Background: International network-carriers span the globe by linking airports on all five continents. At the core of those networks are hub-airports that serve as the centers for (inter-)national in- and outbound traffic flows. From a business model point of view, the major international carriers are so-called network-carriers, for their core concept is based on transfer-oriented hub-and-spoke-systems. In order to maximize revenue streams of network-carriers, changes in strategic slot allocation and strategic net planning are becoming increasingly relevant. The aim of this work was to analyze the impact of various elements of the management of strategic coopetition among partners within international airline alliances on the revenues obtained by individual partners. Methods: the problems related to the optimization of strategic slot allocation and strategic net planning from the point of view of the individual profit shared and added net contribution margins were discussed. Results and conclusions: Two extreme scenarios may be projected. The first one is that partners within a given alliance system may start to increase merger and acquisition activities. Thereby scale effects may be utilized. The other one is, when rivalry becomes too dominant over time, some partners may (have to) exit alliance systems. Thereby "atomic" subsystems may be on the rebound. Strategic coopetition management is aimed to keep leading international network carriers "on track" in the field of alliance management of that nature.
The current business environment in pump manufacturing companies is characterized by markets facing fierce competition. Customer expectations as a result are becoming increasingly higher in terms of quality, cost and delivery dates. These expectations are even worse due to rapid development of new information and communication technologies which provide direct connections between companies and their clients. Therefore, companies must have powerful “planning and controlling” mechanisms at their disposal. To achieve this, companies rely on a number of functions including production scheduling. Production scheduling strategies and disruptions management in pump industry are investigated, followed by a new-fangled concept suitable for addressing problems considered herein. Slot allocation process which starts by assigning slot number and/or confirmed order and ends when it is accepted into the queue by operations planning is presented. We further examine and relate market needs with manufacturing capacity available and supplier capacity by employing basic theory of work measurements, e.g., TAKT time, etc.
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Background: International network-carriers span the globe by linking airports on all five continents. At the core of those networks are hub-airports that serve as the centers for (inter-)national in- and outbound traffic flows. From a business model point of view, the major international carriers are so-called network-carriers, for their core concept is based on transfer-oriented hub-and-spoke-systems. In order to maximize revenue streams of network-carriers, changes in strategic slot allocation and strategic net planning are becoming increasingly relevant. The aim of this work was to analyze the impact of various elements of the management of strategic coopetition among partners within international airline alliances on the revenues obtained by individual partners. Methods: the problems related to the optimization of strategic slot allocation and strategic net planning from the point of view of the individual profit shared and added net contribution margins were discussed. Results and conclusions: Two extreme scenarios may be projected. The first one is that partners within a given alliance system may start to increase merger and acquisition activities. Thereby scale effects may be utilized. The other one is, when rivalry becomes too dominant over time, some partners may (have to) exit alliance systems. Thereby "atomic" subsystems may be on the rebound. Strategic coopetition management is aimed to keep leading international network carriers "on track" in the field of alliance management of that nature.
Międzynarodowa sieć połączeń lotniczych obejmuje swym zasięgiem cały świat, łącząc lotniska znajdujące się na wszystkich pięciu kontynentach. Bazą tych sieci są wielkie porty lotnicze, służące jako centra (między-) narodowych przepływów. Z punktu widzenia modelu biznesowego, większość międzynarodowych przewoźników jest tak zwanymi przewoźnikami sojuszy linii lotniczych, zaś koncepcja ich działalności opiera się na systemach typu hub-and-spoke. W celu maksymalizacji przychodów przewoźników należących do sieci, konieczność zmian w strategicznej alokacji slotów oraz strategicznego planowania sieciowego wydaje się nieodzowna. Celem pracy była analiza wpływu różnych elementów zarządzania strategicznego konkuperacji między partnerami w międzynarodowych sojuszy linii lotniczych na przychody uzyskiwane przez poszczególnych partnerów. Metody: problemy związane z optymalizacją strategicznej alokacji slotów jak również strategicznego planowania sieciowego z punktu widzenia zysków uzyskiwanych poprzez poszczególnych partnerów zostały poddane dyskusji. Wyniki i wnioski: Dwa skrajne scenariusze mogą zostać przyjęte. Pierwszy z nich zakłada, że partnerzy w ramach danego systemu sojuszu wzmogą działania na rzecz fuzji i przejęć. W ten sposób efekt skali działania może zostać wykorzystany. Drugi scenariusz dotyczy sytuacji, kiedy rywalizacja staje się zbyt dominująca i niektórzy partnerzy mogą (muszą) zrezygnować z uczestnictwa w sojuszu. Tym samym mogą zacząć przeważać tzw. systemy "atomowe". Celem strategicznego zarządzanie konkuperacją jest utrzymanie wiodących międzynarodowych przewoźników w sojuszach linii lotniczych, do których należą.
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