This article describes a novel photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) water heating system. Through incorporating a loop-heat-pipe (LHP) and a heat pump, the system can essentially maximise the electrical return of PV panel, and simultaneously produce a reasonable amount of heat. This system can therefore harvest larger amount of solar energy and enable enhanced system performance. It is expected that such dedicated technology could become the next generation of solar driven heating system and enable a significant reduction of building’s carbon footprint.
Artykuł ten opisuje nowe fotowoltaiczno-termiczne (PV/T) systemy ogrzewania wody. Poprzez włączenie do pętli ciepłowodów (LHP) oraz pompy ciepła system może w istocie zmaksymalizować zwrot elektryczny panelu fotowoltaicznego, a jednocześnie produkować wystarczającą ilość ciepła. System ten może więc zebrać większą ilość energii słonecznej i zwiększyć wydajność systemu. Oczekuje się, że takie dedykowane technologie mogą stać się następną generacją instalacji solarnej j i umożliwić znaczną redukcję emisji dwutlenku węgla.
The aim of the article is to analyse the spread and diffusion of socio-economic development in Poland in 2004-2016, while considering spatial aspects. Using the linear ordering method in the non-pattern version, a synthetic development measure for all municipalities in Poland was built based on a set of 77 features illustrating various socio-economic aspects, reduced to 25 features. For the measure constructed in this way, the convergence of the beta and sigma type has been examined, divided into 3 groups of municipalities (rural, urban and urban-rural), as well as in regional division. Using the methods of spatial econometrics, the occurrence of spatial effects was examined, in particular the attention was paid to the relationship between the processes of spreading development and spatial forms of diffusion of development. The analysis also allowed to determine the strength of local impacts of spatial connections between individual municipalities.
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