Background: The aim of the research was to acquire knowledge as to how the development of scientific publications looks, while also to specify the scope of research on the area of ski tourism. The research process is concentrated on the following research questions: In what way has the scientific output developed in the field of research on ski tourism? Who is the principal participant (countries, universities, authors, titles of sources) in the accumulation of research in a particular field? Method: In the process of selecting the test sample as a source of bibliometric data the Scopus database was applied. The test sample (N=1500) consisted of publications that contained such phrases in their works as “ski tourism”, “ski hotels”, “ski resorts” in their titles or key words. A general profiling of publications was conducted in order to assess the trends in scientific output and the acknowledgement of the leading co-workers in the field of research. MS Excel was applied for the purpose of supporting the process of analysis and the visualization of results. Results: The analysis indicates that research on ski tourism is one of the aspects of great tradition. This has gained increasingly great interest among academic environments, which led to the breakthrough growth in the number of publications in 2006 indexed in the Scopus database. This publication output encompasses 26 research areas. Conclusions: The principal areas yielding the largest number of publications with regard to ski tourism are to be found in social sciences and science on the environment. The main authors and co-authors in this field are as follows: representatives from the EU and the USA, while the most productive research institution is Universität Innsbruck. The author of the greatest number of publications is Prof. Daniel Scott (University of Waterloo, Canada). The EU is one of the main sponsors.
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Rozwój ośrodków narciarskich jest najważniejszym czynnikiem rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego niektórych krajów i regionów górskich. Przyczynia się do wzrostu demograficznego oraz poprawy jakości usług i infrastruktury w miejscowościach górskich, jest ważnym źródłem zatrudnienia i dochodów mieszkańców, a także kreuje tzw. psychologiczną stabilność osób zamieszkujących te tereny. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie, na podstawie danych uzyskanych z Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS, wpływu rozwoju ośrodków narciarskich na rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy 16 gmin, na terenie których leżą największe stacje narciarskie polskich Karpat. Pod względem społecznym i gospodarczym badane gminy są znacznie zróżnicowane. Przejawia się to w saldzie migracji, poziomie bezrobocia i przedsiębiorczości, a także w strukturze podmiotów gospodarczych. W zdecydowanie najkorzystniejszej sytuacji znajdują się te gminy, w których turystyka narciarska odgrywa istotną rolę w strukturze ich funkcji turystycznej. Są to przede wszystkim gminy położone w Beskidzie Śląskim i na Podhalu. Charakteryzują się one przeważnie dodatnim saldem migracji, niższym poziomem bezrobocia niż średni poziom dla Polski i wyższym od średniego poziomem przedsiębiorczości. Odwrotne cechy wykazują natomiast gminy słabiej zagospodarowane dla narciarstwa, leżące w Beskidzie Żywieckim, Beskidzie Sądeckim, Pieninach i Bieszczadach.
The development of ski resorts is the most important factor of socio-economic development of some countries and mountain regions. It contributes to the demographic growth and improves the quality of services and the infrastructure in the mountain locations. It is also an important source of employment and income of inhabitants as well as it creates the so-called “psychological stability” of people living in these areas. The aim of this article is to show, based on data obtained from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office, the impact of development of ski resorts on the socio-economic development of 16 municipalities, where the largest ski stations of the Polish Carpathians are located. The investigated municipalities differ significantly in terms of social and economic situation. This is reflected, among others, in the balance of migration, the level of unemployment, the level of entrepreneurship as well as the structure of business entities. Definitely those municipalities where ski tourism plays an essential role in the structure of their tourism function are in the best situation. There are mainly municipalities located in the Silesian Beskid and in the Podhale region. They are mostly characterized by positive migration balance, lower than the average level of unemployment for Poland and higher than the average level of entrepreneurship. The reverse features have the municipalities which are less developed for ski tourism, located in the Żywiecki Beskid, the Sądecki Beskid, the Pieniny Mountains and the Bieszczady Mountains.
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