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The paper discusses algorithms for extracting essential properties of binary objects in digital images which are either based on distance transforms defined by different metrics or algorithms based on simple shape deformations. Thinning algorithms define one-way simple deformations. Two-way simple deformations transfer object points into background points and vice versa, without destroying the image topology. This article reviews contributions in this area with respect to properties of algorithms and characterizations of simple points, and informs about a few new results. A main intention of this article is the comparative discussion of experimental results and theoretical equivalences.
Content available A modified K3M thinning algorithm
The K3M thinning algorithm is a general method for image data reduction by skeletonization. It had proved its feasibility in most cases as a reliable and robust solution in typical applications of thinning, particularly in preprocessing for optical character recognition. However, the algorithm had still some weak points. Since then K3M has been revised, addressing the best known drawbacks. This paper presents a modified version of the algorithm. A comparison is made with the original one and two other thinning approaches. The proposed modification, among other things, solves the main drawback of K3M, namely, the results of thinning an image after rotation with various angles.
Content available remote Skeletal curves of 3D astrocyte samples
The paper discusses the concept of simple (and non-simple) elements for the generation of topologic skeletons, their transformation into abstract curve graphs, and the analysis of such graphs. The definition of a branching index of a point on a curve is fundamental in curve theory (in Euclidean space), and leads to important subjects of curve analysis. This paper derives analogous notions, such as branching index, branch element, and junction, for digital curves, which allow us to introduce new concepts for analyzing complex digital curves in a 3D space. The paper provides new theoretical insights, and also discusses an application project (the description of astrocytes in 3D confocal images of human brain tissue). This work was originally initiated by a particular research project at the Medical School of The University of Auckland. Medical experts developed the hypothesis that features of astrocytes in confocal volume scans are useful for defining states between normal and abnormal tissue. The calculation of skeletal curves, as proposed and studied in this paper, provides a valuable tool for calculating such features.
The article presents the method and algorithm of automatic pointer measuring devices (voltmeter, manometer, metronomes etc.) indications determination in order to determine their dynamic characteristics with the help of web-camera and personal computer. The results of testing and experimental research of developed tool for determining the dynamic characteristics of pointer measuring devices are given. Using this method, the algorithm and the software developed, the process of determining the dynamic characteristics of the pointer measuring devices was automated. The time of recognition and calculation of one measured value for a dual-core processor and webcam with a resolution of 0.3 Mp averages 250–330 ms.
Wykorzystanie modeli numerycznych sieci wodociągowych stało się już powszechną praktyką nie tylko w Polsce. Wykorzystywane są różne typy tych modeli, począwszy od szkieletowych, poprzez podstawowe i szczegółowe. W procesie wspomagania decyzji eksploatacyjnych każdy z tych typów ma swoje zastosowanie. Przykładowo do obliczeń optymalizacyjnych pracy pompowni sieciowych wykorzystuje się głównie modele szkieletowe. W powszechnej praktyce modele te odzwierciedlają jedynie strukturę geometryczną i średnice przewodów magistralnych oraz niektórych rozdzielczych. Takie podejście powoduje duże problemy w procesie kalibracji. Uzyskiwane wyniki symulacji różnią się znacząco od wartości mierzonych na sieci. Biorąc to pod uwagę, w artykule zaproponowano inne podejście, a mianowicie wykorzystanie modelu zastępczego, uzyskanego po procesie szkieletyzacji skalibrowanego modelu podstawowego (odwzorowującego wszystkie przewody magistralne, rozdzielcze i niektóre przyłącza). Proces szkieletyzacji przedstawiono na bazie wybranej rzeczywistej sieci wodociągowej. Prawidłowość wyników obliczeń symulacyjnych uzyskanych za pomocą modelu uproszczonego poddano ocenie poprzez ich porównanie z wynikami uzyskanymi z monitoringu obejmującego 65 punktów pomiaru ciśnienia oraz 47 punktów pomiaru natężenia przepływu. Ocenę zgodności wyników symulacji z wynikami pomiarów przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem wytycznych AWWA. Przeprowadzone porównania wykazały dużą zgodność wyników obliczeń i pomiarów.
The application of numerical models of water supply networks has become a common practice not only in Poland. The models may be characterized by several types of geometrical structure: skeletonized, basic and detailed. Each of these types has an individual application in the process of supporting operational decisions. For example, to successfully optimize and schedule the operation of pump stations, skeletonized models are highly recommended. Typically, skeletonized models reflect the geometrical structure and diameters only of transmission mains and selected distribution pipes. Such representation of the geometrical structure of the network may cause problems during the calibration process - simulated results may differ significantly from the measured values of tested parameters. Taking that into account, the paper presents a different approach for the creation of a skeletonized model: the use of a replacement model created through the simplification of a basic model. The model, representing all mains and distribution pipes and additionally most important service connections, was skeletonized to the schematic form. The skeletonization process was presented on the basis of a selected actual water supply network. The correctness of the simulation results obtained with the use of the simplified model was compared with the measured values from the monitoring system (65 pressure monitoring points and 47 flow rate measurement points). The compliance of the simulation results with the measurement results was assessed with the use of AWWA guidelines. The conducted comparison showed a high agreement of the results of calculations and measurements.
Content available remote Fast Skeletonization of Blood Vessels
The study of the morphological and rheological behaviors of intramural vessels plays a critical role in various clinical applications such as surgical planning and radiotherapy. To better understand the rheological behavior of vascular structures in relation to the network morphology, we must obtain the quantitative measurements of the morphometric parameters of the vascular networks under various conditions. Morphometric parameters of the networks include vessel diameter, distance between branching points of vessels, and branching complexity. Because of the morphological complexity of blood vessels, however, it is difficult to obtain accurate measurements. In this paper, we present a novel and efficient method for skeletonization of curvilinear object. The proposed method automatically skeletonizes the vascular network in a given image and constructs a graph that represents the branching structures of the network. Since the method processes a given image as a whole, the multiple vascular networks present in the image are automatically detected and skeletonized simultaneously. Moreover, since the skeletons are represented as graph structures, various morphometric parameters are obtained automatically. We also present the very promising results of the method applied to the complex blood vessel networks in various retinal images.
Content available remote Extraction of centre line from curvilinear objects
This tutorial paper surveys three methods designed to detect the centre line in curvilinear structures. These are the iterative thinning, Steger's and derivatives' methods. We aim to illustrate the effectivness of the chosen methods for processing laser-trace images and magnetic resonance slices of human head. The essence of each three methods is presented and important parameters are discussed. Experiments have been carried out and results are discussed in the light of the quality of the centre line produced and work time of all three methods.
Zamykanie otworów w obiektach wolumetrycznych jest wyzwaniem w dziedzinie informatyki, gdyż z punktu widzenia topologii otwór nie jest podzbiorem przestrzeni 3D. Stąd nie można go zamknąć stosując klasyczne metody poszukiwań z wykorzystaniem algorytmów detekcji połączonych komponentów lub filtrów tłumiących. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje algorytm zamykania otworów zbudowany na bazie algorytmu zaprezentowanego przez Aktouf i innych w 2002 roku. Proponowany algorytm posiada kilka zalet w porównaniu do algorytmu Aktouf: zamykaniu podlegają tylko otwory a nie pustki - otwory wewnątrz obiektu stanowiące rozłączne komponenty tła. Ponadto „łata" zamykająca otwór odzwierciedla „geometrię tego otworu" nie ulegając zniekształceniom wskutek występowania gałęzi obiektu w pobliżu tego otworu. Algorytm został przetestowany na sztucznie wygenerowanych obiektach jak i na bardzo skomplikowanych obiektach 3D reprezentujących propagację szczeliny korozyjno-naprężeniowej w stali nierdzewnej. Artykuł zawiera również wyniki testowania algorytmu jak i dyskusję dotyczącą jego właściwości oraz możliwych zastosowań.
Hole closing in 3D volumetric objects is a challenge in computer science because from a topologieal point of view a hole is not a subset of 3D space. Therefore it is impossible to close a hole by the use of classical methods based on connected component labeling or suppressing filters. The article presents the new algorithm of hole closing based on the algorithm presented by Aktouf e.g. in 2002 year. Algorithm presented in the paper has several advantages in comparison with the Aktouf's approach: only holes are closed but not cavities - bounded by an object disconnected fragments of background. Moreover generated patch which closes a hole corresponds to its "geometry" and geometry of the patch is not influenced by branches of the object which are situated close to the hole. The algorithm has been tested on artificially generated objects and very complicated 3D objects which represent stress-corrosion crack to be propagated in stainless steel. The article includes also results of the algorithm tests, discussion of its properties and possible applications.
Content available A modified K3M thinning algorithm
The K3M thinning algorithm is a general method for image data reduction by skeletonization. It had proved its feasibility in most cases as a reliable and robust solution in typical applications of thinning, particularly in preprocessing for optical character recognition. However, the algorithm had still some weak points. Since then K3M has been revised, addressing the best known drawbacks. This paper presents a modified version of the algorithm. A comparison is made with the original one and two other thinning approaches. The proposed modification, among other things, solves the main drawback of K3M, namely, the results of thinning an image after rotation with various angles.
This paper aims at three aspects closely related to each other: first, it presents the state of the art in the area of thinning methodologies, by giving descriptions of general ideas of the most significant algorithms with a comparison between them. Secondly, it proposes a new thinning algorithm that presents interesting properties in terms of processing quality and algorithm clarity, enriched with examples. Thirdly, the work considers parallelization issues for intrinsically sequential algorithms of thinning. The main advantage of the suggested algorithm is its universality, which makes it useful and versatile for a variety of applications.
Content available remote Grey-skeletonization by four directional parallel operations
Reduction operations iteratively applied to gray-tone pictures can be used to build the skeleton representation. We regard the grey-tone picture as a mountainous relief and find the skeleton as a set of line patterns running centrally along the regions with locally higher intensity. Skeletonization is accomplished by parallel reduction operations based on a nonridge point tekst, and a new four subiteration parallel algorithm is described which is more efficient than a standard algorithm using the operations based on the notion of point simplicity. A comparison of the performances of the two algorithms is included.
Quantitative analysis of the human airway trees is a challenge in image processing and analysis. Results obtained in previous work on this subject are still not sufficient and they need improvements. Quantitative description of an airway tree consists in application of several steps: segmentation of the tree, skeletonization, decomposition and anatomical labelling, cross section generation and finally quantitative measurements. Each step needs to use different kinds of image processing algorithms. The most works were performed on different segmentation strategies, however skeletonization algorithms are still not enough tested and they require attention. Moreover, skeleton has very large impact on the quality of quantitative measurement of a bronchial tree. In the paper authors tested three skeletonization methods which are based on thinning - the most popular skeletonization approach. However, each algorithm uses different thinning strategy. The paper presents basic concepts of the algorithms and discussion about their primary features based on acquired results from real human CT images.
Ilościowa analiza ludzkich drzew oskrzelowych jest wyzwaniem z punktu widzenia analizy i przetwarzania obrazów. Uzyskane do tej pory wyniki są ciągle niedoskonałe i wymagają ulepszeń. Ilościowa analiza drzew oskrzelowych składa się z kilku kroków: segmentacji drzewa, szkieletyzacji, dekompozycji drzewa i anatomicznego etykietowania, generacji przekrojów prostopadłych i na końcu dokonania pomiarów. Każdy z kroków wymaga użycia innych algorytmów przetwarzania obrazów. Najwięcej badań wykonano nad problemem segmentacji drzewa. Jednakże algorytmy szkieletyzacji są ciągle zbyt mało przebadane i wymagają większej uwagi. Co więcej, uzyskany szkielet ma bardzo duży wpływ na jakość dokonanych pomiarów. W artykule, autorzy przetestowali trzy algorytmy szkieletyzacji bazujące na pocienianiu - najbardziej popularnym podejściu do szkieletyzacji. Każdy z algorytmów wykorzystywał inną strategię pocieniania. Artykuł prezentuje podstawowe koncepcje algorytmów oraz dyskusje na temat ich podstawowych właściwości bazując na wynikach przeprowadzonych eksperymentów.
This paper aims at three aspects closely related to each other: first, it presents the state of the art in the area of thinning methodologies, by giving descriptions of general ideas of the most significant algorithms with a comparison between them. Secondly, it proposes a new thinning algorithm that presents interesting properties in terms of processing quality and algorithm clarity, enriched with examples. Thirdly, the work considers parallelization issues for intrinsically sequential algorithms of thinning. The main advantage of the suggested algorithm is its universality, which makes it useful and versatile for a variety of applications.
W artykule przedstawiono automatyczną metodę pomiaru długości systemu wiązkowego korzeni pszenicy z hodowli hydroponicznej opartą o przetwarzanie i analizę obrazu. Badanie tej cechy ma istotne znaczenie w ocenie stopnia tolerancji roślin na działanie czynników środowiskowych wpływających na ich produktywność. W proponowanej metodzie zastosowano uproszczoną procedurę przygotowania preparatów korzeni oraz założono minimalne nakłady sprzętowe w formie standardowego skanera i komputera osobistego. Zawiera ona segmentację barwnego obrazu korzeni, szkieletyzację uzyskanego obrazu binarnego, a następnie odtworzenie, z płaskich szkieletów, topologii trójwymiarowych drzew korzeniowych poszczególnych korzeni wiązki, określonych w pracy jako korzenie 1. rzędu. Analiza struktur danych tych drzew umożliwia odtworzenie w rastrze obrazu przebiegu osi korzeni 1. rzędu i ich bocznych odgałęzień. Długości korzeni są wyliczane wzdłuż tych osi, po uprzednim wygładzeniu ich przebiegu przy użyciu funkcji sklejanych trzeciego stopnia. Pomiary długości korzeni 1. rzędu przeprowadzone dla serii 10 obrazów (ok. 50 korzeni) wykazały niewielką rozbieżność z wynikami pomiarów metodą manualną -średnio 1,94%.
In the paper an automatic method of length measurement has been presented for the roots of wheat from hydroponic culture, based on image processing and analysis. Evaluation of this feature of root systems is important for the estimation of plant tolerance to environmental factors influencing their productivity. In the proposed method simplified procedure of root preparation is applied and low-cost equipment is assumed consisting of typical scanner device and personal computer. The method includes root image segmentation in colour space, binary image skeletonization and then 3D trees topology reconstruction from 2D skeletons of all individual fibrous roots defined as 1. order roots. The analysis of tree data structures enables the reconstruction of axes of 1. order roots and their lateral branches in the image raster. Root lengths are calculated along these axes following cubic splines smoothing of their routes. The measurements of 1. order roots, carried out for the series of 10 images (about 50 roots) revealed only small differences from the results obtained with manual method - 1,94% in average.
Adequate and concise representation of the shape of irregular objects from satellite imagery is a challenging problem in remote sensing. The conventional methods for cartographic shape representation are usually inaccurate and will provide only a rough shape description if the description process is to be fully automated. The method for automatic cartographic description of water basins presented in this paper is based on Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) - a class of neural networks with unsupervised learning. So-called structured SOM with local shape attributes such as scale and local connections of vertices are proposed for the description of object shape. The location of each vertex of piecewise linear generating curves that represent skeletons of the objects corresponds to the position of a particular SOM unit. The proposed method makes it possible to extract the object skeletons and to reconstruct the planar shapes of sparse objects based on the topological constraints of generating lines and the estimation of local scale. A context-dependent vertex connectivity test is proposed to enhance the skeletonization process. The test is based on the Markov random chain model of vertices belonging to the same generating line and the Bayesian decision-making principle. The experimental test results using Landsat-7 images demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach and its potential for fully automated mapping of hydrological objects.
Content available remote Vascular network description and visualization
This paper describes a technigue of description and visualization of vasculature. Vascular description includes a topology structure, cross section area and volume measurements. Visualization interacting system allows studying extracted data.
W artykule opisano technikę reprezentacji i wizualizacji sieci naczyń krwionośnych. System opisu takiej sieci zawiera strukturę topologiczną, przekroje i pomiary objętości. Współpracujący system wizualizacji umożliwia analizę wydobytych danych.
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