The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the use of statistical methods and tools in scientific articles related to socio-economic geography and spatial management published in the years 2012–2021. In order to evaluate the intensity and diversity of this phenomenon, a query was carried out using the Web of Sciences electronic academic information database. A preliminary literature search led to the decision to focus on papers published in three selected journals relating to social geography (Geoforum), economic geography (Applied Geography) and spatial management (Landscape and Urban Planning). The paper analyses the variety of the statistical tools used in the studies presented in the aforementioned journals. The frequency and type of the applied statistical methods, computer software and computing tools is correlated with the specificity of the research area.
The aim of the article is to present the chronology of activities that led to the emergence of the discipline ‘socio-economic geography and spatial management’ in the new classification of science in Poland which has been in force since 2018. The path of emergence of the discussed discipline is analysed from the standpoint of one of the participants of this process. The article also presents positive and negative consequences of implementing this classification in the context of two different structural models of geography as a science. Among positive consequences one can mention (1) preservation of the name ‘geography’ on the list of scientific disciplines, and (2) a favourable formal and legal ‘empowerment’ of socio-economic geography in the system of the organisation and evaluation of science in Po land. Among the greatest threats one can see (1) a reduction in the importance of socio-economic geography in favour of spatial management, and (2) the organisational disintegration of some geographical communities, institutions and research units. However, there are also attempts at the reintegration of geography around two of its basic segments, i.e. physical geography and human geography. In the author’s opinion, future activities should focus on the means to strengthen realistically (and not only declaratively) the position of the new discipline and its constituent subdisciplines against other scientific disciplines.
This article presents the general characteristics of the Poznań school of socio-economic geography (and spatial management). Scientific school is usually understood as a community of scholars, representatives of a given scientific discipline, associated with a specific university (or universities) functioning in a given city, united by particular approaches to scientific problems and by accepted ideas, views, methods used etc., which has substantial achievements in a given scientific discipline. There is practically no scientific school without a master (or masters) who is an eminent scholar gathering a group of students and associates. The acknowledged output of this scholar – master, especially an innovative approach to solving research problems and also the influence of his/her scientific authority on students and associates, is usually an origin of a new scientific school. Professor Zbyszko Chojnicki, the founder of the Poznań school, was such a master. The article presents the creation of the School and its development, characterises the role of the Master, indicates the research approach and direction of the conducted studies he determined and discusses the scientific output of the Master and the three selected generations of students and, to a lesser extent, the auditing students. Emphasis is put on the achievements in the theory of geography and spatial management, methodology, paying particular attention to quantitative analysis methods and the innovative and original empirical research conducted as well as the significance of this output for Polish socio-economic geography and spatial management. What is also presented is the popularisation activity and the reflections on the future of the School. The article presents the author’s point of view.
Big Data are inseparable part of the current research methodology in many scientific disciplines – including socio-economic geography. They are being used as a new data in old research problems, as a new research objects and as a means to investigate digital geographies. Big Data are being criticized for lack of representativeness and problematic representation, heterogeneity, and ethical issues. Despite these problems, their presence as a part of the geographical research methodology is increasingly frequent. We propose a set of recommendations that in our view allows a researcher to critically assess the validity of utilizing Big Data in a given research project.
Wielkie zbiory danych typu Big Data są obecnie nieodłącznym elementem badań w wielu dziedzinach nauki – w tym w geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej. Znajdują one szereg zastosowań, zarówno wnosząc możliwość analizy nowych danych w klasycznych problemach badawczych, jak i same w sobie będąc nowym przedmiotem badań oraz pozwalając na badanie cyfrowych geografii. Jednocześnie Big Data krytykuje się za niejednorodność, brak reprezentatywności, nierówność reprezentacji czy też problemy etyczne. Z tego powodu zwracamy uwagę na szereg dylematów związanych z obecnością Big Data w praktyce badawczej, sugerując istotną rolę krytycznego podejścia do ich zastosowania w praktyce badawczej.
The main aim of this paper is to provoke continuous discussion on ethical issues related to conducting social research in geography. The main issues in this article are presented in form of literature review about ethics of research practice. The author first discusses general issues concerning the understanding of ethical standards in science and their codification. In second part of this paper author discuss examples of ethical dilemmas taking into account the specific of human geography and the dynamics resulting from the development of new technologies. Presented arguments provoke to conclusion that because of complexity of ethical issues there is no possibility to resolve them only by following set of codified rules or principles. The only way to conduct ethical research is through deeper reflection, continuous exchange of experience and discussion between researchers.
Celem artykułu jest wywołanie w środowisku geografów dyskusji nad kwestiami etycznymi związanymi z prowadzeniem badań społecznych, szczególnie z wykorzystaniem metod jakościowych. Autor w pierwszej kolejności omawia ogólne kwestie dotyczące rozumienia standardów etycznych w nauce oraz ich kodyfikacji. Następnie przechodzi do wybranych zagadnień związanych z etyką prowadzenia badań społecznych, uwzględniając specyfikę geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej oraz nowe wyzwania wynikające z rozwoju technologii informacyjnych. W podsumowaniu autor zajmuje stanowisko, zgodnie z którym złożoność kwestii etycznych nie pozwala na rozwiązanie wszystkich dylematów w drodze stosowania zbioru skodyfikowanych zasad, a jedynie w drodze pogłębionej refleksji oraz ciągłej wymiany doświadczeń i dyskusji w środowisku badaczy
Rynek pracy wraz z mechanizmami jego funkcjonowania był i nadal jest ważnym elementem badań dotyczących przemian strukturalnych układów przestrzennych. Skala, dynamika i znaczenie zmian zachodzących na rynkach lokalnych i regionalnych oraz na globalnym rynku pracy jest ogromna. Badania z zakresu geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej, w tym geografii przemysłu i usług, które nie uwzględniałyby aspektu uwarunkowań i problemów rynku pracy, uniemożliwiałyby przeprowadzenie poprawnej analizy i formułowanie wniosków. Geografowie rozumieją tę potrzebę, co ujawniło się w wielu publikacjach naukowych. Celem artykułu jest dokonanie przeglądu prac z zakresu geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej z lat 1945–2013, poświęconych problematyce rynku pracy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ewolucji nurtów badawczych jako konsekwencji przemian polityczno- -gospodarczych i społecznych w Polsce oraz analiza zmian paradygmatu w badaniach z zakresu geografii rynku pracy w krajach anglojęzycznych.
The labour market perceived as the mechanisms of its functioning, has been and still is an important part of research devoted to structural changes in various scales of spatial systems. The scale and range of current changes taking place on the local, regional and global labour market is so large that industry and service studies have to take them into consideration. Research in this field, which would not add labour market problems, seems to preclude a proper scientific analysis and formulating conclusions. Geographers have understood this need and it can be seen in several papers. The purpose of the article is to review the scientific papers in the field of socio-economic geography published in the years 1945–2013 which were devoted to labour market problems. The analysis focuses on the evolution of main research streams (as the consequences of political, economic and social changes in Poland) and the change in the paradigm of labour research in geography in Anglophone world (from a geography of labour to a labour geography).
Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher. The author of this article has been conducting research on the development of subject specific and didactic competence of geography teacher trainees for over ten years. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Information provided in the profile of the graduate enables employers to check whether during the course of studies the potential employee developed the desired skills. The author of this paper believes that acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers – constitutes the most important element of professional training of future teachers, including geography teachers. The subject of the research presented in this paper is the evaluation of professional competence in the field of the socioeconomic system of the contemporary world. Research in this area should successfully contribute to the optimization of the teacher-training process, including geography teacher-training, and to the development of an effective and efficient model of teacher-training and competence acquisition.
Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher. The author of this article has been conducting research on the development of subject specific and didactic competence of geography teacher trainees for over ten years. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Information provided in the profile of the graduate enables employers to check whether during the course of studies the potential employee developed the desired skills. The author of this paper believes that acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers – constitutes the most important element of professional training of future teachers, including geography teachers. The subject of the research presented in this paper is the evaluation of professional competence in the field of the socioeconomic system of the contemporary world. Research in this area should successfully contribute to the optimization of the teacher-training process, including geography teacher-training, and to the development of an effective and efficient model of teacher-training and competence acquisition.
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