An intense standardization process is favouring the convergence of grids and Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs). One of the benefits of such technological convergence is that grid resources and applications can be virtualized by services and offered through the SOA paradigm. In the broad and interoperable scenarios enabled by the SOA, involving the participation of several grid infrastructures across many administrative domains, service discovery can be a serious issue. In this paper we present a P2P-based infrastructure that leverages semantic technologies to support a scalable and accurate service discovery process. The key concept of the presented idea is the creation of an overlay network organized in several semantic groups of peers, each specialized in answering queries pertaining to specific applicative domains. Groups are formed by clustering together peers offering services that are semantically related. The architecture details of the proposed solution are presented. A system prototype has also been implemented and validated through a case study deployed on the PlanetLab testbed.
Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia istoty i funkcjonowania pseudowaluty bitcoin (BTC). Zawiera on również próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy ta nowa jednostka rozrachunkowa może stać się walutą ponadnarodową. Artykuł prezentuje powstanie bitcoina oraz koncepcję leżącą u podstaw jego tworzenia. W trakcie prezentacji procesu jego powstawania i późniejszego bytu przeprowadzono analizę wad i zalet tej jednostki. Bitcoin jako „waluta” całkowicie wirtualna, nie podlegająca żadnej instytucji państwowej ani bankowi centralnemu, wymaga od swoich użytkowników znacznie większego zaufania aniżeli tradycyjne waluty państwowe. Również sposób przechowywania bitcoinów jest daleki od tradycyjnego. W artykule zawarto ponadto analizę innych pseudowalut, przeprowadzoną w odniesieniu do głównych cech bitcoina. W analizie tej znalazły się takie pseudowaluty, jak: litecoin, anoncoin i primecoin. Pokazano różnice i podobieństwa do bitcoina jako jednostki najbardziej popularnej. Te pseudowaluty, powstałe na początku XXI wieku mogą już niebawem stać się poważnym konkurentem dla prawdziwego pieniądza, zwłaszcza dla ludzi poszukujących poufności i szybkości przy dokonywaniu transakcji, dla której jedynym wymaganiem jest dostęp do sieci Internet.
The article is an attempt to bring closer the essence and functioning of the pseudo-currency called bitcoin (BTC). It also contains an attempt to answer the question whether this new unit of account can become a supranational currency. The article presents the emergence of bitcoin and the concept underlying its creation. In the course of presentation of the process of its emergence and the later existence, there was carried out an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this unit. Bitcoin as a fully virtual ‘currency’, not being subject to any state institution or to the central bank, requires from its users a considerably greater confidence that the traditional state currencies. Also the way, in which bitcoins are kept, is far from the traditional one. In his article, the author also included a review of other pseudo-currencies, carried out in relation to the main features of the bitcoin. In the review, there were mentioned such crypto-currencies as litecoin, anoncoinand primecoin. He showed the differences and similarities to the bitcoin as the most popular unit. Those crypto-currencies, emerged at the beginning of the 21st century, may quite soon become a serious competitor to the real money, particularly in case of the people looking for confidence and speed when carrying our transaction for which the only requirement is access to the Internet.
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The paper proposes a new way to access semi-permanent services in ad-hoc and mesh networking in the context of the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services. The solution is based on address-free communication, with individual addresses of the nodes replaced by a semantic description of their functionality. The mesh network is accessible from outside using the classic RESTful approach and needs no centralized catalog to maintain at-the-moment available services. Instead, entry gateways are responsible for mapping incoming REST-compliant communication to internal mesh messaging, and the mesh nodes individually decide how to react to particular messages. Installing each new or replaced node or monitoring the node status is unnecessary. Automatic communication among the nodes is possible without human intervention, including both runtime and the registration phase. Bluetooth mesh topology network was chosen as the implementation base. Transmission in the network occurs in a broadcast mode, in which one network node sends information that is then received and interpreted by all other nodes. Selected devices equipped with alternative communication modules of a different type, in particular, connected to the home WiFi network, can be used as input/output gateways for outside communication.
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The paper describes aspects of integrating relational resources in an object-oriented data intensive grid with extensive description of a grid architecture. The presented solution is generic and allows utilizing native query optimizers of a relational resource (indices, fast joins, etc.), which can be effectively combined with an object query language (SBQL) optimization.
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