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tom Vol. 8, No 3
The paper proposes a methodology for fuzzy multi-criteria analysis of decisions in a raster-based geographical information system (GIS) to determine the optimal locations for territorial objects. Recommendations about the stages of choosing alternatives for spatial and non-spatial constraints are given. It is shown that the fuzzyfication of criteria, that is, the conversion of their attribute values into a fuzzy set, based on expert evaluation of a fuzzy membership function, allows screening alternatives by determining thresholds of alpha-cut of fuzzy sets for each criterion, followed by combining criteria attributes using aggregation operators: minimum, maximum, weighted sum, OWA operator Jager. Adding to the procedure of multicriteria analysis of the additional stage of filtration of alternatives gives the opportunity to reduce the number of alternatives, and in the future and the processing time of the criteria layers by aggregator operators. The proposed algorithm for screening alternatives can be performed in a GIS environment using Fuzzy Membership, Overlay and raster calculators tools.
This article deals with the application of spatial multiple criteria evaluation (SMCE) concepts and methods to support identification and selection of proper sites for waste disposal. The process makes use of a recently developed SMCE module, integrated into ITC's existing geographic information system called ILWIS. This module supports application of SMCE in planning and decision making processes through several compensatory and non- compensatory approaches, allowing inclusion of the spatial and thematic priority of decision makers. To demonstrate the process, a landfill site selection problem around the town of Chinchina, in Colombia, is used as an example. Based on different objectives, a spatial data set consisting of several map layers, e.g., land use, geological, landslide distribution, etc., is made available and used for modeling the site selection process.
Sektor tekstylno-odzieżowy może być postrzegany jako łańcuch dostaw, który składa się z kilku różnych procesów. Łańcuch dostaw jako zintegrowana sieć produkcyjna musi być bardzo dobrze zorganizowany od momentu pozyskiwania surowców do dystrybucji i marketingu. Logistyka jest bardzo ważną strategią mającą na celu uzyskanie przewagi konkurencyjnej, jak czas, koszty i zadowolenie klientów. W badaniu tym, oceniano z udziałem ekspertów sektorów odzieżowego i logistycznego utworzenie centrum logistycznego dla tureckiego przemysłu odzieżowego w regionie Marmara w Turcji. Przeprowadzono badanie numeryczne wraz z badaniami ankietowymi, dla oceny uzyskanych wyników zastosowano metodę hierarchicznej analizy AHP.
Given Morocco’s geographical position and climatic conditions, solar energy will supply a large portion of the country’s energy demand. In this paper, the suitability of Moroccan lands for hosting Solar Power Plants was studied using the combination of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and theAnalytical Hierarchy Method (AHP). The multi-criteria decision framework integrates technical, socio-economic and environmental constraints. For this purpose, a GIS database was created using layers from various sources. In addition, since the potential of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) is the most relevant criterion for the selection of solar farms, a high-quality solar satellite map with a spatial resolution of 0.27 km was used, covering a period from 1994 to 2018. Obtained results show a great potential for solar energy development in Morocco, represented by the availability of 90% of areas. In fact, the resulting map was classified into 6 different classes, namely: Very high suitability, High suitability, Moderate suitability, Low suitability, Very low suitability and Exclusion areas, which 53.88%, 24.08%, 0.15%, 0%, 0% and 21.89% are respectively the percentages of their area occupation. According to the performed investigations, the most significant criteria that should be considered include: The Global Horizontal Irradiation, Slope, Temperature and Slope orientation. The obtained map was then compared to the existing solar farms, and show that all the existing projects are located within areas classified as highly suitable.
Biorąc pod uwagę położenie geograficzne i warunki klimatyczne Maroka, energia słoneczna pokryje dużą część zapotrzebowania na energię w tym kraju. W artykule zbadano przydatność terenów marokańskich do lokalizacji elektrowni słonecznych za pomocą połączenia Systemu Informacji Geograficznej (GIS) i metody Analitycznego Procesu Hierarchicznego (AHP). Wielokryterialne ramy decyzyjne uwzględniają ograniczenia techniczne, społeczno-ekonomiczne i środowiskowe. W tym celu utworzono bazę danych GIS przy użyciu danych z różnych źródeł. Ponadto, ponieważ potencjał globalnego nasłonecznienia poziomego (GHI) jest najważniejszym kryterium wyboru farm słonecznych, zastosowano wysokiej jakości słoneczną mapę satelitarną o rozdzielczości przestrzennej 0,27 km, obejmującą okres od 1994 do 2018 roku. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na duży potencjał rozwoju energii słonecznej w Maroku na 90% obszaru kraju. W rzeczywistości otrzymana mapa została podzielona na 6 różnych klas, a mianowicie: bardzo wysoka przydatność, wysoka przydatność, umiarkowana przydatność, niska przydatność, bardzo niska przydatność i obszary wykluczenia, które stanowią odpowiednio: 53,88; 24,08; 0,15; 0; 0; i 21,89 procent zajmowanej powierzchni. Zgodnie z przeprowadzonymi badaniami, do najważniejszych kryteriów, które należy wziąć pod uwagę, należą: globalne nasłonecznienie poziome, nachylenie, temperatura i orientacja nachylenia. Uzyskana mapa została następnie porównana z istniejącymi farmami fotowoltaicznymi i wykazała, że wszystkie istniejące projekty znajdują się na obszarach o wysokiej przydatności.
Den sites are critical resources that ultimately influence the population dynamics of many species. Little is known about cougar den selection, even though dens likely play important roles in cougar fitness and kitten survivorship. Thus, we aimed to describe cougar den site selection in the Southern Yellowstone Ecosystem (SYE) at two scales (third- and fourth-order resource selection) and within an ecological framework that included environmental characteristics, as well as some measure of prey availability and anthropogenic landscape features. We documented 25 unique dens between 2002 and 2013, and gathered data on microsite characteristics and paired random points for 20 dens. The timing of dens was clumped in summer, with 56 % of 25 dens beginning in June or July. Unexpectedly, female cougars in our study system exhibited third-order selection for den areas in less rugged terrain, but did not exhibit selection for greater or lesser access to hunting opportunity, roads, water, or specific habitat classes, as compared with the remainder of their home ranges. Instead, our findings suggested that third-order selection for den areas was much less important than fourth-order selection: cougar den sites were characterized by high concealment and substantial protective structure. Therefore, our results provided evidence in support of land practices that promote and protect downed wood and heavy structure on forest floors—these will best provide opportunities for cougars to find suitable den sites and maintain parturition behaviors.
Program GEOSITES ma na celu utworzenie międzynarodowego rejestru, na poziomie krajowym i międzynarodowym, który wspomagałby narodowe i szersze starania służące ochronie stanowisk i promocji geoochrony. Dawne starania, zmierzające do wyróżnienia stanowisk podlegających ogólnemu zainteresowaniu lub stanowisk o znaczeniu międzynarodowym bądź godnych statusu światowego dziedzictwa, zawsze napotykały na brak właściwej bazy danych obszarów/obiektów wybranych w sposób porównawczy. W konsekwencji nie podjęto ani istotnej próby spisania stanowisk o znaczeniu międzynarodowym, ani oceny stanowisk celem nadania im statusu światowego dziedzictwa. Można się tego podjąć przy zastosowaniu raczej subiektywnych metod, które nie biorą pod uwagę złożoności geologii w czasie i przestrzeni. W związku z tym, program GEOSITES proponuje przyjęcie różnego rodzaju działań metodologicznych stosowanych już w niektórych projektach krajowych dotyczących selekcji geostanowisk. W każdym kraju zamierza się rozszerzyć sieć zaangażowanych specjalistów tak, aby utworzył regionalne i krajowe grupy współpracowników zajmujących się właściwymi tematami (geologicznymi, geomorfologicznymi i krajobrazowymi). Na pierwszym etapie należy określić podstawowe elementy geologii każdego kraju, te wyraźne i ważne cechy, które muszą być zademonstrowane jako indywidualne stanowiska lub obszary. Weźmiemy pod uwagę standardy, a udokumentowane ich stanowiska/obszary poddamy wstępnej selekcji celem wyboru przykładów geo(morfo)logicznych elementów istotnych dla kraju i regionu.
GEOSITES aims to compile an international inventory of use in conservation, nationally and internationally, aiding national and wider efforts to protect sites and promote geoconservation. Past efforts to label sites as being of international interest or significance or as worthy of World Heritage status have always run up against the lack of a proper database of sites, let alone one selected and judged in a comparative manner. The consequence has been that there has been no meaningful attempt to list sites of "international significance" and judgements of sites for World Heritage status can only be undertaken using rather subjective methods, that do not consider the complexity of geology in space and time. Therefore, GEOSITES proposes to adopt the kinds of methodical approach already being used in some national schemes for selection. The intention is to extend the network of involved specialists in each country, to form regional and national groups of contributors, involving workers to cover all necessary topics (geological, geomorphological and landscape). We will identify the vital elements of the geology of each country - those salient and important features, large or small, which must be demonstrated; then Geosites will be selected - to exemplify the vital geo(morpho)logical elements of the country and region. We will use the Geosites standard recording format to start to document the preliminary site/terrain selections.
In 2005–2008, we radio-tracked 17 foxes in rural areas of Southern Germany. The mean home range size was 76.6 ha (95% MCP) or 138.9 ha (95% fixed kernel), and the built-up area formed an integral part of the home range. Home ranges of juvenile foxes were significantly smaller than home ranges of adult foxes. Gender-specific differences among adult foxes were not established. A minimum population density of 2.7 foxes per km2 and summer densities of up to 13.4 foxes per km2 were calculated. Therefore, the fox density was three to eight times higher than that of strictly rural foxes. Daytime resting sites of foxes were mostly found in forests (62.2%) and reedbed areas (20.6%). Of the resting sites, 14.8% were situated inside settlements, in fallow gardens or gardens of residents. During the day, foxes exhibited habitat preferences for forests and reedbed areas. A habitat structure that offers plenty of cover or dense vegetation is essential for its selection as a safe resting site. If this basic requirement is fulfilled, foxes also choose resting sites within settlements, and are not disturbed by human presence.
The Iranian jerboa (Allactaga firouzi Womochel, 1978) is one of the rarest rodent species in the world and it has been reported exclusively from a single site in central Iran. Because of its restricted geographical distribution and habitat degradation, it has been classified as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List. From April 2007 to February 2009 on a small area (2200 ha) of semi-arid grazed steppe (altitude 2000 m, surface covered by bare soil and/or scarce shrub and grass vegetation) we studied the architecture structure of burrow system and burrow site selection of Iranian jerboa. Three types of burrows including temporary burrows, winter and s ummer burrows were detected in the studied habitat. Habitat characteristics such as the percentage cover of: bare soil, pebble and cobble and desert plant species like Anabasis aphylla, Artemisis siberi, and Peganum harmala, as well as the selected chemical soil parameters (content of calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate) were measured in the burrow sites and compared with similar variables measured at random plots in the non-burrow sites. The principal component analysis successfully distinguished between the burrow sites and the non-burrow areas. The burrow site selection was mainly influenced by percentage cover of bare soil, vegetation type, soil texture and chemistry.
Content available remote Siting hydropower plant by rough set and combinative distance-based assessment
Each power plant (PP) is solo entity whose construction site is determined by different criteria in accordance with some physical rules. Latterly, great importance is provided to siting PP in inexact surroundings. Multiple-criteria decision-making for the proper location of the PP construction is relevant. The objective of this research is to create a model for decision-makers to rank available sites for installing hydropower plant (HPP) in accordance with multiple-criteria attributes e.g. accessibility to electrical grid, power potential, economical respects, environmental influence, topography, and natural hazards. In this research, a novel application of a hybrid approach that employs rough set theory (RST) and combinative distance-based assessment (CODAS) method is proposed to prioritize available locations for installing HPP. Firstly, the strength of RST is adopted to get minimal attributes reduction set. Secondly, the relative weights of minimal attributes are determined using RST. Finally, CODAS technique is utilized to calculate the rank of alternatives. The comparison between the proposed method-based results and the results without attributes reduct, proves that the proposed method saves the time and energy.
Zaproponowano nowatorskie zastosowanie podejścia hybrydowego, które wykorzystuje teorię zbiorów przybliżonych (RST) i metodę oceny kombinowanej opartej na odległości (CODAS) w celu ustalenia priorytetów dostępnych lokalizacji do zainstalowania elektrowni wodnej (HPP) zgodnie z atrybutami wielokryterialnymi, np. dostępność do sieci elektrycznej, potencjał energetyczny, aspekty ekonomiczne, wpływ środowiska, topografia i zagrożenia naturalne.
Mental comfort for any individual is an important factor on the way to achieving one's goals and objectives. Based on research focused on young people, and conducted in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical activity positively affects mental comfort and is one of the social preventive measures for maintaining mental comfort. Thus, designing spaces dedicated to young people has become a common social interest. The purpose of the article was to identify criteria for locating recreational and leisure centers for young people. For the purposes of the study, a detailed literature review was conducted, following which the most relevant locational features were listed, defining criteria for evaluating their location. In addition, a keyword co-occurrence network was developed using VOSviewer software. The research was conducted on the basis of the Scopus database. The presented review highlighted the lack of comprehensive studies on the analysis of the location of youth recreation and leisure centers, which is definitely a gap that needs to be filled. Taking such a study into consideration when conducting planning work would certainly be a valuable effort to help creating a friendly urban infrastructure and an effective network of services.
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