The paper focuses on analyzes of the word order of the nominal phrase in the correspondence of Jan Hus. The main focus is on the comparison of the word order of Czech and Latin nominal phrases, especially on the comparison of the word order of possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and totalizers. We then compare the obtained results with the situation in Old Czech.
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na analýzu slovosledu jmenného výrazu v korespondenci Jana Husa. Hlavní pozornost je věnována srovnání slovosledu českých a latinských nominálních frází, zejména pak srovnání slovosledu přivlastňovacích zájmen, ukazovacích zájmen a totalizátorů. Získané výsledky pak porovnáváme se situací ve staré češtině.
The present study focuses on the word order of the pronominal enclitics mi, ti, si, ho, mu in selected books of the Old and New Testaments of the Kralice Bible. It focuses mainly on the distribution of individual forms within two competing positions, i.e., the post-initial position and contact position. The paper concentrates on non-post-initial positions of enclitics in the Kralice Bible, which are significantly less frequent than the post-initial positions and are in fact variants of the contact position. In the article, we try to pinpoint the extent to which the word order of the original texts (Latin, possibly Hebrew and Greek) influences the word order of the translations, the less frequent enclitics positions in particular. We look at Old and New Testaments separately, given that they are based on different languages.
Tato studie se zaměřuje na popis slovosledu pronominálních enklitik mi, ti, si, ho, mu ve vybraných knihách Starého a Nového zákona Bible kralické. Zaměřuje se hlavně na distribuci jednotlivých forem dvou konkurenčních pozic, tj. postiniciální pozice a pozice kontaktní. Příspěvek se zaměřuje na nepostiniciální pozice enklitik v Bibli kralické, které jsou výrazně méně časté než postiniciální pozice a ve skutečnosti jsou variantami pozice kontaktní. V článku se pokoušíme určit, do jaké míry slovosled původních textů (latinského, možná hebrejského a řeckého) ovlivňuje pořadí slov v překladu, zejména méně časté enklitické pozice. Díváme se na Starý a Nový zákon jako samostatné a nezávislé texty, protože jsou založeny na různých jazycích.
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The subject of this study consists of two compound connectives, „ale však“ and „však ale“, (“but however” and “however but”) which were present in older forms of the Czech language and which persisted into the National Revival era, but which were eventually rejected by modern Czech. The study focuses on the order of the two components of the connectives. The author analyzed data from secondary literature, old grammars of Czech, diachronic corpora and a private corpus of Baroque Czech texts. On the basis of this analysis, it was found that the change in the order from „ale však“ to „však ale“ took place in the 18th century (after 1710). This change is connected to the fact that 1) „ale“ began to fill non-initial positions in the clause from the 18th century onwards, and 2) „však“ was not an enclitic. The rapid spread of „však ale“ dates from the 18th century and it continued during the National Revival period. This can be viewed as evidence of the uninterrupted continuity of Standard Czech between the Baroque period and the National Revival. If Standard Czech had experienced a hiatus between these two periods – as is traditionally assumed – only the form „ale však“ would have occurred in the language of the first half of the 19th century.
The paper presents the findings of a detailed analysis of the position and syntactic functions of the rheme in English and Czech parallel texts representing four different genres. First, separate syntactic structures are compared with a view to ascertaining to what extent the position and the syntactic function of the rheme are retained. Then the means of indicating the rheme (word order, semantics, context, intonation and specific syntactic structures) are analysed. Findings are presented with quantitative data.
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