Standards of polygraph examination exclude testing sleep-deprived people. Lack of sleep (and examinee exhaustion) is a factor that can contribute to false polygraph examination results (including false positives). Based on behavioral assessments (careful observation of examinee behaviour during a pre-test interview and subsequent stages of polygraph examination), the critical role of examiners is to recognise incidences of lack of sleep and, consequently, to postpone the moment of testing. Professional literature treats the lack of sleep as a temporal inability to be subjected to the test (Widacki, 2018, 434). However, such a decision is nowadays usually powered with experts’ intuition (their experience) rather than the results of empirical research. There is therefore a need for conducting studies like the one presented below. In practice, a sleep-deprived person could take a polygraph examination for two main reasons. First, examinees may deliberately deprive themselves of sleep to interfere with the results of tests. Secondly, such a deprivation may be connected with external circumstances of a particular examination. In a case involving a jewelry store robbery in Katowice, police officers wanted an expert to examine the building’s security staff. They wanted to have outcomes of screening tests on the day of the theft. The expert refused to perform the test because the security guards were tired after the night shift. In any event, a polygrapher should not yield to pressure and test sleep-deprived persons. The main goal of the research reported in the present article is to explore the influence of sleep deprivation of tested subjects on the accuracy of polygraph test results.
Sleep deprivation affects numerous cognitive processes. Children populations have not been studied thoroughly, with regard to the effect of sleep deprivation on communication abilities. In this study, we investigate the pragmatic competence following acute sleep deprivation. Two eleven-year-old boys were evaluated on their pragmatic ability before and following sleep deprivation. The conversations were video-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the CHAT conventions. The Pragmatic Evaluation Protocol Revised (PREP-R) was administered for the investigation of pragmatic ability. Both children demonstrated a significantly lower performance following acute sleep deprivation. Their specific pragmatic ability and grammatically-based pragmatic ability were impaired. The subjects were unable to use lexical, morphological and syntactic cohesion, and encountered difficulties in the interaction and the managing of pauses. Acute sleep deprivation affects pragmatic competence, mainly due to difficulties in alertness, attention, working memory, and executive dysfunction in general. Variability in the pragmatic ability of the two subjects implies that more studies, focused on the cognitive deficits after sleep deprivation can cast more light on the evaluation of pragmatic ability.
Wstęp. Ból barku jest częstym objawem wielu patologii, który może zaburzać jakość snu. Cel. Analiza najczęstszych przyczyn bólu barku, które obniżają jakość snu. Materiał i metody. Od września do grudnia 2022 roku, dwóch niezależnych badaczy przeszukało następujące bazy danych: PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct i Google Scholar zgodnie z wytycznymi PRISMA dla przeglądów badawczych. W tym celu wykorzystano terminy „shoulder pain”; „sleep deprivation”; „sleep initiation maintenance disorders” i „sleep quality”. Uwzględniono wszystkie anglojęzyczne artykuły dotyczące tematu, niezależnie od roku ich publikacji. Publikacje nierecenzowane i prace przeglądowe zostały wykluczone z wyszukiwania. Wyniki. Wstępne wyszukiwanie zidentyfikowało 1561 artykułów. Po usunięciu duplikatów, 401 artykułów sprawdzono pod kątem tytułu i streszczenia. 1124 artykuły zostały wykluczone, ponieważ nie spełniały kryteriów włączenia. Ostatecznie do przeglądu włączono 78 artykułów. Każdy z włączonych artykułów został przydzielony do jednej z następujących grup: urazy i patologie (34 artykuły), ból pooperacyjny (16 artykułów), ból związany z głową i szyją (11 artykułów), rzadkie stany i choroby (7 artykułów), czynniki psychologiczne (6 artykułów) lub nowotwory (4 artykuły). Wnioski. Ból barku może mieć bardzo zróżnicowaną etiologię. Prawidłowa diagnoza jego pochodzenia i terapia dostosowana do problemu może skutecznie poprawić jakość snu.
Introduction. Shoulder pain is a common symptom of multiple pathologies, which may impair sleep quality. Aim. To analyze the most common reasons for shoulder pain, which decreases sleep quality. Materials and methods. From September to December 2022, two independent researchers searched the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar according to PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews guidelines. Terms: “shoulder pain”; “sleep deprivation”; “sleep initiation maintenance disorders” and “sleep quality” were used. All English-language articles pertaining to the topic were included, regardless of the year of publication. Non-peer-reviewed publications and reviews were excluded from the search. Results. The initial search identified 1561 articles. After removing duplicates, 401 articles were screened by the title and abstract. 1124 articles were excluded because they did not fulfill the inclusion criteria. In the end, 78 articles were included in the review. Each of the included articles was sorted into one of the following groups: injuries and pathologies (34 articles), postoperative pain (16 articles), head and neck related pain (11 articles), rare conditions and diseases (7 articles), psychological factors (6 articles), or neoplasms (4 articles). Conclusions. Shoulder pain may have a highly diverse etiology. Proper diagnosis of its origin and problem-specific therapy may effectively increase sleep quality.
Objectives Fatigue can be the result of overexertion and overload. It occurs when the burdened body does not have enough time for regeneration and biological renewal. The aim of this study was analysis of fatigue based on the subjective feeling in physiotherapists, nurses, and paramedics. Material and Methods The research covered 193 women and 107 men aged 30–60 years, including 100 physiotherapists, 100 nurses and 100 paramedics with higher education, employed in clinics and hospitals in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland. The research tool of choice was 30-item Research Committee on Industrial Fatigue Fatigue Scale, adapted into the Polish language by Paluch. The data were analyzed based on ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s rank correlation. Results Values determining frequency of decrease in activity were higher in nurses than in physiotherapists (p < 0.001) and paramedics (p = 0.005). Physiotherapists and nurses showed statistically significant positive associations of all fatigue indices with age and seniority. Sex-related differences in the frequency of physical fatigue symptoms have been noted (p = 0.044). Among people working in outpatient clinics and hospitals there were statistically significant differences in the frequency of decrease in activity (p = 0.001) and general level of fatigue (p = 0.031). Conclusions In nurses and physiotherapists, the frequency of experiencing ailments increases with age and work experience. This suggests that in the case of these professions it is important to quick identification of signs of fatigue and taking actions to prevent its worsening. Women experience fatigue more often, so they especially need to take steps to prevent and, if necessary, treat this condition. Hospitals should be an area of special involvement in the process of implementing programs to counteract fatigue of employees in the medical services sector.
Introduction: Extreme levels of sleep deprivation, fragmentation and management, are major problems in many sportive disciplines, ultramarathons, polar or extreme altitude expeditions, and in space operations.Material and methods: Polysomnographic (PSG) data was continuously recorded (total sleep time and sleep stage distribution) in a 34-year-old male whilst performing the new world record in long-term downhill skiing. He napped only during the short ski lift rides for 11 days and nights. Results: After an initial period of complete sleep deprivation for 24 hours, total sleep time and the total times of non-REM and REM achieved during the lift rides returned to standard values on the second day. PSG data revealed an average sleep time per 24 hours of 6 hours and 6 minutes. During daylight sleep was rarely registered. The subject experienced only two minor falls without injury and immediately resumed skiing. Conclusion: In a healthy, trained, elite male athlete, sleep fragmentation over 11 consecutive days did not significantly impair the sleep, motor or cognitive skills required to perform a continuous downhill skiing world record after an initial adaptation phase
The frequency of some behaviour (such as self-centred gestures) increases during a task that leads to the occurrence of low-vigilance episodes. These gestures can be useful in stimulating oneself. A study carried out in 20 adults has enabled us to state that motor activity (recorded with an actimeter) increases with the duration of a monotonous driving task and sleep deprivation. The analysis of the scores recorded using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale has shown that drivers can assess the deterioration of their state of vigilance according to the actual sleep preceding the driving test. Finally, the joint analysis of the subjective and objective data revealed a co-variation of these two types of indices. We discuss the stimulatory function of the motor activity in a task leading to the occurrence of low-vigilance episodes by investigating, among other things, the use, conscious or not, of this type of activity.
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