed as the hallmark of the COVID-19 hyper-inflammatory state. Interestingly it is globally observed that, countries with higher Socio-economic status (SES) have considerably lower prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) but higher Case Fatality Rate (CFR) rate due to COVID-19 while, low SES countries characterized by the higher prevalence of IDA, are less affected to COVID-19 infection and found to have less CFR, which is almost half to that of the higher SES counterpart. Conclusion. Present review presumed that,low iron stores and mild anemia may play a beneficial role in some cases by offering protection from infectious diseases as low iron restricts the viral replication.Thus, suggested iron chelation or iron sequestration as an alternative beneficial adjuvant in treating COVID-19 infection.
The article presents the findings from the study of socio-economic status (SES) of students of several Polish higher education institutions that differ in prestige. The author tries to answer the following question: what determines individual choices of which tertiary school to study at? The question is particularly seminal in the context of Polish higher education system, which can be rightly perceived to be highly stratified in prestige and quality of schools and very diverse in terms of social composition of student body, the latter being, inter alia, the reflection of the higher education expansion processes. The literature on inequality of educational opportunity explicitly shows that students of higher education institutions of different prestige differ significantly in their social background. This hypothesis clearly holds in the light of data collected for this study. This allows one to make a second hypothesis: horizontal inequalities in access to Polish higher education are evident. They imply a situation, in which some school leavers enrol at higher education institutions of lower prestige for reasons other than their educational achievement (fulfilling admission criteria). The article not only proves the existence of horizontal inequalities, but also identifies the demand-side factors that bring them about and assesses their relative strength. The study is based on the survey which has been conducted in the second quarter of 2015 on the sample of Polish first and second year bachelor students in economic disciplines at both public and private tertiary schools in Poland.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym studentów kilku polskich uczelni różniących się pod względem prestiżu. Starano się w nim odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Co sprawia, że dana osoba wybiera studia na tej, a nie innej uczelni wyższej? Pytanie to ma szczególną wagę w kontekście polskiego systemu szkolnictwa wyższego, co do którego uzasadnione wydają się założenia o zróżnicowaniu jakościowym uczelni oraz wynikającym z umasowienia kształcenia na tym szczeblu zróżnicowaniu społecznym osób podejmujących studia na poszczególnych uczelniach. Dorobek badań nad nierównościami szans edukacyjnych wyraźnie sugeruje, że studenci uczelni o różnym poziomie prestiżu istotnie różnią się pod względem statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego. Potwierdzenie tej hipotezy w zgromadzonych danych pozwoliło na weryfikację kolejnej: można mówić o istnieniu horyzontalnych nierówności w dostępie do szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, czyli sytuacji, w której część osób podejmuje studia na uczelniach o niższym prestiżu z powodów innych niż przygotowanie szkolne (spełnianie kryteriów kwalifikacji). Interesujące przy tym jest nie tyle samo odnotowanie tego zjawiska, ile rozpoznanie jego zakresu oraz wywołujących go czynników, a także ich relatywnej siły. Mające temu służyć badanie ankietowe przeprowadzono w drugim kwartale 2015 r. na populacji polskich studentów I i II roku studiów I stopnia w dziedzinie nauk ekonomicznych na uczelniach publicznych i niepublicznych w Polsce.
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the socio-economic and lifestyle factors associated with biological status of Polish men. Data were collected during a cross-sectional survey carried out in Poznań and several localities in Western Poland, between 2000 and 2002. The sample consisted of 2509 men ranging from 30 to 90 years of age. Biological status was expressed in terms of functional-biological age (BA) computed as a composite z-score of 11 biomarkers according to the method proposed by Borkan and Norris [1980a], and physiological reserve index (PR) developed by Goffauxet al.[2005]. The average biological age profiles (BAP) were compared in several subgroups of participants. The subgroups were categorized based on demographic, socio-economic and lifestyle characteristics. It was found that values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, BMI, physical and emotional aging indicators and perceived satisfaction with life were significantly associated with most of the study factors, except for smoking habit and education level. The multivariate logistic regression models revealed that two factors, financial situation and physical activity, were significantly associated with the physiological reserve index estimation. The study confirmed the role of the socio-economic and lifestyle factors likely to play in men's biological status and aging rates.
Celem pracy była ocena wybranych czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych oraz elementów stylu życia wywierających wpływ na stan biologiczny mężczyzn. Badaną grupę stanowiło 2509 mężczyzn w wieku od 30 do 90 lat, pochodzących z różnych warstw społeczno-ekonomicznych. Badania, przeprowadzone w latach 2000-2002 na terenie Poznania oraz zachodniej Polski, miały charakter przekrojowy. Stan biologiczny określano posługując się koncepcją wieku biologicznego zaproponowaną przez Borkana i Norrisa [1980a] oraz metodą wyznaczania wskaźnika rezerwy fizjologicznej (PR) opracowaną przez Goffauxet al. [2005] (ryc. 1). Wiek biologiczny określano na podstawie 11 biomarkerów obejmujących pomiary antropometryczne, charakterystyki układu krążenia i biochemiczne, jakość życia oraz emocjonalne i fizyczne objawy towarzyszące starzeniu się mężczyzn (ryc. 2). Posługując się formułą [(wartość obserwowana - mediana)/odległość kwartylowa], uzyskiwano wartości z, które przypisywano do kategorii wieku biologicznego: młodszy (ujemne wartości) i starszy (dodatnie wartości) od przeciętnego. Następnie wykreślano profile wieku biologicznego, odrębnie w grupie mężczyzn młodszych (mniej niż 50 lat) oraz starszych (50 lat i więcej), kategoryzowanych w zależności od czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych oraz określających styl życia. Wartość wskaźnika PR uzyskano sumując wszystkie wartości z dla każdego osobnika.Charakterystykę próby przedstawiono w tabeli 1. Wykazano, że mężczyźni chronologicznie młodsi byli również biologicznie młodsi w porównaniu z mężczyznami chronologicznie starszymi (ryc. 3). Stwierdzono, że w obu grupach wieku parametrami najczęściej istotnie różniącymi się pomiędzy grupami o odmiennym statusie społecznym oraz stylu życia były parametry określające ciśnienie krwi, BMI, fizyczne i emocjonalne objawy towarzyszące starzeniu się oraz jakość życia. Poziom wykształcenia oraz palenie papierosów najsłabiej różnicowały wiek biologiczny mężczyzn w obu grupach wieku (tab. 2). Na ryc. 4 przedstawiono profile wieku biologicznego wyznaczone dla mężczyzn kategoryzowanych w zależności od stanu cywilnego, poziomu wykształcenia, miejsca zamieszkania, sytuacji finansowej, aktywności fizycznej oraz palenia papierosów. Analiza regresji logistycznej wykazała, że sytuacja finansowa oraz aktywność fizyczna, były istotnie powiązane z wskaźnikiem rezerwy fizjologicznej PR, kompleksowo oceniającym wiek biologiczny badanych mężczyzn (tab. 3). Wyniki uzyskane w pracy potwierdzają wpływ czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych oraz stylu życia na zróżnicowanie stanu biologicznego oraz wskaźników starzenia się mężczyzn.
The article examines the influence of the social status of university graduates in the Czech Republic on their situation in post-mass higher education. More specifically, it tests the validity of hypotheses concerning the impact of family background, income level, reselection of the field of study, and the extent of saturation of prestigious fields (medicine, law) with individuals from elite backgrounds by applying the socio-economic status (SES) concept and the theory of maximally maintained inequality. The hypotheses are tested on the Graduate 2018 survey dataset. The research results confirm the persistent importance of parents' education on graduates' SES. The income security of graduates affects their life satisfaction to a certain degree but has no effect on the reselection of their field of study. The results also show the above-average saturation of medical and legal disciplines by graduates with elite status.
This study examines the association between vocational school students' aspirations for higher education and different factors that may be related to their social background. Using cultural reproduction and relative risk aversion (RRA) theories, the study draws on data from 7060 students of four-year vocational upper secondary school programmes in Croatia. A multinomial logistic model with a random intercept was applied, in which students' aspirations for pursuing higher education served as the outcome variable. Apart from indicators of socio-economic status (SES), vocational school students' characteristics related to cultural habits and behaviours, as well as their concerns with downward mobility, were used as regressor variables in the analysis. All three constructs showed independent effects on aspirations for higher education, controlling for vocational sector, gender, school achievement, and school year. Further, a moderation effect was identified, indicating that the association between cultural capital and aspirations for higher education was stronger among students with more educated parents. In contrast to previous studies, the findings point to the potential complementarity of cultural capital and RRA concerning educational aspirations. We discuss the implications of the study and directions for future research.
Lake Limboto, situated in Gorontalo, Indonesia, confronts severe threats jeopardizing its sustainability. Widespread deforestation in the watershed area has led to excessive sedimentation within the lake, consequently diminishing its water storage capacity and compromising its flood control function. This degradation has manifested itself in downstream droughts during the dry season and flooding during the rainy season. Historical data reveals a stark reduction in Lake Limboto’s size, plummeting from approximately 3,644.5 ha in 1991 to around 2,693.9 ha in 2017. This study aims to provide comprehensive examination of the interplay between the socioeconomic status of the local community and their understanding of the lake ecosystem. Furthermore, it delves into how these factors produce synergies that shape and impact community involvement in sustainable lake management initiatives. Hypothesis testing yielded significant results, affirming the existence of a positive correlation between socioeconomic status, knowledge of the lake ecosystem, and active community participation in sustainable lake management efforts. The findings underscore the critical importance of socioeconomic factors that need to be considered when designing strategies for the preservation and sustainable management of Lake Limboto. Integrating the community into conservation initiatives is necessary, given their intrinsic relationship with the lake. By acknowledging and leveraging the nexus between socioeconomic status, ecological knowledge, and active participation, stakeholders can formulate more effective and inclusive strategies for safeguarding Lake Limboto’s ecological integrity. This study contributes valuable insights for policymakers, environmentalists, and local communities alike, emphasizing the necessity of collaborative efforts to ensure the long-term resilience and vitality of Lake Limboto.
Self-rated health is an important measure of health status and outcomes and plays a significant role in the quality of life. The main purpose of the study was to estimate selected demographic and socio-economic factors associated with perceived health status among middle-aged Polish people. The sample being studied consisted of 5,776 women and 2,191 men aged 35-65 years, participants of two nation-wide cross-sectional surveys: the survey on middle-aged women’s health and quality of life (WOMID) and the survey on men’s health and quality of life, both conducted in 2000-2004. Participants were administered a gender-specific questionnaire on demographic, socio-economic status, lifestyle behaviours and self-rated health. The subjectively evaluated health status was then correlated with sex, age, marital status, place of residence, education level, financial situation, types of leisure time and the tobacco use. Data were processed using uni- and multivariate statistical procedures including the logistic regression models LOGITs and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). It was found that the perceived health status was associated with women’s and men’s age, and in women with their menopausal status. Women were likely to evaluate their health significantly worse than men. It was found that marital status, educational attainment and financial well-off were the factors significantly associated with perceived health status in both women and men. In concluding remarks it should be stated that the health perception of women and men in mid-life is significantly related to their socio-economic status.
Literacy skills of Roma children throughout Europe are shown to be significantly lower compared with their non-Roma peers. This fact is frequently attributed to the substandard socio-economic status (SES) of the Roma population. However, there is little empirical substantiation for the extent to which the SES of Roma children can be associated with poor literacy skills, as well as the extent to which remedial programs aimed to enhance those skills can be effective after school starts. The presented study aimed to analyze comparatively the relationship between SES and one of the literacy predictors, phonemic awareness (PA), of 171 Roma (n = 42) and non-Roma (n = 129) first-graders, and the effectiveness of a classroom intervention program aimed to enhance this skill. Results showed that a) PA of Roma 1st graders is significantly lower than that of their non-Roma peers coming from the same community, but the difference is significantly reduced after accounting for SES, b) there are important inter-ethnical differences between Roma and non-Roma when PA is correlated with socio-economic indicators, c) intervention programs aimed to increase the PA of Roma children should begin earlier than 1st grade, if expected to produce significant effects above and beyond those generated by regular classroom activities and d) the development of the PA of Roma and non-Roma children has a similar growth rate once they start receiving formal education.
Poczucie sensu życia to niezwykle istotny wskaźnik zdrowia psychicznego, którego deficyt może prowadzić do wielu zaburzeń oraz braku motywacji do podejmowania trudów dnia codziennego. Subiektywna witalność została zdefiniowana jako subiektywne doświadczenie pełni energii i żywotności. Biorąc pod uwagę, że subiektywna witalność oraz status materialny rodziny są niezwykle ważnymi zmiennymi stosowanymi w badaniach dzieci i młodzieży szkolnej, postanowiono sprawdzić ich związek z poczuciem sensu życia młodzieży. Badanie ankietowe zostało przeprowadzone w 2016 r. na terenie szkół w grupie 643 uczniów klas I oraz III gimnazjum w wieku 13–17 lat (358 chłopców i 285 dziewcząt). Analizy wykazały, że płeć oraz poziom klasy gimnazjum nie różnicuje istotnie statystycznie średniego poziomu sensu życia. Ustalono natomiast, że chłopcy oraz uczniowie I klasy gimnazjum charakteryzowali się istotnie wyższym średnim poziomem witalności w porównaniu z dziewczętami oraz uczniami klas III. Dziewczęta oraz uczniowie III klasy gimnazjum istotnie częściej niż chłopcy i uczniowie młodsi oceniali własną rodzinę jako biedną. Wykazano istotne statystycznie różnice w średnim poziomie sensu życia między uczniami w zależności od ich poziomu witalności. Analiza regresji logistycznej wykazała, że przeciętny poziom witalności blisko trzykrotnie [OR = 2,91], a wysoki poziom prawie ośmiokrotnie [OR = 7,71] zwiększały prawdopodobieństwo wysokiego poziomu sensu życia w porównaniu z uczniami o niskim poziomie witalności.
The meaning of life is an incredibly important indicator of psychological health, deficit of which may lead to numerous disorders and a lack of motivation to face everyday-life difficulties. A subjective vitality was defined as a subjective experience of the full energy and liveliness. Taking into account the fact that the subjective vitality and material status of a family are incredibly important variables looked at in the studies on school children and youth, we decided to check their relationship with the concept of the meaning of life among the youth. The survey-based experiment was conducted in 2016 in the schools. There were 643 participants – students of the grades 1-3 of the secondary school (358 boys, and 285 girls). The analysis showed that the gender and the grade of the students did not significantly affect the perceived meaning of life. However, there was a significant difference in the vitality between boys and also the grade 1 students compared to the girls and the grade 3 students. Girls and the grade 3 students were more likely to describe their families as poor. There was a significant interaction between the average meaning of life and the level of vitality among the students. The regression analysis showed that an average level of the vitality increased the likelihood of a high meaning of life almost three fold [OR = 2,91], and a high level of the vitality of life increased the likelihood of a high meaning of life almost eight fold [OR = 7,71].
BackgroundThe chronic kidney disease, blood hypertension and diabetes are recognized as civilization diseases that affect more and more people. The probability of encountering a patient suffering from these diseases is increasing. As such, it appears crucial to better understand the specific dental needs of such groups of patients. The aim of the work was to assess the oral hygiene status and the needs of patients suffering from the end-stage chronic kidney disease, arterial hypertension or/and diabetes.Material and MethodsTwo hundred and twenty eight patients were included in the research. One hundred and eighty patients were hemodialized in Diaverum dialysis stations and 48 patients were from the Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics Clinic of the Academic Centre of Dentistry in Bytom, Silesian Medical University in Katowice, and from the Dentistry Division of the Arnika Clinic in Zabrze, and were not not diagnosed with any of the diseases mentioned. The research scheme was divided into 3 parts, consisting of an analysis of the general health socio-economic status, a survey and an assessment of oral health.ResultsThe patients who were not suffering from any of the discussed diseases were more aware of how to properly perform hygienic procedures. Most of the patients from both the control and examined groups were not using any rinsing solutions. A higher percentage of patients in the control group was using dental floss, changing their toothbrush every 3 months and brushing their teeth for ≥2 min. The Aproximal Plaque Index and the Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified values in the control group were significantly lower in comparison to the examined group.ConclusionsThe socio-economic status of hemodialized patients was low, which in most cases was a result of the difficulties in starting a job. Due to the lower standards of life, the neglect of oral hygiene maintenance and its consequences could be observed.
BackgroundEpidemiological studies show that an inappropriate healthy lifestyle is a major incidence factor, inter alia, for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, as well as premature deaths, especially among men.Material and MethodsIn order to check the attitudes of men towards health and health behaviors, a questionnaire-based research was carried out among 600 men active on the labor market. Several standard questionnaire tools were used: the Positive Health Behaviors Scale (PHBS), the List of Personal Values for measuring the place of health in the value hierarchy; the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, the Work Ability Index, the Psychological Sex Inventory, and the Work–Life Balance Subscale of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II). Additionally, an independent questionnaire was developed.ResultsIn the PHBS, men could score 0–111 pts; the average score was 70.98 pts. A high level of care for health expressed in the scores ranging 80–111 pts was achieved by less than one-third of the respondents. One of the 4 groups (referred to as the “Active”) achieved the best result according to PHBS, with an average score of 77 pts. The worst group (referred to as the “Frustrated”) achieved an average of 54.5 pts. The latter performed physical or mixed work, and half of them worked shifts, including nights.ConclusionsThe selected 4 groups were not found to differ from one another as much as the authors had expected, but they pointed to a very important aspect determining health care, namely socio‑‑economic factors. There is a great need to conduct health education among men in Poland, targeted especially at young, low-educated and blue-collar workers. The areas of lifestyle that need to be changed are: nutrition, physical activity and preventive examinations. Med Pr. 2021;72(4):351–62
Content available remote Female migrants - the issues of advancing age
Purpose: The paper addresses the subject of female migrants who are on the threshold of old age or already old, and who live in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The author attempted to depict the process of aging through the eyes of the female migrants themselves, persons concerned with the migrants and the professional community as such. The effort was supposed to disclose specific features of women’s life. Design/methodology/approach: The background research applied the qualitative method and the relevant information was obtained using the technique of interviews. Our research was built on hypothesis that the elderly female migrants will constitute (and in fact already constitute) a fast growing group of population. This hypothesis is supported by statistical data on naturalized migrants and on their changing age patterns. Though the elderly migrants are still few in numbers when compared with the overall number of newly coming immigrants, they should be paid closer attention by government agencies and the non-profit sector and the attention should encompass both the conceptual framework and the practical aspects. Media attention, previously devoted to the elderly migrants, is now distracted by the themes of global migration and by the predicament of refugees. Findings: Their advanced age disadvantages the elderly on the labor market despite the qualifications and a vast pool of professional experience that they gained during their stay in the host country. Pushed by their precarious economic situation and an inborn cast of mind, the people remain active, and even as seniors they seek new jobs, often beneath their qualifications. Research limitations/implications: As the female participants in our research told us, throughout their entire stay in emigration they were feeling guilty toward the people they left back home while themselves were privileged with a life of better quality abroad. These observations testify to the importance of psychological and social assistance that should be provided by the receiving country. Practical implications: Asked about their plans for returning to the home country, the women expressed worries about getting only low pensions because of the insufficient number of years worked there. Social implications: Though we think it important to highlight the painful experiences of migrants, our research results by no means indicate that the women perceive themselves as "victims". On the contrary, the research painted a picture of exceptionally strong and determined ladies. We believe that the stories and reflections of our research participants can be very useful for the receiving country and more than interesting for many persons coming into contact with immigrants - employyers, regional administrators and the public generally. Originality/value: The situation mentioned above is influenced by the short history of migration to the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. Making just a slight simplification we can say that the age of retirement is reached chiefly by women who arrived to the newly reestablished democracies in the early waves of immigrants after 1989. Having the opportunity of dealing with female migrants in detail, we have also tried to identify the pitfalls (long-time hidden) of the currently applied integration policies.
Artykuł stanowi głos w dyskusji dotyczącej subiektywnej jakości życia, ujmując ją w perspektywie zróżnicowania strukturalnego. Przedmiotem analiz jest subiektywna jakość życia mieszkańców Łodzi w wymiarze globalnym (ogólne zadowolenie z życia) oraz w ujęciu dziedzinowym. Głównym celem artykułu było ustalenie zależności między dziedzinowymi a globalnymi wskaźnikami subiektywnej jakości życia oraz analiza subiektywnej jakości życia w kontekście zróżnicowania statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego. Analizy przeprowadzone zostały w oparciu o dane zgromadzone w trakcie badań surveyowych przeprowadzonych w latach 2011–2012 na reprezentatywnej próbie mieszkańców Łodzi. W opisywanym projekcie badawczym zadowolenie z życia analizowane było na podstawie klasycznego narzędzie pomiarowego – drabiny Cantrila. Drugim komponentem oceny dobrostanu psychicznego była analiza zadowolenia z 12 sfer życia. Poszczególne pytania, które weszły w skład modułu, zostały opracowane przez zespół realizujący projekt w oparciu o ustalenia empiryczne i teoretyczne z dotychczasowych badań. Na podstawie analiz korelacyjnych oraz metodą regresji liniowej i hierarchicznej regresji liniowej ustalono, że subiektywna jakość życia jest silnie skorelowana z oceną własnej pozycji społecznej; subiektywna jakość życia oraz ocena własnej pozycji społecznej są skorelowane z SES; obiektywne zmienne składające się na status społeczno-ekonomiczny i złożony wskaźnik SES mają mniejszą moc eksplanacyjną niż ocena własnej pozycji społecznej dokonywana przez respondentów.
The article contributes to the debate on the subjective quality of life in the context of structural diversity. The object of analysis is the subjective quality of life of the inhabitants of Lodz, Poland, in the global perspective (overall satisfaction with life) and in the contexts of particular fields of study. The main objective of this article was to determine the relationship between field-specific and global indicators of the subjective quality of life and the analysis of subjective quality of life in the context of the diversified socio-economic status. Analyses were carried out on the basis of data collected during the survey study conducted in 2011–2012 on a representative sample of residents of Lodz. In the described research project, life satisfaction was analyzed based on the classical measurement tool – Cantril ladder. Another component of the evaluation of psychological wellbeing was the analysis of satisfaction with 12 spheres of life. Individual questions included in the module were developed by the project team based on empirical findings and results of theoretical research available to date. Based on the correlation analysis, linear regression and hierarchical linear regression analyses, it was established that the subjective quality of life is strongly correlated with the assessment of own social position; subjective quality of life and the assessment of own social position are correlated with SES; objective variables that make up the socio-economic status and the SES index have less explanatory power than the assessment of own social position made by the respondents.
Kluczowym pojęciem w prezentowanym artykule jest kapitał społeczny. Niesłabnące od lat zainteresowanie tą kategorią pojęciową wiąże się z narastającą potrzebą uruchomienia zasobów (takich, jak między innymi zaufanie, aktywność społeczna i obywatelska) pozostających w dyspozycji jednostek i społeczności lokalnych. W tym kontekście szczególnie interesującym zagadnieniem jest poznanie, po pierwsze, uwarunkowań występowania zasobów kapitału społecznego w różnych grupach wiekowych oraz, po drugie, związku, jaki zachodzi pomiędzy wiekiem i statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym a dyspozycją do wytwarzania jednego z trzech typów kapitału społecznego: wiążącego, pomostowego i podległościowego. Prezentowana w artykule analiza oparta jest na ilościowych badaniach empirycznych przeprowadzonych na próbie 1000 dorosłych Polaków. Zasadniczym wnioskiem płynącym z przeprowadzonej analizy jest twierdzenie, że w polskim społeczeństwie zarówno wiek, jak i status społeczno-ekonomiczny w dość znacznym stopniu różnicują dyspozycję do wytwarzania określonego typu kapitału społecznego.
The key concept in this paper is social capital. Tireless interest in this conceptual category is associated with the growing need to release the resources (such as: confidence, social and civil activity), which are at the disposal of individuals and local communities. In this context, a particularly interesting issue is, in the first place, understanding the determinants of the appearance of social capital resources in different age groups. The second issue is, understanding the relationship, which exists between age, socio-economic status and disposition to produce one of three types of social capital: bonding, bridging and linking one. The analysis presented in the article is based on a quantitative empirical study conducted on a sample of 1000 adult Poles. The main conclusion of the conducted analysis is the thesis that in the Polish society both age and socio-economic status have significant impact on the dispositions to produce a defined type of social capital.
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie związków merytorycznych łączących ergonomię z ekologią oraz pokazanie kilku form i płaszczyzn współdziałania obu dziedzin. Kolejnym celem jest przedstawienie nowego pojęcia, jakim jest ergonomia ekologiczna. Pomimo że termin ergonomia pojawił się stosunkowo dawno, bo około 145 lat temu, to w dalszym ciągu nauka, jaką jest ergonomia rozwija się dalej i wykracza poza swoją dyscyplinę naukową W ostatnich latach nastąpił gwałtowny jej rozwój, mimo niedostatku jej definiowalności jako nauki oraz związanych z tym problemów metodologicznych. W pierwszej części artykułu opisano podstawowe pojęcia z ergonomii i ekologii. W drugiej natomiast przedstawiono korzyści ekonomiczne z ergonomii, jak i sam rozwój podstaw i zasad ergonomii jako unikatowej nauki teoretycznej. W części trzeciej artykułu omówiono wyniki badań ankietowych.
The aim of this article is to present the results of research about the socio-economic status of women after divorce. 120 women after divorce participated in the survey. The women assessed their financial situation in the period before and after the divorce and the impact of divorce on their financial situation, housing and professional work. The results indicate that there is no difference in the assessment of the material situation before and after the divorce. The negative impact of divorce experienced especially women running a household alone, and a woman with two children. Living with a new partner or with second husband, and being the initiator or of the divorce process was associated with a positive assess- ment of the impact of divorce on the financial situation and housing.
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