Thermal and snowy conditions in Zagożdżonka River catchment during hydrological years 2003–2013 and winter floods are presented in paper. The meteorological and hydrological data, such as maximum, minimum, mean diurnal air temperatures, daily snow cover depth, and water discharge, collected at Czarna station (WULS-SGGW) have been used. Meteorological conditions were analyzed using indexes proposed by Paczos. Temperate cold and extraordinarily low snowy winters has dominated in Zagożdżonka catchment in presented period of time. Winter floods as a result of snowmelt have been observed almost each year, except 2008 when winter was mild and extremely low snowy. The relation between winter severity index (WOz) and winter snowiness index (WSn) has been estimated, as well as the relation between winter snowiness index and maximum discharge (Qmax).
Wykorzystując wskaźniki ostrości termicznej i śnieżności zim według Paczosa, przedstawiono warunki termiczne i śnieżne zim na obszarze nizinnej zlewni rzeki Zagożdżonki oraz scharakteryzowano wezbrania zimowe, odnotowane w badanym okresie. Podstawowe dane meteorologiczne i hydrologiczne, takie jak temperatura powietrza (maksymalna, minimalna i średnia), grubość pokrywy śnieżnej, wysokość opadów, stany wody oraz zmącenie wody w okresach zimowych lat hydrologicznych 2002–2013, pochodziły ze stacji pomiarowej SGGW zlokalizowanej w miejscowości Czarna, na obszarze badanej zlewni. W badanym okresie na obszarze zlewni Zagożdżonki dominowały zimy umiarkowanie chłodne i niezwykle małośnieżne. Niemal w każdym roku obserwowano wezbrania, których bezpośrednią przyczyną było topnienie śniegu. Wyjątek stanowił rok hydrologiczny 2008, kiedy zima była łagodna i ekstremalnie małośnieżna. Istnieje korelacja pomiędzy wskaźnikiem ostrości zimy a wskaźnikiem śnieżności. Istnieje również zależność pomiędzy wskaźnikiem śnieżności a przepływem maksymalnym w okresie zimowym.
Carbohydrate concentration changes in below-ground biomass of subalpine tall grasslands with Calamagrostis villosa (Chaix) J.F. Gmelin were monitored during one year on the slope of Petrovy kameny Mt. (Hruby Jesenik Mts., Czech Republic). Stands of the community with natural snow conditions were compared with stands on a ski piste. Soil temperature development and snow melting times were also observed in the territory concerned. The difference was stated between mean annual temperature on control stands (4.21oC) and ski piste (3.95oC) in the upper 5 cm of soil. At the average, snow melted on the ski piste two weeks later than that on the natural stands. The natural stands and the stands on the ski piste differ significantly from each other in terms of development of carbohydrate accumulation in the below-ground biomass. Consumption of reserve carbohydrates by the plants at both the ski piste and in the natural stands was nearly similar during the winter. At the beginning of the growing season (July), significant difference in carbohydrate concentration in below-ground organs between stands on the ski piste and natural stands was observed. It was caused by late melting of the snow cover and subsequent delay of the phenologic development and assimilation of the vegetation in the ski piste. Later in season (August, October), the differences in carbohydrate concentration between stands at the ski piste and natural stands disappeared. The mean annual amount of carbohydrates in the upper (0–5cm) and lower (5–10 cm) soil horizons in natural stands and ski piste stands do not differ fundamentally, except for the significant difference in July. The results obtained are discussed in view of abiotic environmental conditions, the plant physiology and strategy of the dominant species.
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