The consequent enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007 gave the new-member-states an access to programs and financial sources with significant capacity and impact. The present paper aims to analyze the influence of the social policy framework over the public service delivery in Bulgaria. The first part of the paper is devoted to the general categorization of social services’ suppliers and the already established mechanism of their functioning. In the second part the focus on the conceptual framework introduces the main dimensions of the policy, institutional regulations and operational programs. The third part provides empirical results from the efficiency analysis of the social programs implementation and discussion on their impact.
W zaprezentowanym artykule opisano zasadę działania mieszkania treningowego jako jednego z ważniejszych elementów w procesie wychodzenia z bezdomności, a w rzeczywistości najmniej rozpowszechnionego w świadomości instytucji działających na rzecz osób bezdomnych. Mieszkania treningowe spełniają ogromną rolę w procesie prewencyjnym, np. w przypadkach nagłych zdarzeń losowych, kataklizmach, w sytuacjach osób opuszczających zakłady penitencjarne czy domy dziecka.
Homelessness is a huge problem all over the world. Every civilization, including those which are called the most advanced have problems with homelessness. Before we would be proud of our techno-logical, educational and cultural achievements, we need to solve the problem concerning excluded members of our society. In the article, the author tried to describe what homelessness is and how wc could handle it. The philosophy of training complex has also been described, which in the author's opinion is the most desired solution as regards homelessness and social exclusion problem.
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