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The author begins with presentation of a programme of creating the detailed cartographic picture of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century, proposed by Stanisław Smolka from the Jagiellonian University at the first congress of Polish historians in Cracow in 1880. This initiative was partially realised in the atlas of Ruthenian lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the turn of the 16th and 17th century created by Aleksander Jabłonowski and printed in 1904 in Vienna. When Poland regained its independence, it became possible to organize further works. As their results two maps were designed, prepared and issued in the interwar period: the general map of the sixteenth-century Grand Duchy of Lithuania created by Jan Jakubowski, published in 1927 and 1928, and the map of Cracow Voivodship of the Four-Year Sejm period (1788–1792) elaborated by Karol Buczek with cooperation of several other persons and published in 1930 in Cracow. The main topic of this article is a series of maps with commentaries prepared collectively in the Institute of History of Polish Academy of Sciences, entitled Atlas historyczny Polski. Mapy szczegółowe szesnastego wieku (Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed maps of the 16th century) which includes Polish lands of the Crown. From the planned eight volumes with maps of individual voivodships or their groups, six were published successively in the years 1966–2018 and the last two are prepared for publishing in 2020. The author presents subject of the series and particularly contents of the main maps at the scale of 1:250,000. This most detailed geographical and historical analysis of a large part of old Poland depicts the area in the 16th century, but it can also facilitate the process of gaining deeper knowledge about the history of these lands in the earlier and later centuries.
Researchers of the sixteenth-century European diplomacy discuss diplomatic networks and daily life activities of ambassadors conditioned by the development of residential diplomacy. At the same time, historians of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth study diplomatic phenomena of a different kind since a resident mission system was not developed in Poland-Lithuania. The practice of temporary legations persisted and led to the development of distinctive features of envoys’ diplomatic activities during their missions. It also is possible to see different circumstances when looking into the question of the professionalization of Polish-Lithuanian diplomats and their personal qualities relevant to their diplomatic missions. The study of this problem reveals that, in the case of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a relatively strong patron-client relationship occurred as well as close links between the patronage system and organisation of diplomatic activities. Research into the practice of assigning envoys to diplomatic missions makes it possible to establish that almost all lower-rank envoys between the midand last decade of the sixteenth century were clients of the Radziwill family, dominating the political life of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at that time. One of the main tasks of the Radziwill clients nominated as diplomatic envoys was to supply information to their patrons. At the same time, we can also see an attempt to control diplomatic communications with foreign countries. This group of Radziwill clients, who performed various diplomatic missions, is the subject of the analysis presented in this article. I try to determine here the reasons for appointing particular clients as foreign envoys and see how their diplomatic functions influenced their future careers.
“Within One’s Inner Circle”: The Identity of Ruthenian Szlachta (Noblemen) of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the Time of the Union of Lublin (the Case of Filon Kmita Czarnobylski)The main aim of this article is to reconstruct the Ruthenian nobleman’s (szlachcic) perception of “us” and “the sphere of familiarity” in the second half of the sixteenth century and to place him within his respective communities and social groups by analyzing successive levels of his identity. It seems to be particularly important to study ideas and awareness of the common representative of the Ruthenian political nation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as scholars have so far been paying attention only to the notions of identity held by particular representatives of the elite, or else by intellectuals. Clientelist relationships of particular Ruthenian families, which are of crucial importance for reconstructing the complete image of the period, have not commonly been the subject of scientific research.The main thesis posited by this work is that the perception of one’s inner, familiar circle, of “us” as opposed to “them,” in the case of Ruthenian nobility was as multilevel as their national identity. To elucidate the posed questions, I am going to analyze Filon Kmita’s personal correspondence, his public, family and matrimonial relationships, the social practices he engaged in, and military and official environments to which he belonged.Such approach can help us not only to reconstruct the circle of relationships of this remarkable person but also to show how one of three primary nations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the Ruthenians – was experienced from the perspective of one of its representatives. „W kręgu swoich”: O świadomości ruskiej szlachty Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w dobie Unii Lubelskiej (na przykładzie Filona Kmity Czarnobylskiego)Głównym zadaniem mojego artykułu jest rekonstrukcja postrzegania „swojskości” przez ruskiego szlachcica z drugiej połowy XVI wieku oraz analiza jego wielopoziomowej świadomości, która umożliwi usytuowanie tego pojęcia w systemie odniesień poszczególnych grup i zbiorowości społecznych. Szczególnie istotne wydaje się zbadanie horyzontów i wyobrażeń przeciętnego przedstawiciela ruskiego narodu politycznego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w XVI wieku, dotychczas uczeni skupiali się bowiem najczęściej na wyobrażeniach elit (zwłaszcza ich pojedynczych przedstawicieli) lub intelektualistów, a związki klientalne poszczególnych rodzin ruskich, niezwykle istotne dla skonstruowania całościowego obrazu, praktycznie nie były przez nich jeszcze badane. Jedna z najważniejszych tez mojego artykułu zakłada, że świadomość przynależności do takiego „kręgu swoich” była jednym z nieodłącznych elementów ówczesnej ruskiej tożsamości. Jednocześnie zarówno postrzeganie „swoich”, jak i świadomość narodowa ruskiej szlachty charakteryzowały się wielopoziomową strukturą. Aby uzyskać rzucić światło na tak postawione kwestie, analizie poddam korespondencję osobistą Filona Kmity, jego powiązania społeczno-rodzinne, związki małżeńskie, zależności klientalne, praktyki społeczne, otoczenie wojskowe i służbowe. Takiego rodzaju podejście może pomóc nie tylko w przedstawieniu konkretnej jednostki (wprawdzie wybitnej, ale pozostającej poza środowiskiem elity Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego), lecz również w prezentacji trzeciego największego narodu Rzeczypospolitej w XVI wieku z punktu widzenia jednego z jego przedstawicieli.
Valentin Mantskovit was a Polish-born itinerant Protestant printer who worked in Hungary in the sixteenth century. The present study points to the interconnection of cultural activities in the history of book culture between Poland and Slovakia in the sixteenth century. The authors analyse and summarise the typographical works of Valentin Mantskovit and point to the social circumstances leading to the relocations of his press within the Kingdom of Hungary. They present the characteristics of the products of his press, focusing in particular on calendars, including the Cracow calendar that he printed. They correct the previously imprecise chronology of his printing activities in the territory of present-day Slovakia with reference to preserved archival sources.
This text benefits from the work on the digital treatment of a Prague edition of Hadrianus Junius’ nomenclator (1586). (1) The popular nomenclator (“Remembrancer” in the English 1585 edition), written by the Dutch humanist Junius and usually published in eight European languages, was printed at this time as trilinguis (Latin, German and Czech), but the “Latin” part also included Greek words and many other examples in different languages. This was not signaled by the usual typographical means (Daniel Adam’s publishing house did not use either the Greek alphabet or different letter styles for the explicated words and for explications of their meanings) and could have negatively influenced the intended use of the book at schools. The Prague edition was based on the second (1577) or third (1583) edition published by Christophe Plantin. (2) The nomenclator 1586 has pages with a two-column layout. Such a limited space predetermined the selection of certain orthographical variants in Czech equivalents, usually interpreted as phonologic variants. Similar phenomena are to be found in the narrow marginal notes or in the layout with narrow lines made of larger letters. (3) The last part of the text attempts to define special means and ways of orthographic compression and dilatation in the Czech prints of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
We wczesnonowożytnej Koronie Polskiej i Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim biskupi-senatorowie byli nie tylko najważniejszymi urzędnikami w diecezji, ale także należeli do ścisłej elity politycznej, dlatego analiza ich karier powinna w równym stopniu uwzględniać obie sfery działalności. W artykule została podjęta próba wskazania czynników, które doprowadziły dwóch członków rodziny Radziwiłłów Wojciecha († 1519) i Jerzego († 1600) do biskupich mitr Wilna, a w przypadku Jerzego, także do kardynalskiego kapelusza i do Krakowa. Choć decydującym elementem ich kariery zdaje się być ich status społeczny (obaj należeli do jednej z największych i najpotężniejszych rodzin magnackich Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego), to wydaje się, ze bez wykształcenia, oraz osobistych zalet i talentów nie udałoby się im tak wiele osiągnąć w dziele reformy kościoła. Artykuł kończy się refleksją nad prawnymi i duszpasterskimi owocami ich pracy przekraczającymi granice kościelne i polityczne.
In the early modern Crown of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania, the bishops-senators not only were the most important diocese officials but also belonged to the narrow political elite. That is why the analysis of their careers should take into consideration both these spheres. The article aims at pointing to factors which led two members of the Radziwiłł family – Wojciech († 1519) and Jerzy († 1600) to Cracow and galeri. Although the decisive element of their careers seems to be their social status (both belonged to one of the greatest and most powerful aristocratic family of the Great Duchy of Lithuania), it seems that without education and personal virtues and talents they would not have been able to achieve so much in the sphere of church reform. The article ends with reflection on legal and ministerial fruit of their work, reaching beyond ecclesiastical and political boundaries.
The German-language copy of the album which is today known under the short title Quarante tableaux found its way to the Jagiellonian Library thanks to Jan Ponętowski, who in 1592 made a donation of books to Cracow’s Alma Mater. Among numerous valuable bibliophilic works, Ponętowski’s collection includes a set of engravings – prepared and published by Jean Perrissin and Jacques Tortorel in Lyon in 1570 – illustrating the events of the first religious wars fought in France during the years 1559-1570. The aim of this article is to interpret selected graphics from this collection in terms of the artistic visualization of violence. The analysis covers the composition of an act of violence, the complementarity between the text of the legend and its illustrations, the relations between the victims and the perpetrators, the sacralisation or desacralisation of the place of execution as well as the differences in the manner of illustrating the violence of the Huguenots towards the Catholics and vice versa.
Niemieckojęzyczny egzemplarz albumu znanego dziś pod skróconym tytułem Quarante tableaux znalazł się w zbiorach Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej za sprawą daru Jana Ponętowskiego, który w 1592 roku przekazał swą kolekcję krakowskiej Alma Mater. Wśród cennych bibliofilskich dzieł znalazł się także zbiór rycin przygotowany i wydany w Lyonie w 1570 roku przez Jeana Perrissina i Jacques’a Tortorela. Przedstawia on wydarzenia z czasów pierwszych wojen religijnych toczonych we Francji w latach 1559–1570. Celem niniejszej pracy jest interpretacja wybranych grafik z tego zbioru pod względem zastosowanych przez artystów metod wizualizacji przemocy. Analizie poddana została kompozycja aktu przemocy, komplementarność tekstu legendy względem strony graficznej, relacje między ofiarami i oprawcami, sakralizacja bądź desakralizacja miejsca kaźni i różnice w ukazaniu przemocy hugenotów względem katolików i vice versa.
The subject of this study is inflection of nouns in Książki o wychowaniu dzieci [...] (Cracow 1558) by Erazm Gliczner. The main research aim was verifying progressive of standardisation of the Polish language in comparison to the first part of the sixteenth century. Due to the fact that sixteenth century was a time of the biggest development of Polish language changes were dynamic. Presented research results are only general trends but they show us a progress of normalization. Polish author had a good intuition with regard to developmental tendencies of 16th Polish language. He usually was choosing new variants of inflection forms.
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