Trace elements are important in appropriate organisms functioning. Among them manganese as well as silicon play essential roles. Manganese takes parts in composition of many enzymes, it is a cofactor of numerous enzymatic reactions, a structural element of skin and bones, it also prevents osteoporosis. Its very important role in reproduction processes and in central nervous system has been already stated. Silicon is a very important factor, which takes active part in vital processes, regenerating tissues and increasing general immunity of organism. It has basic meaning in metabolism of connective tissue, collagen formation and bone development and mineralization, cartilages, hair, nails, teeth in human and animals, and also in processes of convalescence and ageing of organism. The aim of our experiment was to estimate influence of manganese chloride on the concentration of silicone in mice tissues. It has been find out that doses of administered manganese as well as the duration of exposure have influence on silicon content in tissues.
W artykule opisano wyniki badań eksperymentalnych zjawiska przejścia krzemu i manganu w procesie redukcji izotermicznej tlenków żelaza z faz ciekłych w temperaturze 1400°C. Badania prowadzono z wykorzystaniem przemysłowego koncentratu magnetytowego (lebiedieński) i koksiku wielkopiecowego. Wyniki badań wykazały, że istnieje duże zróżnicowanie stężenia tego metalu w żelazie (w zakresie od 0,10 do 4,80% mas.), co wskazuje na dyfuzyjny mechanizm przenoszenia krzemu w żelazie w stanie stałym. Jednocześnie, wyniki badań wskazują, że przenoszenie krzemu z ciekłej fazy żużlowej do metalu jest procesem bardziej złożonym.
This paper describes the results of experimental research work on phenomena of transition of silicon in the process of isothermal reduction of iron oxides from liquid phase at 1400°C. The study was conducted with the use of industrial magnetite concentrate (lebiedieński) and blast furnace coke breeze. The results showed that there is a large variation in the concentration of the metallic iron, ranging from 0.10 to 4.80 wt.%, suggesting diffusion transfer mechanism of silicon in the iron in the solid state. At the same time, the results indicate that the transfer of silicon from the liquid phase to the metal appears as a more complex phenomenon.
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