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The identity is one of the key issues of modern society and when we take into account the influence of media and information technologies on the livelihoods of individuals then it becomes clear how fast identities have been changing and how qualitative transformations they suffered. In the post modern times computers present an unavoidable decor of present but simultaneously they entice with their utilities all users of this scientific and technical paradigm. Social identity is not what it used to be and its relatively loose structure comprises a sequence of even non consistent characteristics of the structure of identity that have not even been imaginable, until recently, in a such configuration they exist today. New technologies and the way people spend their time at work or their free time determine the development and establishing of the identity structure whilst new specific identities have appeared due to free access to information with the whole latitude of using new media. This phenomenon often reflects on what we refer to as generation gap and additionally on everything that democratic and neo-liberal environment supports in terms of certain behavioral patterns acceptance. Computers, mobile phones of new generation and the Internet, as the totality of informational domain, have offered the post-structural multiversity pandemic of a new world that changed in as much it conceived the pluralism of identities and brand new assemblies of values and attitudes. The onset of a new world was possible due to the concept of a new human that appeared, who has a general common denominator in information technologies.
Content available remote Who does the English language belong to?
The following contribution deals with the relation between language and its users. English is used as an example. It shows the close connection of a language use and (political) culture of a given society in the concrete historical context. It also covers the dislike of so-called original speakers for those ones who use their native tongue as a second language in different environments. The reason for that aversion of native speakers is the understandable effort to keep their own culture identity which is expressed by their own language.
Purpose: Established professions and knowledge workers identify more with their professional groups than with their organisations. The purpose of the study was to find what kind of work-related identities are shown by clinical research sector employees in Poland, what is the intensity of those identities and which one is dominant. Methodology: The study started with qualitative interviews dedicated to professional changes and to work-related identity. The latter was selected for the main quantitative part of the study and its five types were defined related to the trained profession, the practised profession, organizational, relational and task-related work identities. Intensity of these pre-defined identities was tested with a use of a questionnaire completed by 147 representatives of the sector under study. Statistical analysis of the collected data verified the research hypotheses that assumed a certain gradation of these work-related identities. Results: Professional identity related to the practised occupation was placed on the highest level followed by task-related identity. Relational and organisational identities were classified on the third and fourth levels. Identity related to the trained occupation achieved the lowest score. The employing organization type had no effect on the manifested professional identity. Originality value: As a developing new occupation, the study group itself was an interesting population for studying work-related identity. Combining the qualitative and quantitative methods enabled evaluation of the results against the professional changes shaping the sector, which can have an impact on building the work-related identity of its employees.
This article centers on key difficulties that hamper the development of a civil society in independent Ukraine. A special emphasis is put on phenomena such as: lack of a homogeneous national identity, non-existence of the collective memory shared by all Ukraine citizens, the Soviet mentality, oligarchic structures, and failure to build social capital. The work is based on the scientific literature on a civil society in Ukraine.
Celem artykułu jest próba przedstawienia przeszkód stojących na drodze rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego na Ukrainie po uzyskaniu przez nią niepodległości. Duży nacisk położony został na ukazanie takich zjawisk, jak: brak jednolitej tożsamości narodowej Ukraińców, nieistnienie jednej pamięci zbiorowej podzielanej przez wszystkich obywateli, mentalność sowiecka, oligarchiczna władza oraz niewypracowanie kapitału społecznego. Pracę przygotowano na podstawie literatury naukowej poświęconej kwestii społeczeństwa obywatelskiego na Ukrainie.
Content available remote Adam Bede Revisited: Social Stigma and the Formation of Deviant Identity
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In Adam Bede, George Eliot explores the way a society divides its members into categories and how these categories contribute to the formation of an individual’s identity. In the mid-nineteenth century authors in the naturalist tradition often discussed this dialogical relationship between individual and society, the specific roles for social gaze, the labeling and degrading. Eliot shows an acute of these labels that no one shapes identity without their influence. According to Nancy Anne Marck, Adam Bede introduces the theme of “emerging social consciousness” where the characters gain broader awareness of human interdependence through an experience of suffering (447). This is particularly evident when examining Eliot’s characters of “lesser fortune.” Once we’ve investigated how Eliot portrays these negative social forces throughout the novel, the labeling and the stigmatization, we will return to how Eliot addresses the larger question permeating her novel of education: how one judges another against the backdrop of community values.
The present research work makes a contribution to the studying of social identity, place attachment and sense of community for citizens. The objects of investigation are practical aspects of social identity, place attachment and sense of community for citizens in Sweden, Finland and Latvia. Sociological survey had been used. The most active participants of survey in all tested regions were women at the economically active age (Helsinki, Riga) or retired (Norrkoping). The majority of those, who are living more than 20, 30 and 40 years in the same neighbourhood, live in Riga. The most active people, who participate in local arrangements, are in majority in Helsinki. People mentioned that they participate because they want to be updated on the future plans of their neighbourhoods. Finnish people want to feel the sense of community. Latvian people want to affect the future of neighbourhood and to explore the arrangements for to get acquainted with neighbours. The data might be reflecting common situation for all countries: the economically active people are busy at work. The Latvian data indirectly indicate to low level of communication between inhabitants and local actors or official representatives of municipality. Perhaps, there is a good tradition to participate in different gallops, surveys and people feel results (effectiveness) of those activities there in Sweden and Finland. Riga respondents are not so optimistically tuned on effectiveness of those arrangements. In spite of high readiness of participation in surveys and gallops, people assess their possibilities in neighbourhood development too low (Sweden, Finland). And vice versa, 67% of Latvian respondents assess their possibilities of participating in neighbourhood development more realistic and 10% totally dissent with this. People, in general, want to influence, to improve (if is not yet excellent, suitable, safe), may be also, to be proud of their neighbourhood. In general, there are mentioned all local actors to be important and be involved in neighbourhood development. Finnish respondents of survey highly assessed the role of local associations and local policymakers. Safety was the number one issue in all three cities. It seems that in Norrkoping people are quite satisfied with the comfort of their neighbourhood, and in Riga and Helsinki there could be some room for improvement. Regarding the commercial services the present situation is viewed best in Riga, where 67% of the respondents partly or totally agree with the statement. The question about good sense of community seems to divide opinions in every city. It’s difficult to say, about the underlying factors in each city or each neighbourhood.
Content available Tożsamość społeczna a globalizacja
Kiedy zmiany społeczne mają charakter ewolucyjny, a dana społeczność jest względnie zamknięta, formowanie się tożsamości zbiorowych odbywa się w sposób płynny i niemal zrutynizowany. Każda radykalna zmiana powoduje istotne modyfikacje tożsamości, a nawet może prowadzić do jej kryzysu. Otwarcie się wspólnot lokalnych sprawiło, że zwiększyła się liczba punktów odniesienia i ich zakres. W miarę nasilania się procesów o charakterze globalnym, zamiast tożsamości formowanych przez kontekst lokalny, pojawiają się obok nich także tożsamości ponadnarodowe. Globalizacja kwestionuje stałość i niezmienność porządku legitymizowanego tradycją, przyczynia się do fragmentacji rzeczywistości oraz jej relatywizacji. Nowoczesne społeczeństwa są społeczeństwami wyboru, w których absolutne nakazy zostały zastąpione przez możliwość wyboru spośród wielu opcji. Anthony Giddens mówi o czterech podstawowych dylematach człowieka współczesnego, które zakłócają procesy formowania tożsamości. Są to następujące zjawiska o charakterze biegunowym: unifikacja – fragmentacja, bezsilność – kontrola, autorytet – niepewność, doświadczenie osobiste – doświadczenie urynkowione. Można więc postawić tezę, że globalizacja powoduje nie tylko to, że ludzie inaczej żyją, ale także to, że ludzie stają się inni. W warunkach późnej nowoczesności przekształcenie tożsamości jednostki dokonuje się pomiędzy globalizmem a lokalizmem.
The formation of collective identity takes place in a fluent and almost routine way when the social changes are evolutional and a given community is relatively closed. Every radical change results in essential modification of identity and may even lead to its crisis. Local communities’ opening caused the increase of points of reference and their scope. With the increase of global processes instead of identity formed through local context new international identities appear. Globalisation questions stability and invariability of the traditional order and causes relativity of reality and its division into fragments. Modern societies are societies of choice in which absolute orders are replaced by a possibility of choice from many options. Anthony Giddens mentions four basic dilemmas of contemporary man which disrupt the processes of identity formation. These are: unification–particularisation, helplessness–control, authority–insecurity, personal experience–market experience. One may conclude that globalisation does not only mean that people live different but also that they become different. In the condition of late modernisation the change in identity of an individual is done between globalisation and locality.
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The process of constructing a social reality where “difference” becomes a social asset rather than a monster that threatens peace and progress must commence with a phenomenological understanding of social interactions within and among human societies. In my opinion, Hegel, more than any other thinker, has constructed a phenomenological framework that adequately captures and represents the nature of group interactions within human societies. This paper explores the Hegelian phenomenon of social identity, and, especially, characterizes the interactions between and among various social identities. It is a modest effort to contribute theoretically to the available discourse on the management of “difference” in multi-ethnic societies.
Content available remote Problemy tożsamości społecznej Polaków mieszkających w Niemczech
The aim of this paper is to present the results of research on social identity of Poles and Polish speaking persons staying in Germany, particularly in its ethnic dimension. The research method applied to attain this purpose is content analysis of data gathered during individual in-depth interviews conducted in 2012 with Polish migrants living in Germany. Firstly, the methodological assumptions of the reported research project are presented. Secondly, chosen aspects of theoretical discourse on the category of (social) identity are introduced. Finally, the opinions of interviewed Poles and Polish speakers living in Germany on key issues related to ethnic aspects of their social identity are being analysed. The results of fieldwork are examined in relation to chosen previous similar research projects findings.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie, czy forma własności mieszkania jest równie ważną podstawą społecznych identyfikacji jak miejsce zamieszkania. Autor przedstawia wyniki własnych prac badawczych, prowadzonych nad lokatorami Towarzystw Budownictwa Społecznego w Szczecinie. Z prac tych wynika, że formy organizacji własności przestrzeni stają się dla niektórych badanych coraz istotniejszą częścią społecznej tożsamości, ważniejszą niż położenie w przestrzeni miasta czy cechy zamieszkiwanej przestrzeni.
The aim of the article is to examine if the form of ownership is a base of social identifications as important as a space of living. Author presents results of own research, conducted in Szczecin in Social Housing Associations area. The results show that forms of ownership become important part of social identity, even more than location in urban space.
The author's main area of reflection is location (place) identity. The processes of constructing and subsequent cultivating of one’s loyalty to the place and one’s identification with it rely on two psychological mechanisms: the need for belonging and social identity. Regional identity, which marks the foundation of the activity of regional organizations, is a special kind of social identity. The article focuses on how the relationship between regional and national identity is built in the communications and activity of regional organizations. The author suggests her own unique classification of strategies: regional autonomy, national and regional dichotomy and the national dominant.
В настоящее время чрезвычайно актуальна проблема влияния социальной идентичности на поведение индивида. Основой социального взаимодействия, одним из наиболее важных аспектов человеческого существования, является вопрос самоопределения, самоидентификации. Данная статья посвящена анализу влияния подвига новомучеников и исповедников на формирования личной социальной идентичности молодежи в современном информационном обществе. В ней также описывается развитие таких понятий, как личная и социальная идентичность.
The problem of the influence of social identity on the individual's behavior today is extremely urgent. One of the most important aspects of human existence is a question of self-determination, self-identification that is the basis of social interaction. This article is devoted to analyze of the influence of feat of martyrs and confessors on the forming of personal social identity of young people in the modern informational society. It also describes the development of concepts such as identity and social identity.
Content available remote Tożsamościowe przesłanki różnych rodzajów stereotypizacji
Celem prezentowanego programu badawczego było sprawdzenie, jak tożsamość człowieka wpływa na skłonność do posługiwania się stereotypami „klasycznymi” (egzemplarycznymi), w przypadku których przedmiotem stereotypizacji jest typowy przedstawiciel danej kategorii, oraz stereotypami spiskowymi, które są reprezentacjami grup jako całości. Badania osadzone były w teorii tożsamości osobistej i społecznej M. Jarymowicz. Wykazano, że najsilniejsza skłonność do myślenia stereotypowego, bez względu na jego rodzaj, jest charakterystyczna dla osób o tożsamości społecznej, podczas gdy najniższa jest właściwa dla tożsamości indywidualnej. Na podstawie uzyskanych zależności można również wnioskować, że osoby o tożsamości zrównoważonej są wyposażone w zdolności właściwe dla tożsamości społecznej i indywidualnej, a większa skłonność do posługiwania się przez nich stereotypami spiskowymi niż klasycznymi może wskazywać na to, że tożsamość społeczna pełni kluczową rolę w stereotypizacji spiskowej.
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between identity and readiness for classical and conspiracy stereotyping. The conspiracy stereotypes are holistic representations of the entire out-groups, whereas the classical stereotypes are mainly trait-theories of a typical out-grouper. The obtained results suggest that the strongest propensity for both kinds of stereotyping is typically related to social identity whereas the lowest – to individual identity. It was also observed that the individuals with the well-balanced identity (when the personal and the social identity is well developed) have the cognitive tools characteristic for both personal and social identity. It can be assumed that social identity plays an important role in conspiracy stereotyping, as subjects with well-balanced identity were more prone for this kind of stereotyping, which is extensively discussed in the paper.
Celem rozważań jest analiza wpływu eventu sportowego na kształtowanie się społecznej tożsamości aktywnych jego uczestników, tj. biegaczy maratonów. Zastosowana w artykule metoda komparatystyczna i porównawcza umożliwiły zbadanie czynników tworzących społeczną tożsamość, wśród których kluczową rolę odegrał motyw uczestnictwa i subkultura biegaczy maratonów. W części pierwszej artykułu wydobyto swoistość eventów sportowych, z podkreśleniem jej składników jakościowych, bazujących na niezwykłym doświadczaniu i intensywności przeżyć. W części drugiej postawiono pytanie o kształtowanie się społecznej tożsamości jego uczestników. W tym wypadku przedmiotem teoretycznego namysłu i analiz są motywy uczestnictwa w evencie sportowym, jakim jest maraton. Ich identyfikacja jest okazją do prezentacji tego, co sprzyja cielesno-duchowej samorealizacji w uprawianiu biegów maratońskich. W kolejnych częściach artykułu analizie poddano subkulturę maratończyków oraz doświadczenie autentyczności przeżyć, które jest opisywane za pomocą kategorii flow. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowo-badawczy
An aim of considerations is to analyse the impact of a sport event on the formation of the social identity of its active participants, i.e. marathon race runners. The applied in the article comparative method enabled surveying the factors forming the social identity, among which the key role was played by the motive of participation and the subculture of marathon runners. In the first part of the article, the author gets an individual nature of sport events, with an emphasis of its qualitative components, based on an unusual experience and intensity of feelings. In the second part, he asked the question of formation of the social identity of its participants. In this case, the matter of theoretical consideration and analyses is the motives of participation in the sport event, i.e. marathon. Their identification is an occasion to present what is conducive to physical and spiritual self-realisation in pursuance of marathons. In the further parts of the article, the author analysed the subculture of marathon runners and the experience of authenticity of feelings which are described with the flow category. The article is of the overview and research nature.
Цель рассуждений – анализ влияния спортивного события на формирование социального тождества его активных участников, т.е. марафонцев. Примененный в статье сопоставительный метод дал возможность изучить факторы, создающие социальное тождество, в числе которых основную роль сыграли мотив участия и субкультура марафонцев. В первой части статьи выявили специфику спортивных событий, подчеркнув ее качественные компоненты, основанные на необыкновенном опыте и интенсивности ощущений. Во вто- рой части задали вопрос о формировании социального тождества участников. В этом случае предметом теоретических рассуждений и анализов были мотивы участия в спортивном событии, каким является марафон. Их выявление – способность представить то, что способствует телесно-духовной самореа-лизации в занятии марафонами. В очередных частях статьи анализировали субкультуру марафонцев и опыт действительности ощущений, который опи- сывают с помощью категории flow. Статья имеет обзорно-исследовательский характер.
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