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Content available remote Social and Biological Context of Physical Culture and Sport
Author underlines that biological sciences connected with the human being are traditionally - after MacFadden, among others - counted among physical culture sciences. Because of the bodily foundations of human physical activity, they perform - shortly speaking - a significant cognitive function: they describe natural foundations of particular forms of movement. In spite of the fact that knowledge in that respect is extremely important for multiform human activity in the field of physical culture, it is not knowledge of cultural character. From the formal (that is, institutional) viewpoint it is strictly connected with culture studies, but it has separate methodological and theoretical assumptions. Knowledge of that type is focused on the human organism and not on effects of mental, axiocreative, symbolic activity of the human being entangled in social relations. It includes auxiliary data which support practical - that is, in that case, physical, bodily - activity. Its reception of axiological (ethical and aesthetical), social (philosophical, sociological, pedagogical, historical {universal or strictly defined - referring e.g. to art and literature with the connected theories} or political) character is dealt with by the humanities (in other words: social sciences) constituting an immanent and the fundamental - and hence the most important - part of culture studies. Putting stress on alleged superiority and the dominating role of natural (biological in that case) sciences within physical culture sciences and the connected marginalization of the humanities - which constitute, after all, a necessary and hence an unquestionable foundation for culture studies, their essence and objectivisation - is, euphemistically speaking, a clear shortcoming in the field of science studies.The abovementioned exaltation and aspirations for superiority, as well as deepening and more and more aggressive marginalization of the humanities (understood in that paper as a synonym for social sciences) in the field of physical culture sciences may lead to the separation of biological sciences.
Content available remote Should Philosophy of Sport Matter More?
While the philosophy of sport has registered significant gains in stature over the past 40 years, and while its future looks bright quite apart from any enhanced interventions by ourselves, I suggest that the philosophy of sport should still matter more. The achievement of this end, I argue, can be expedited by heeding Spinoza's philosophy of unity, Merleau-Ponty's emphasis on embodiment, and Dewey's focus on the aesthetics of experience. While other philosophers and their works might be used for the same purpose, I claim that it would be difficult to find three more accommodating allies. The major portion of the essay is devoted to defending this assertion.
Author underlines that biological sciences connected with the human being are traditionally - after MacFadden, among others - counted among physical culture sciences. Because of the bodily foundations of human physical activity, they perform - shortly speaking - a significant cognitive function: they describe natural foundations of particular forms of movement. In spite of the fact that knowledge in that respect is extremely important for multiform human activity in the field of physical culture, it is not knowledge of cultural character. From the formal (that is, institutional) viewpoint it is strictly connected with culture studies, but it has separate methodological and theoretical assumptions. Knowledge of that type is focused on the human organism and not on effects of mental, axiocreative, symbolic activity of the human being entangled in social relations. It includes auxiliary data which support practical - that is, in that case, physical, bodily - activity. Its reception of axiological (ethical and aesthetical), social (philosophical, sociological, pedagogical, historical {universal or strictly defined - referring e.g. to art and literature with the connected theories} or political) character is dealt with by the humanities (in other words: social sciences) constituting an immanent and the fundamental - and hence the most important - part of culture studies. Putting stress on alleged superiority and the dominating role of natural (biological in that case) sciences within physical culture sciences and the connected marginalization of the humanities - which constitute, after all, a necessary and hence an unquestionable foundation for culture studies, their essence and objectivisation - is, euphemistically speaking, a clear shortcoming in the field of science studies.The abovementioned exaltation and aspirations for superiority, as well as deepening and more and more aggressive marginalization of the humanities (understood in that paper as a synonym for social sciences) in the field of physical culture sciences may lead to the separation of biological sciences.
While the philosophy of sport has registered significant gains in stature over the past 40 years, and while its future looks bright quite apart from any enhanced interventions by ourselves, I suggest that the philosophy of sport should still matter more. The achievement of this end, I argue, can be expedited by heeding Spinoza's philosophy of unity, Merleau-Ponty's emphasis on embodiment, and Dewey's focus on the aesthetics of experience. While other philosophers and their works might be used for the same purpose, I claim that it would be difficult to find three more accommodating allies. The major portion of the essay is devoted to defending this assertion.
Alors que l’Union européenne continue de se débattre avec sa législation sur les marches numériques (DMA), l’Allemagne est allée de l’avant en mettant en oeuvre sa propre ‘Lex GAFA’ au début de l’année 2021. Cet article présente la nouvelle Section 19a et explique son fonctionnement interne. En outre, la Section 19a y est comparée à la procedure classique de l’article 102 TFUE et mis en contraste avec le DMA. Cet article présente les avantages et inconvénients de la Section 19a au regard du droit positif européen, ainsi que celui qui doit encore entrer en vigueur, afin de déterminer si la Section 19a est vraiment le projet phare qui a été promis, ou au contraire un solo national superflu.
As the European Union kept on struggling with its Digital Markets Act, Germany forged ahead and implemented its own ‘Lex GAFA’ in early 2021. The paper will introduce this new Section 19a and explain its inner workings. Furthermore, Section 19a will be compared to classic Article 102 TFEU-procedure and contrasted with the DMA. Thereby, the paper will present the advantages and disadvantages of Section 19a in comparison to existing and future European law to assess whether Section 19a is in fact the lighthouse project it was presented to be – or rather a superfluous national solo run.
W artykule autor przeprowadza analizę ekonomiczną największych firm informatycznych Podkarpacia (w tym spółki GPW „Asseco Poland S.A. Grupa Kapitałowa”). Stały się one – po akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku – potentatami gospodarki tego regionu kraju, wykorzystując okres koniunktury lat 2005–2007 do opanowania rynku usług informatycznych dla sektora bankowego w Polsce i Europie Wschodniej. Autor analizuje także wzrastającą rolę tych przedsiębiorstw z punktu widzenia edukacji informatycznej zarówno przedsiębiorców, jak i klientów – w czasie narastającego światowego kryzysu ekonomicznego. Reasumując – można stwierdzić, że sukces rozwoju firm informatycznych na Podkarpaciu związany jest z pozyskaniem młodej, bardzo dobrze wykształconej i – co najważniejsze – miej-scowej kadry informatyków. Natomiast ważną rolę w rozwoju branży IT, a tym samym społeczeństwa informacyjnego na Podkarpaciu – odgrywają: bliskość dużego, międzynarodowego lotniska w Jasionce, przebiegająca w pobliżu autostrada A-4 oraz fakt bliskości rynków zbytu na Ukrainie. Ważnym czynnikiem jest także pozytywne nastawienie władz lokalnych promujących specjalizację regionu w przemyśle lotniczym oraz w takich innowacyjnych usługach, jakimi są usługi informatyczne.
Author of this study is carrying out economical analysis of the largest computer companies in the Podkarpacie province in Poland (including „Asseco Poland S.A. Grupa Kapitałowa” – ranked on Warsaw Stock Exchange). After the accession of Poland to the European Union in 2004 – they became giants of the economy in this region of country. They used the period of the economic prosperity of years 2005–2007 to take control of the marketplace of IT services for the bank sector in Poland and East Europe. Author is analysing also an increasing role of these enterprises from a point of view of IT education of both entrepreneurs and customers – during the escalating world economic crisis. To sum up – it is possible to state, that success of the development of IT companies in the Podkarpacie province is connected with recruiting young, very well educated and local staff of computer specialists. Important role in the development of IT industry and information society are playing: a closeness of the big, international airfield in Jasionka, closeness of markets in the Ukraine and positive setting of the local authority.
We studied the significance of three processing parameters: pressure of the air supplied, yarn speed and overfeed ratio for the number and strength of tangles of interlaced yarn and the correlation between the number of tangles and strength of tangles by the statistical method. The interlaced yarn was characterised by the number and strength of tangles. Interlaced yarn was produced by an interlacer with a yarn duct of elliptical cross-section. Factorial analysis and correlation analysis methods were used. After carrying out the analysis and discussion, it was discovered that the overfeed ratio is the most important processing parameter with respect to the number of tangles. The yarn speed is the most important processing parameter with respect to the strength of tangles. To fully characterise interlaced yarn, it is necessary to test both the number of tangles and their strength.
Badano znaczenie 3 następujących parametrów procesu: ciśnienie powietrza doprowadzanego, szybkość przędzy oraz stosunek naddatku na ilość i wytrzymałość kłębków przędzy fantazyjnej. Badano korelacje pomiędzy wytrzymałością a ilością kłębków przypadającą na jednostkę długości. Gotowa przędza charakteryzowana była przez wytrzymałość i ilość kłębków. Włókno produkowano na wyspecjalizowanej przędzarce z eliptycznym przekrojem kanału prowadzącego przędzy. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników i przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że z punktu widzenia ilości kłębków najważniejszym parametrem jest naddatek przędzy fantazyjnej. Natomiast prędkość przędzy jest najważniejszym parametrem z punktu widzenia jej wytrzymałości.
Artykuł ujmuje krajobraz jako element produktu turystycznego, akcentuje jego wpływ na wybór docelowego miejsca podróżowania. Przede wszystkim zaś stanowi próbę uzasadnienia tego, że obszar turystyczny (będący wartością przyrodniczą i kulturową) ma duże znaczenie dla tworzenia biopsychicznej oraz społecznej egzystencji człowieka.
The article presents the landscape as an element of tourist product; it accentuates the relationship with the choice of destination travel. First of all, constitutes an attempt of substantiation, that tourist area (which is the cultural and natural value) is of great importance for the creation of bio-psychic and social existence of human being.
Krawczuk I. and Górski J.: The significance of plasma triacylglycerols in metabolism of free fatty acids and triacylgrylcerols in rat skeletal muscles. Acta Physiol. Pol., The continuous uptake of plasma triacyl- gylcerols has been shown to be necessary to maintain the stable resting concentration of free fatty acids and triacylglycerols only in a muscle composed of fast - twitch oxidative gylcolytic fibres.
The results of deteriorating economic situation in Europe are visible in numerous fields of economy also in Poland. Wooden sector is also among those undergoing a difficult phase. It is the result of its specific production process as well as its Total dependence from the main supplier that is National Forests. Hence seeking solutions which will enable the producers to function properly in this period of an economic slump becomes a necessity. The aim of the article is to highlight the broad potential of engineered wood, which in the situation of increase of wood prices and the shortage of this material on the market becomes an interesting, often cheaper alternative for wooden construction. Additionally, its aim is to present the parameters of solid and engineered wood in a context of wooden construction, as well as point at the innovative solutions which facilitate meeting European Union contemporary standards in home building.
A cosmopolitan spathognathodontid taxon “Ancyrodelloides carlsi” is not regarded in this paper as one of the earliest known representatives of Ancyrodelloides according to former concepts, but is considered as conspicuous member of the genus Lanea. The taxon shows distinct morphological innovation of the upper surface of the Pa element within the Lanea lineage which makes it easily recognizable worldwide and suitable for global correlation. Presented stratigraphic correlation using conodonts and other faunal groups qualifies a short−lived Lanea carlsi as probably the best marker of the middle Lochkovian base. This paper presents reconstruction of the apparatus of L. carlsi which is the first complete reconstruction in the genus Lanea. The comparison of the Lanea apparatus and assumed apparatus of early Ancyrodelloides from the Požáry Quarries (Barrandian, Czech Republic) resulted to proposal of an alternative concept of evolution of these two genera. The relatively short−lived genus Ancyrodelloides is considered to split off from the Lanea clade in the late middle Lochkovian by the entry of Ancncyrodelloides transitans.
Content available Paula Ricoeura metoda interpretacji
Autor artykułu prezentuje hermeneutyczną metodę interpretacji jednego z najwybitniejszych filozofów XX wieku, jakim był Paul Ricoeur. Hermeneutyka jako taka nigdy nie znajdowała się w głównym nurcie filozofii, ale zawsze stanowiła jej znaczący obszar i przedmiot zainteresowania. Myśliciele wykorzystywali te narzędzia, by pełniej zająć się człowiekiem i zrozumieć wszystko, co stanowi typowo ludzki wytwór, jakim są teksty. Mówiąc o tekstach, hermeneutyka nie ogranicza się do słów i fraz, lecz uwzględnia także rytuały, gesty, obyczaje i relacje pomiędzy ludźmi oraz grupami społecznymi. W tym wszystkim jest działanie, które chce uchwycić pierwotne intencje autora i sensy zawarte w tekstach. Często sensy znacznie wykraczają poza to, co wniósł autor nam samym początku. Odkrycie tego wszystkiego jest zadaniem hermeneutyki.
The author presents the hermeneutic method of interpretation of one of the most eminent 20th century philosophers, Paul Ricoeur. Hermeneutics as such has never been in the mainstream of philosophy but it has always been a significant domain and object of interest. The thinkers used its tools to study human beings more in depth and to understand everything there was about one of the unique to humans creations, their writings. Speaking of texts, hermeneutics is not limited to words and phrases but it extends to rituals, gestures, customs and relationships between people as individuals and social groups. In all of this, the aim is to capture the original intentions of the authors of the texts but also the intentions and meanings that may go beyond what they consciously intended to convey in the first place. The meaning that originates in the course of functioning in a certain place and time.
Samples of sea, river and pond water of different absorbance were exposed to artificial radiation resembling sunlight in the UV range. A statistically significant increase in ammonium concentration was detected in pond water of the highest absorbance after 5 h of irradiation. In sea and river water a corresponding increase (< 0.5 μM) was recorded after an exposure time of 25 hours. The bulk characteristics of the analysed samples were insufficient to explain the observed differences.
Zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze po 1945 roku to okres trudny dla krakowskich fortyfikacji, który w świetle nowych potrzeb estetycznych i emocjonalnych przekładał się na szereg dyskusji środowiska konserwatorskiego o podłożu ideologicznym i artystycznym. Jednym z kilku wiodących tematów jest poddawanie pod wątpliwość istnienia XIX-wiecznych, często w swej formie neogotyckich obiektów. Do nich należy zaliczyć elementy układu fortyfikacyjnego Twierdzy Kraków. Autor na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, analizując fazy historycznych przemian, podejmuje próbę oceny wartości estetycznej fortyfikacji leżących u podnóża wzgórza wawelskiego oraz znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego w czasach licznych aktów wandalizmu i likwidacji fortów układ pod Wawelem przetrwał.
Social-economic changes after the year 1945 were a diffi cult period for the Krakow fortifi cations, which in the light of aesthetic and emotional needs translated into a series of ideological and artistic discussions within the conservation milieu. One of the few leading issues was questioning the existence of 19th-century objects – frequently neo-Gothic in their forms – among which were elements of the fortifi cation complex of the Krakow Fortress. On the basis of conducted research and having analysed stages of historic transformations, the author attempts to evaluate the aesthetic value of fortifi cations situated at the foot of the Wawel Hill, and to fi nd the answer to the question why the Wawel complex survived in the times of numerous acts of vandalism and demolition of forts.
Contemporaneity is a time of constant changes, heterogeneous needs and growing commitments and aspirations. Transformations do not miss the educational system, which adapts to current needs, objectives and adopted social strategies. This article undertakes the subject of education in the fields of STEM. Areas from this group constitute attractive development directions – important from the point of view of the changing conditions of modern reality and potential chances for achieving stable and valuable work in the future. It presents the goals and the importance of STEM education in the context of the constantly changing socio-cultural reality based on current statistical data on the significance of investing in these areas of education and selected forms of popularizing STEM.
Współczesność to czas ciągłych zmian, niejednorodnych potrzeb oraz rosnących zobowiązań i aspiracji. Transformacje dotyczą również systemu edukacyjnego, który dostosowuje się do aktualnych celów i przyjętych strategii społecznych. Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje temat edukacji STEM. Obszary z tej grupy stanowią atrakcyjne kierunki rozwoju – ważne z punktu widzenia zmieniających się warunków współczesnej rzeczywistości i potencjalnych szans na osiągnięcie stabilnej i wartościowej pracy w przyszłości. Przedstawione są w nim cele i znaczenie edukacji STEM w kontekście stale zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społeczno-kulturowej w oparciu o aktualne dane statystyczne uzasadniające ważność inwestowania w te obszary wiedzy, jak również prezentacja wybranych form popularyzacji edukacji STEM.
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive and bio-diverse wetland environments on earth. Yet these unique coastal tropical forest environments are among the most threatened habitats in the world. Some key progress points in mangrove conservation, restoration, and research in Malaysia are highlighted. Based on an intensive literature review, the ecology and ecological management, distribution and areas of existing mangroves in the world and Malaysia, issues associated with mangrove conservation and restoration are discussed. Growing in the intertidal areas and estuary mouths between land and sea, mangroves provide critical habitat for diverse marine and terrestrial flora and fauna. Important for the flora and fauna is the opportunity to continue living in a sustainable environment and in suitable conditions. A potential stand is the place that obtains the possibility of germination and establishment of a plant species according to their physical, chemical, and biological demands. In many cases it is seen that because of unsuitable selection of site and species, afforestation and reforestation projects are forced to fail after spending time, cost, and labor. The population boom and rapid economic developments have greatly reduced mangrove areas in Malaysia despite the Malaysian government launching a series of programs to protect mangroves in the 1980s and establishing mangrove ecosystems as high-priority areas for improving environmental and living resource management. The issues, threats, and significant values of mangroves also were highlighted. A more systematic protection strategy using ecological engineering management-based, active restoration and rehabilitation measurements still are urgently needed in order to preserve these valuable resources in Malaysia.
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