Karel Kosík’s book Dialectics of the Concrete. A Study on Problems of Man and World, elaborated under the impact of the de-Stalinization process, is one of the im-portant attempts to rethink Marxist philosophy; it was an attempt to overcome the theo-retical stagnation caused by the Stalinist period. It considers the state of Marxist theory, its relations to the past theoretical tradition, as well as it attempts to develop a critical and creative dialogue with different contemporary theoretical conceptions, then hege-monic. Through his reading of Marx and his A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy project, Kosík searches for ways of discussing different relationships between philosophy and economics in the contemporary world, and, in particular, he analyzes different theoretical or ideological forms of the reified characteristics of the pseudocon-crete world of care (starost), homo oeconomicus and economic factor.
This paper discusses the signifi cance of a notion of “populism” for social philosophy based on the work of Ernesto Laclau. The fi rst part of the essay presents the background of Laclau’s theory, i.e. the studies of Le Bon, Gabriel Tarde, William McDougall and Sigmund Freud – their relations to the social practice and their theoretical consequences. The second part deals with the theory of populism of Ernesto Laclau. In accordance with the conception of Laclau, populism is described as a logic of the political. The last part takes into consideration the context of Laclau’s conception and asks if and how we can use “populism” as a descriptive category and not as the normative one. The thesis of the paper is that Laclau’s theory is useful for describing the politics and social movements in Poland in last fi ve years.
The work focuses on the organized and systematic reflection of the science dealing with social reality and the role and position of Christians within, which has been defined as Catholic social science. It also deals with its benefit and relation to social work. The used methods are: analysis of professional and scientific texts, comparison, text exploration, literal quotations, links to and paraphrases of bibliography. Application in the scientific area of social work: The messages of papal teaching and Catholic social teaching are normative, which means that they challenge a modern man as practical and necessary tasks.
This article is an attempt at comparative analysis of works of two representatives of the republican tradition, that is Immanuel Kant and Andrzej FryczModrzewski. This analysis is based on the following works: Perpetual peace, Doctrine of Right and On the Reform of the Republic. I will compare how both of the authors understand the notion of the republic and other notions such as law, freedom and general will. At the end of this paper I will show how the two republican traditions influenced today’s political reality.
The article presents the background of the texts included in this issue of SGEGE that resulted from an experimental workshop on democracy. The didactic innovation implemented during the event consisted in enhancing the traditional forms of teaching philosophy (seminar and lecture) with a practical module based on the Betzavta methodology of democratic education. In the first part of the article, a general description of the project is provided. Then follows a presentation of its topic, the reasons for choosing it and the theoretical problems behind it. Next, the organization and methodology of the project are briefly described. In the end, the results of the project are presented together with a short summary of the texts of this volume of the journal.
The family and the state are two elements inherently linked to people’s lives: the family under natural law and the state under positive law, the latter emerging from the natural human need for collective life. There is constant interplay between the natural family rights and obligations and positive law, sometimes even competition or contradictions. The family needs positive law because social life needs proper organization, but not every normative solution is conducive to the personal and community development of a person. Strong and weak rights, bans and orders may prove potentially dangerous, and this ultimately proves the absence of axiological or praxeological competence of the legislator and public enforcers. The key to making positive law a true family’s ally is for that law to abide by perpetual natural law, which requires a constant diagnosis of and reflection on the changing reality.
Rodzina i państwo należą do elementów immanentnie związanych z życiem człowieka: rodzina na mocy prawa naturalnego, państwo na mocy prawa stanowionego, które wynika z naturalnej ludzkiej potrzeby życia zbiorowego. Pomiędzy naturalnymi prawami i obowiązkami rodziny a prawem stanowionym zachodzą wzajemne oddziaływania, często powstaje konkurencja, czasami również sprzeczności. Rodzina potrzebuje prawa pozytywnego ze względu na konieczność zorganizowania życia społecznego, jednak nie każde rozwiązanie normatywne jest korzystne dla rozwoju osobowego i wspólnotowego człowieka. Potencjalnie niebezpieczne mogą okazać się nakazy, zakazy oraz uprawnienia mocne i słabe, przy czym sytuacja taka ostatecznie dowodzi braku kompetencji aksjologicznych lub prakseologicznych po stronie prawodawcy i organów stosujących prawo. Kluczem do uczynienia z prawa stanowionego prawdziwego sojusznika rodziny jest jego zgodność z niezmiennym prawem naturalnym, co wymaga stałej diagnozy i refleksji nad zmieniającą się rzeczywistością.