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The article presents the author’s reflections on the determinants of national security as a social organization. The author draws attention to important relationships from the perspective of the functioning of individual elements and as a total organizational meeting of the specific functions in the environment . The priority of a state model in the socio-functional terms is the good of the society, which leads to the necessity of satisfying all social needs. In conclusion, the author states that the main determinant of national security are the nation’s social needs and functioning both in the arena of international relations, as well as in the sphere of the functioning of the internal dimension of the state.
Artykuł przedstawia rozważania autora na temat determinantów bezpieczeństwa państwa jako organizacji społecznej. Podkreślone są tutaj istotne relacje z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania poszczególnych elementów, a jednocześnie jako całości organizacyjnej spełniającej w danym środowisku określone funkcje. Model państwa w ujęciu socjologiczno-funkcjonalnym na pierwszym miejscu stawia dobro społeczeństwa, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do konieczności zaspokojenia wszystkich potrzeb społecznych. W zakończeniu autor stwierdza, że głównym determinantem bezpieczeństwa państwa są społeczne potrzeby narodu zarówno w wymiarze funkcjonowania na arenie stosunków międzynarodowych, jak i w wymiarze funkcjonowania sfery wewnętrznej państwa.
The study reflects adaptation and economical working mechanisms of a selected religious community of expatriates (reformed Evangelists who came from south-eastern Moravia) that in the mid-19th century settled in the multiethnic village of Velké Srediště in current Serbian Banat. The migration of monitored colonists from Central Europe was associated with the process of overcoming the moment of discontinuity (leaving the place of origin) through their adaptation in the new settings. The text presents institutional mechanisms that were used by the newcomers to overcome the stage of discontinuity, which brought doubts on the future life in the new settings. Based on written sources we assume a thesis that this social group brought a functioning social organization from Moravia to southern Hungary – an autonomous congregation community with own standards, forms of farming, confessional school and family religious education. The follow-up to the pre-migration model of a religious organization translocated by migration participants was based on the fact that it was time-honoured, tested and functioning. Through examples of several practices of this adopted model I argue that this was a social practice which significantly facilitated and accelerated the process of gradual adaptation in the new settings.
The article is an attempt to evaluate and synthesize the legal basis for the activities of social non-governmental organizations in a joint crisis management process. The observations made concern the practical use of the third sector to support government and local government organizations and the benefits that these organizations can bring in the complex, continuous and flexible crisis management process. The aim of the study is also to present the criteria that must be met so that social organizations can effectively participate in the implementation of tasks related to civil protection in cooperation with public administration units. The study systematizes and enriches knowledge about activities, non-governmental forms of security for the benefit of the crisis management system of the Republic of Poland.
The results of social-and-economic order analysis in the context of formation and representing organizational interaction between managing subjects of production management are considered in the article. It was proved that social-and-economic order, as a type of social order, is acting as the determinative prerequisite of formation efficient organizational interaction in any system of present-day management. It was well-grounded that social-and-economic order of organizational interactions is caused by economic requirements and economic interests of production subjects has a relevant legal content, and its determinative element stands for ordering ownership relations, i.e., order between people as far as owning and managing means of production are concerned. The author’s models of representing organizational interaction in the systems of production management depending on forms and methods of division relations of ownership for means of production are presented in the article.
On 29 April 2014, Poland adopted a new National Programme for the Prevention of Domestic Violence 2014-2020. This article discusses the role of social organization in the legal protection of victims of domestic violence. The article explains what is domestic violence and what kinds of crimes are with it connected. The author points out what forms of legal assistance are provided to the victims of domestic violence by citizens of society, who are working in the social organization, with particular emphasis on activities of these organizations in the protection of victims in criminal proceedings. This publication also presents the rules of activities and powers of representative of the social organization in the judicial criminal proceedings. The author argues that social organizations are an important instrument for the protection of victims of domestic violence in Poland.
Breeding tactics and social structure are among the primary determinants of the level and distribution of genetic variation in a population, giving rise to genetic structure. However the effects of such behaviors are neither intuitively obvious nor predictive. Interpretations of genetic interactions are hampered by a lack of suitable underlying models and the resulting weak empirical data base means that we are presently unable to answer fundamental questions such as whether the social structure exhibited by a species has any necessary or consistent relationship with the extent of genetic population structure in the species. In this review I present a brief overview of recent theoretical models, and summarise results of the two most common empirical approaches; namely, genetic comparison of identified social groups, and studies of arbitrarily selected samples. Some recommendations are made with respect to future empirical investigations. Increased sophistication in classifying social complexity will be necessary to elucidate the effects of social structure and breeding tactics on partitioning of genetic variation, and to determine the true correlation between social level and genetic structure.
Przedstawiony artykuł wskazuje na potrzebę udziału innych niż strona postępowania podmiotów w postępowaniu antymonopolowym. Zgodnie z artykułem 88 ustawy antymonopolowej, stroną postępowania jest każdy, wobec kogo zostało wszczęte postępowanie w sprawie praktyk ograniczających konkurencję. W polskim prawie antymonopolowym brak jest obecnie przepisów umożliwiających udział innych niż strona podmiotów. Jest to rozwiązanie odmienne niż przyjęte w prawie unijnym, gdzie szerokie uprawnienia procesowe może uzyskać podmiot pokrzywdzony w wyniku działania innego przedsiębiorcy.
The presented article is pointing out to the need for the participation of the entities differentfrom the party to the proceedings. Pursuant to the article 88 Antimonopoly Act, the party to the proceedings shall be every person against whom the proceedings concerning the application of competition-restricting practices are instituted. In the Polish Antimonopoly Act is the lack of provisions creating the access the third parties to proceedings. Differently to the solutions existing in the European Union law, competitors and others entrepreneurs possibly harmed by the activity od the undertaking that allegedly violated competition law may not participate in the proceedings.
In the opinion, the author stated that the “Göring Decree”, which discriminates against the Polish minority in Germany, has not been in force in the Federal Republic of Germany for a long time due to its incompatibility with the German Constitution. This does not change the fact that there are still unresolved issues related to the rights of the Polish minority, such as its non-recognition in German law, the non-payment of compensation to the descendants of victims of the Third Reich and the lack of compensation for the loss of property of members of the Polish minority during this period.
The article presents arguments for the position that the social representative referred to in Art. 90 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, may participate in immunity proceedings, which are “judicial proceedings” within the meaning of the law and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the view according to which a social representative cannot participate in the immunity proceedings is erroneous, since these proceedings are only an element of the preparatory proceedings, and therefore are not “judicial proceedings”. Thus, no legislative change is necessary for a representative of a social organization to participate in the immunity proceedings
W artykule przedstawiono argumentację na rzecz stanowiska, że przedstawiciel społeczny, o którym mowa w art. 90 § 1 Kodeksu postępowania karnego, może brać udział w postępowaniu immunitetowym, będącym „postępowaniem sądowym” w rozumieniu prawa i orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego. Błędny jest zatem pogląd, zgodnie z którym przedstawiciel społeczny nie może uczestniczyć w postępowaniu immunitetowym, gdyż postępowanie to jest wyłącznie elementem postępowania przygotowawczego, a więc nie jest „postępowaniem sądowym”. Aby przedstawiciel organizacji społecznej mógł brać udział w postępowaniu immunitetowym, nie jest tym samym konieczna żadna zmiana legislacyjna.
Organizacje pozarządowe mogą działać w postępowaniu cywilnym w celu ochrony własnych praw podmiotowych. Mogą także działać w celu ochrony praw konkretnych obywateli oraz ochrony tzw. interesu rozproszonego. Oznacza to, że osoby fizyczne mają realną możliwość skorzystania z pomocy organizacji pozarządowych w postępowaniu cywilnym. Organizacje koncentrują swoje działanie na udzielaniu pomocy prawnej i dochodzeniu indywidualnych roszczeń o charakterze prywatnoprawnym. Problemem badawczym artykułu jest ustalenie, czy udział organizacji pozarządowych w postępowaniu cywilnym wymagałby doprecyzowania. Przy analizowaniu prezentowanego zagadnienia zostały wykorzystane takie metody badawcze, jak dogmatyczna oraz analityczna metoda badawcza, jak również analiza orzecznictwa. Podkreślenia wymaga fakt, że nie istnieje legalna definicja pojęcia organizacji pozarządowej. Podobnie niezupełnie zdefiniowane pojęcie organizacji społecznej w k.p.c. zastąpiono pojęciem organizacji pozarządowej. W konsekwencji stawiana jest teza, że termin ten ostatecznie wykreuje judykatura.
The non-governmental organisations can act in civil proceedings in order to protect their own rights. They can also act to protect the rights of individual citizens and the protection of the so-called. interest distributed. This means that natural people have a real opportunity to benefit from the help of non-governmental organisations in civil proceedings. Organizations are concentrating on their action on the provision of legal assistance and investigation of individual claims. The research problem of this article is to determine whether the participation of non-governmental organisations in civil proceedings require to clarification. During analysing the presented issues were used such research methods as dogmatic and analytical research method, as well as the analysis of the case law. It should be emphasized that there is no legal definition of the non-governmental organisations. Additionally, not completely defined the concept of social organization in Code of Civil Procedure was replaced by the notion of the non-governmental organisations. As a consequence, it gives a value proposition that the term eventually will create judicature.
The participation of social organizations in court proceedings is an important procedural problem in any judicial procedure. This issue has been deeply analyzed in civil and criminal trials, that is, in those proceedings that have faced the participation of social organizations since the codification of these procedures after World War II. In the proceedings involving administrative matters, the situation is different. This is prompted by the fact that judicial-administrative proceedings are a relatively new procedure, and they have been fully independent since 2004. The purpose of the analysis presented in the article is to draw attention to the peculiarities of the participation of a social organization in judicial proceedings in administrative cases. On the one hand, the aim is to point out the origins of the solution that has been functioning in this respect. On the other hand, to present the role of a social organization in actions on behalf of third parties, as well as the realization of the social interest in judicial proceedings, as an important element of the socialization of the procedure. Ultimately, to demonstrate to what extent is the participation of the social factor in the administration of justice by the administrative court possible. The indicated assumptions are implemented by means of the dogmatic and historical method. They consist of an analysis of the normative material which was in force in the past and which is a part of the current legal system.
Udział organizacji społecznych w postępowaniach sądowych jest ważnym problemem procesowym w każdej procedurze sądowej. Zagadnienie to doczekało się pogłębionych analiz w procesie cywilnym i karnym, a więc w postępowaniach, które mierzyły się z udziałem organizacji społecznych od skodyfikowania tych procedur po II wojnie światowej. W postępowaniach obejmujących sprawy administracyjne sytuacja wygląda inaczej. Podyktowane to jest tym, że postępowanie sądowo administracyjne jest procedurą stosunkowo nową, tak naprawdę w pełni samodzielną od 2004 r. Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule jest zwrócenie uwagi na specyfikę udziału organizacji społecznej w postępowaniu sądowym w sprawach administracyjnych. Z jednej strony, chodzi o to, by wskazać genezę funkcjonującego w tym zakresie rozwiązania. Z drugiej, o przedstawienie roli organizacji społecznej w działaniach na rzecz osób trzecich, a w istocie realizacji interesu społecznego w postępowaniu sądowym jako ważnego elementu uspołecznienia procedury. W ostateczności o wykazanie na ile i w jakim zakresie jest możliwy udział czynnika społecznego w wymierzaniu sprawiedliwości przez sąd administracyjny. Wskazane założenia są realizowane przy wykorzystaniu metody dogmatycznej i historycznej. Polegają na analizie materiału normatywnego obowiązującego w przeszłości oraz będącego częścią obowiązującego porządku prawnego.
The patterns of social behaviour and spatial structure of Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) were studied against the background of the seasonal changes in its density and demographic features. Field and lab research were conducted. Field investigations (with CMR method) were conducted from 1997 to 1999 in north-western Bulgaria, in a grassland with patches of tree-shrub vegetation. In the lab, the social interactions were studied in male-male, female-female and male-female dyadic encounters during summer and autumn. A total of 26 shrews were tested. The number of C. leucodon was lowest in spring and greatest in autumn. In early summer the sex ratio was balanced, the home range of one male overlapped that of one female, and aggressiveness and marking activity was increased. So, it can be assumed that in this period males and females form pairs, which possess defended territories. Higher aggressiveness and marking activity displayed by males suggest their greater role in defending the territories. In autumn the home ranges overlapped greatly and amicable interactions prevailed over agonistic ones probably due to shifting to a gregarious way of life. So, the patterns of spatial structure and social behaviour undergo the seasonal changes in C. leucodon life-cycle and its density dynamics.
The family is a community of people and a social institution. Its foundation is the marriage of a man and a woman based on their mutual love and free choice. It is an institution of natural law, of which God is the creator. Marriage and family is an intimate community of life and love and a communion of persons. Members of this particular community are responsible for one another, raise and educate the next generation while humanizing society. The family is a social good, needed by society.
Rodzina to wspólnota osób i instytucja społeczna. Jej podstawą jest związek małżeński mężczyzny i kobiety oparty na ich wzajemnej miłości i wolnym wyborze. To instytucja prawa naturalnego, którego twórcą jest sam Bóg. Małżeństwo i rodzina to głęboka wspólnota życia i miłości oraz komunia osób. Ta specyficzna wspólnota odpowiada wzajemnie za siebie, rodzi i wychowuje następne pokolenie, humanizując społeczeństwo. Rodzina jest dobrem społecznym, którego potrzebuje społeczeństwo.
Associations can undertake business activity if it serves to fulfill their statutory objectives. This entitlement is regulated by the Law on Associations as well as by separate provisions. Business activity can be conducted directly or by holding shares in commercial companies and partnerships. Associations willing to conduct business activity are subject to compulsory registration in the National Court Register. They benefit from economic freedom, which, however, is not absolute and is subject to numerous restrictions under special provisions. The pursuit of business activity by associations significantly facilitates acquisition of financial funds for the execution of objectives outlined in their statutes. Upon registration in the National Court Register, an association has an obligation to maintain full accounts. Due to high costs, such a solution does not fit the reality of Polish associations. Changes in the law of this area could not only enable a more complete implementation of the statutory objectives of associations that do not conduct business activity, but would also affect favourably the number of created entities, which constitute foundations of the idea of a civil society.
The article concerns the verification of the thesis that a social organization whose representative took an animal away during an intervention has a status of the party in the subsequent proceedings on issuing a decision under Article 73 of the Polish Animal Protection Act. Granting a status of the party to the social organization that collected the animal on such a basis allows it to protect its reasonable interests in administrative and administrative court proceedings. The outcome of such proceedings may result in the liability of the social organization for damages material and non-material resulting from taking the animal away. The outcome of the case related to taking an animal away under Article 73 of the Animal Protection Act directly influences the issue of settling the costs of transport, welfare and necessary treatment of the animal.
The main aim of this study was to determine the numbers, population structure and seasonal changes in group structure of argali Ovis ammon karelini Severtzov, 1873 in the Tian-Shan of Kyrgyzstan. The study was carried out within two adjoining areas: the Baralbas River region, and the Ak-Tash River region. Data were collected during three seasons: winter, spring and summer. This population consisted of 42.3% females, 22.2% males, 13.4% yearlings, and 22.1% lambs. Composition and numbers of groups were seasonally changing. Argali occurred predominantly in mixed groups during winter and exclusively in separated groups during summer. The maximum group size decreased from 25% from winter to spring, however, increased during summer.
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