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Przedstawiono sposób wykorzystania programu PowerFactory do analizy zagadnień związanych z pracą zabezpieczeń w systemie elektroenergetycznym.
The paper presents a method of using PowerFactory software in analysis of problems connected with operation of protective equipment in electric power system.
Content available Player and Stage at PJIIT Robotics Laboratory
Player/Stage/Gazebo is an Open-Source Software project designed for robotics research that provides infrastructure for distributed access to robotics equipment both real and simulated. Founded by Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Kasper Stoy and Nate Koenig, it it soon became popular among roboticists community. Project itself gained lots of contributors and many related software projects were started that support or make use of Player/Stage/Gazebo software. At PJIIT Robotics Laboratory we decided to deploy this software for educational purposes as well as for our Virtual Robotics Laboratory project where it plays significant role as an integration platform. Since it is Open-Source Software we were able to contribute new modules and also release fixes for bugs that we have found. This paper deals with our experiences with using and maintaining Player and Stage software.
This paper demonstrates the results of implementation and verification of an already existing algorithm that allows for calculating saturation characteristics of singlephase power transformers. The algorithm was described for the first time in 1993. Now this algorithm has been implemented using the DIgSILENT Programming Language (DPL) as an external script in the harmonic domain calculations of a power system analysis tool PowerFactory [10]. The algorithm is verified by harmonic measurements on a single-phase power transformer. A theoretical analysis of the core nonlinearities phenomena in single and three-phase transformers is also presented. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the method can be applied for modelling nonlinearities of three-phase autotransformers.
Omówiono podstawowe elementy programu PSCAD/EMTDC wykorzystywane do symulacji zjawisk występujących w systemach elektroenergetycznych.
The paper discusses basic components of PS CAD software used for simulation of phenomena that occur in electric power systems.
W artykule przedstawiono implementację metody badania stateczności maszyn wydobywczych w środowisku programów CAD. Omówiono założenia metodologiczne zagadnienia, przedstawiono zaproponowany sposób rozwiązania, zaprezentowano prototyp aplikacji do wyznaczania współczynników stateczności kombajnu ścianowego.
Implementation of a method for testing the stability of mining machines In the environment of CAD programmes is presented In the paper. Methodological assumptions of the problem are discussed, suggested solution given and the prototype of application for determination of coefficients of longwall shearer stability is presented. The paper is the result of the work carried out within the INERG research project entitled: ‘Innovative solutions of mining machines increasing the national energy security’ realized within the INITECH project by scientific-and-industrial consortium including: KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, Zabrzanskie Zaklady Mechaniczne S.A. and Kopex Technology Sp. Z.o.o
Content available Tool path definition in Virtual Machines world
Virtual Machine (VM), called also machine simulator, is 3D computer model which is geometrically and functionally the same like real machine (CNC machine tool or robot). They are used mainly for different kind of syntax errors and collision detection in CNC programs. Whole simulation process is also called Virtual Machining. This kind of off-line programming require CAM software support to generate tool paths and transform them to machine commands. The most advanced virtual machining software gives more possibilities to influence machines behavior – it is not only simulation software. This article describe it based on Eureka virtual machining software.
Transport kopalniany materiałów i przewóz osób w podziemnych wyrobiskach górniczych prowadzony jest z wykorzystaniem kopalnianej kolei podziemnej, kolejek spągowych oraz kolejek podwieszonych. Zwiększające się gabaryty i masy transportowanych maszyn i urządzeń wymagają projektowania systemów transportowych w oparciu o analizy istniejących tras, pod względem możliwości wystąpienia kolizji z obudową oraz wyposażeniem wyrobisk korytarzowych, co wiąże się również z właściwym doborem zastosowanych urządzeń transportowych. W artykule przedstawiono komputerową metodę analizy możliwości wystąpienia kolizji, dla kolejek spągowych oraz podwieszonych, za pomocą autorskiego oprogramowania, opracowanego w ITG KOMAG. Omówiono założenia metody i jej implementację w środowisku programu AutoCAD. Przedstawiono integrację opracowanego oprogramowania z systemem Safe Trans Design (STD), wdrożonym w kopalniach JSW S.A. Zaprezentowano przykłady analiz kolizyjności w przypadku transportu sekcji obudowy zmechanizowanej kolejką podwieszoną.
Mine transportation of materials and people in underground workings is performed by the use of mine railway system, floor-mounted railway and suspended monorail. The increasing size and weight of the transported machines and equipment require planning the transportation system based on analyses of the existing transportation routes as regards the possibility of collision with roof support and with roadway equipment to select properly transportation machines. Computer method of collision analysis for floor-mounted railway and suspended monorail with the use of the author’s computer program, developed at KOMAG, is presented. Assumption of the method and its implementation in AutoCAD software environment is discussed. Integration of the developed computer program with Safe Trans Design (STD) system, implemented in JSW S.A. mines, is presented. Examples of collision analyses in the case of transportation of powered roof support by suspended monorails are described.
The prodn. of polyethylene and polypropylene films, their printing and processing to bags and pockets in full cycles were modeled by using a com. simulation software. The process parameters were successfully optimized.
Sporządzono modele linii technologicznych wytwarzania folii polietylenowych i polipropylenowych, ich drukowania oraz przetwórstwa do worków i opakowań w pełnych cyklach z wykorzystaniem programów symulacyjnych i zastosowano je z powodzeniem do optymalizacji parametrów procesu produkcyjnego.
Content available Usage of connor inlets to eliminate shrinkage
The demand for castings of high quality and sound work is nowadays very high. The production of sound castings without foundry errors is the big issue in modern foundries. Foundry simulation software can do a lot to help improve the disposition of castings, gating system and feeder system, and assure good filling and solidification conditions, and also produce sound casting without the need of the old method of 'try and error'. One can easily change a lot of parameters for filling and solidification, and create the best proposal for production. Connor inlets have two functions. One is that it serves as an ingate, through which molten metal passes and comes into the mould cavity. The second function is that it serves as a feeder and substitutes the metal contracted during solidification and cooling of the castings. It can also save quite a lot of metal in comparison to classic feeders.
Przeprowadzono analizę niezbędnych cech profesjonalnego oprogramowania symulacyjnego, które ma służyć do przygotowania technologii wykonania odlewu, szczególnie dla uzyskania odlewu pozbawionego jam skurczowych i porowatości. Próby symulacyjne wskazały na istotne znaczenie opcji ruchu metalu po wypełnieniu formy, natomiast w typowych odlewach grawitacyjnych pominąć można opcję kinetyki zalewania. Pokazano przykład wykorzystania oprogramowania do przygotowania technologii zasilania odlewu z żeliwa sferoidalnego.
The analyse of essential features of computers programs for modelling of casting technology, particularly for obtaining the sound castings. The simulation tests have pointed on importance of fluid flow in mould after filling, however the option of mould filling for typical gravitational technology may be omitted. The example of using of professional simulation program for preparing the technology for casting of ductile iron has been demonstrated.
Rozwiązując zadanie regulacji, automatyk powinien przede wszystkim sporządzić odpowiedni opis obiektu. Szuka często matematycznego modelu zjawisk w nim zachodzących, tzn. takiego układu zależności, którego rozwiązanie dawałoby wyniki lub prognozy zgodne z obserwacjami. Gdy rozważymy własności statyczne i dynamiczne obiektu, to okaże się, że posiada on określoną wielkość wejściową i wyjściową i może być np. scharakteryzowany transmitancją operatorową, odzwierciedlającą jego pełną charakterystykę dynamiczną. Proces identyfikowania obiektu powinien więc polegać w praktyce na obserwacji zmian sygnału wyjściowego, który jest odpowiedzią obiektu na wymuszenie, np. funkcją skokową podaną na jego wejście. Otrzymany w ten sposób model wystarcza w praktyce do opracowania układu sterowania automatycznego i wyznaczenia nastaw regulatora znajdującego się w pętli z badanym obiektem.
The radiographic and the strain-gauge (drill hole) methods were used in evaluating the residual stress fields in Al-alloys. Two simulation software programs (MAGMA, SIMTEC) were used to compare the residual stress values established. Discussed in the paper are the potentials of individual methods, possible errors and the determination of residual stress at the critical points in the wall thickness of the casting.
Do oceny pola naprężeń w stopach aluminium użyto metody rentgenograficznej i metody naprężenia kontrolnego. Dwa programy symulacyjne (MAGMA i SIMTEC) zostały użyte do porównania wyznaczonych wartości naprężeń. W artykule omówiono potencjał użytych metod, możliwe do popełnienia błędy i wyznaczenie wartości naprężeń szczątkowych w krytycznych miejscach na grubości ścianki odlewu.
Direct fuel injection requires appropriate conditions for proper ignition of the formed mixture. The proper combustion process is shaped by the direct fuel injection, whose parameters vary. Preparation of the dose requires proper injector placement in the combustion chamber. This article focuses on the issue of the injector specific spatial and angular position in order to implement the injection and atomization of the fuel. The injector's pseudo-optimal location has been presented along with several changed positions. The research was conducted as a simulation experiment using AVL FIRE 2017 software. The best position of the injector was selected based on the fuel spraying and injection process indicators. It has been shown that the spatial position has the most impact and the injector placement angle is of secondary importance.
In a situation of surplus electricity production from fluctuating renewable energy sources, the optimal allocation, capacity and security of energy storage will play a pivotal role in the management of energy systems. In this context, highly flexible storage facilities providing access to stored energy at very short times are gaining in importance. Power-to-gas technologies combined with the injection of the produced gas to the natural gas network create the possibility of using the existing natural gas infrastructure to store large amounts of electricity converted into chemical energy of the fuel. This paper provides overview of selected demonstration projects carried out in this field. The literature review of the sensitivity of the elements of the gas value chain to the increased hydrogen concentrations is conducted. Next, the results of the simulation study of the effect of hydrogen injection on the hydraulic properties of a gas distribution network providing gas to 1167 customers are presented.
The article contains an analysis of the fuel dose combustion phenomena and exhaust emissions in a direct injection system of an SI engine for variable injector location in the combustion chamber. The research performed is a continuation of the research presented in the article CE-2018-104. The tests were performed using the AVL Fire 2017 simulation environment. 27 injector placement combinations in three planes were analyzed: axial distance from the cylinder axis, injector depth relative to the head and angular position relative to the cylinder axis. An optimal solution was chosen, taking into account the significance of individual indicators. It was shown that the greatest impact in terms of the most advantageous combustion process indicators is the injector setting depth in the combustion chamber cavity, while the distance from the cylinder axis is of secondary importance. The smallest changes in the combustion and emission factors values are seen with the change of the injector placement angle (in the value range used in this study).
Content available remote Wykorzystanie oprogramowania symulacyjnego do analizy planów produkcyjnych
tom R. 78, nr 10
812-812, 814, 816-817, 819
Przedstawiono zastosowanie oprogramowania symulacyjnego do analizy planów produkcyjnych. Analiza została przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem układu modelowego zbudowanego w oparciu o oprogramowanie symulacyjne Enterprise Dynamics (ED). Przy budowie programu w ED wykorzystano wewnętrzny język programowania 4DScript. Przeprowadzona symulacja komputerowa pozwoliła określić, czy założone terminy realizacji zleceń zostaną dotrzymane. Wyznaczono również współczynniki wykorzystania stanowisk.
Application of simulation software to the analyse of production plans is outlined. The analysis was carried out with the help of model system built on the basis of the Enterprise Dynamics (ED) simulation software.
Tworzywa kompozytowe coraz częściej są stosowane jako materiały konstrukcyjne, ponieważ w wielu przypadkach jeden rodzaj materiału nie może spełnić wszystkich wymagań. W zakresie technologii tworzyw sztucznych powszechne stało się zwłaszcza wzmacnianie tworzyw sztucznych włóknami. Jednakże ta klasa materiałów nie została dotychczas zbadana w wystarczającym stopniu, przy czym brak wyczerpującego opisu dotyczy zwłaszcza przenoszenia ciepła w materiałach kompozytowych tego typu. Tematem niniejszego opracowania jest więc zagadnienie przenoszenia ciepła w tworzywach sztucznych wzmacnianych włóknem w zależności od użytego półproduktu włókienniczego (np. przędzy lub tkaniny). Do opisu zastosowano samodzielnie stworzone narzędzie obliczeniowe. Wyniki tych obliczeń zostaną porównane z wartościami doświadczalnymi.
Composite materials are used as construction materials increasingly since a material alone can not meet frequently the demanded requests. At that established just in the field of the plastic processing the fibre reinforced plastics. This material class is not sufficiently examined up to now, at which the heat transfer of such composites is not sufficient in particular described yet. The heat transfer in fibre reinforced plastics will be described in dependence of the used textile semi finished product (for example textile thread or fabric) in which a self developed calculation tool is used. Definitively the calculated results are compared with experimental values.
tom nr 6
521--525, CD 2
Oprogramowanie w oparciu, o które działają symulatory nawigacyjno – manewrowe bazuje na zaawansowanym modelu matematycznym. Umożliwia on symulację wpływu wielu sił odziaływujących na kadłub jednostki. Są one związane zarówno z środowiskiem morskim, infrastrukturą portową , jak i odziaływaniem innych obiektów pływających. Efektem działania tych sił jest ruch jednostki w 6 stopniach swobody. W artykule zaprezentowano strukturę modelu matematyczngo oprogramowania symulacyjnego oraz możliwości operatorów w zakresie jego edycji. Jest ono podstawą działania symulatora będącego się na wyposażeniu Instytutu Nawigacji i Hydrografii Morskiej w Akademii Marynarki Wojennej.
Modern navigational and maneuvering simulators based on advanced mathematical model. It allows the simulation of multiple forces acting on the ship’s hull. They are associated with both the marine environment, port infrastructure, and impacts with other floating objects. The effect of these forces is the vessel motion six degrees of freedom. The paper presents the mathematical model structure of the simulation software and the ability of operators to edit it. This software is the basis of action simulator being equipped Institute of Navigation and Hydrography Polish Naval Academy.
Content available Slime mould games based on rough set theory
We define games on the medium of plasmodia of slime mould, unicellular organisms that look like giant amoebae. The plasmodia try to occupy all the food pieces they can detect. Thus, two different plasmodia can compete with each other. In particular, we consider game-theoretically how plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum and Badhamia utricularis fight for food. Placing food pieces at different locations determines the behavior of plasmodia. In this way, we can program the plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum and Badhamia utricularis by placing food, and we can examine their motion as a Physarum machine—an abstract machine where states are represented as food pieces and transitions among states are represented as movements of plasmodia from one piece to another. Hence, this machine is treated as a natural transition system. The behavior of the Physarum machine in the form of a transition system can be interpreted in terms of rough set theory that enables modeling some ambiguities in motions of plasmodia. The problem is that there is always an ambiguity which direction of plasmodium propagation is currently chosen: one or several concurrent ones, i.e., whether we deal with a sequential, concurrent or massively parallel motion. We propose to manage this ambiguity using rough set theory. Firstly, we define the region of plasmodium interest as a rough set; secondly, we consider concurrent transitions determined by these regions as a context-based game; thirdly, we define strategies in this game as a rough set; fourthly, we show how these results can be interpreted as a Go game.
Simulation software dedicated for design of casting processes is usually tested and calibrated by comparisons of shrinkage defects distribution predicted by the modelling with that observed in real castings produced in a given foundry. However, a large amount of expertise obtained from different foundries, including especially made experiments, is available from literature, in the form of recommendations for design of the rigging systems. This kind of information can be also used for assessment of the simulation predictions. In the present work two parameters used in the design of feeding systems are considered: feeding ranges in horizontal and vertical plates as well as efficiency (yield) of feeders of various shapes. The simulation tests were conducted using especially designed steel and aluminium castings with risers and a commercial FDM based software. It was found that the simulations cannot predict appearance of shrinkage porosity in horizontal and vertical plates of even cross-sections which would mean, that the feeding ranges are practically unlimited. The yield of all types of feeders obtained from the simulations appeared to be much higher than that reported in the literature. It can be concluded that the feeding flow modelling included in the tested software does not reflect phenomena responsible for the feeding processes in real castings properly. Further tests, with different types of software and more fundamental studies on the feeding process modelling would be desirable.
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