Walking is become a traditional mode of movement between places in many situations, irrespective of cities and countries. People walk with different purposes and activities. This calls for conducting the necessary studies and improvements for walking and crossing areas. The study aims to achieve several goals such as evaluate the impact of pedestrian characteristics, traffic flow in addition to walking speed on the efficiency of pedestrian level of service (LOS) with the aided of statistical and traffic models to show the extended impact of variables and their effect on the efficiency of pedestrian traffic flow. To that purpose, the study chose Muhrmat Shat Al- Hilla Street within the urban area of Hilla city. Data collected for pedestrian walking and crossing according to field survey in order to estimate flow, average speed, density and spacing. The proposals adopted by the study, which were built on the basis of a traffic study and use of the simulation program (PTV VISSIM), scientific analysis using method with design of the crossing areas and sidewalks according to the specifecations as a result to an increase in the level of service for the sidewalks and crossing areas of the LOS (from F to C). Based on the statistical analysis using the (SPSS) software program, as well as studying the relationships between traffic volumes, speed and density of pedestrians.the linear equation reflected the relationship between speed and density. While the second order equation reflected the relationship between traffic volumes and pedestrian speed based on the outputs of the values of the correlation coefficient (R), (Adj. R2) and (SE). The study suggested a comprehensive transportation for pedestrian flow charactristic in Hilla city includes pedestrians environmental within roadways and intersections as a networks to design an appropriate modern environment and safe crossing facilities to reduce traffic accidents that result in death, injury or disability.
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Artykuł odnosi się do koncepcji Jane Jacobs, według której chodnik jest miejscem kontaktu i stanowi rozszerzenie tego spojrzenia w kontekście procesów samoregulacji przebiegających na styku zbiorowości i materialnej struktury miasta.
The paper refers to a Jane Jacobs concept of a sidewalk as the space of contact and is an approach to broaden this view in the context of the processes of self-regulation taking place at the joint of the population and the material structure of the city.
Sidewalks play a very important role in the dynamism maintenance as well as the development of cities especially historic cities. To ensure the maintaining service quality of sidewalks, the first step is to prevent distress occurrence, thereafter repair the distress that occurred in the sidewalks. In historic cities, the lack of suitable sidewalks for walking led to the gradual elimination of pedestrians. Yazd is a historic city recorded as a world heritage site by UNESCO, which attracts many tourists from all over the world every year. Therefore, preserving the quality of sidewalks in this city is of great importance. In this research, the SCI method was used to investigate the condition of the sidewalks in the studied area. This method is similar to the pavement condition index (PCI) method. The results showed that the condition of sidewalks in the studied area is in the range of 55-70, which is relative.
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Nawierzchnia chodnika o dużej odporności na poślizg umożliwia nie tylko bezpieczne poruszanie się pieszego, ale również w dużym stopniu wpływa na jego stabilność i zachowanie równowagi. Duża różnorodność wykorzystywanych materiałów na krótkich odcinkach chodników powoduje fluktuacje wartości odporności na poślizg, co może skutkować lokalną zmianą poziomu ryzyka poślizgnięcia. Pomiary wykonane z wykorzystaniem wahadła brytyjskiego umożliwiły wskazanie miejsc potencjalnie niebezpiecznych, w których ryzyko poślizgnięcia było prawdopodobne (P2). Do pomiarów doświadczalnych wybrano trzy zabytkowe nawierzchnie oraz wykorzystano trzy typy ślizgaczy: typu 55; z dziecięcym obuwiem sportowym oraz z podeszwą typu klapki. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów odporności na poślizg zabytkowych nawierzchni chodnikowych wykonanych z tzw. kostek obrobionych z kamieni polnych, kostek z żużlobetonu oraz kostek bazaltowych i przeprowadzono ich analizę.
The pavement surface with high slip resistance not only enables safe movement of pedestrians, but also greatly affects its stability and balance. The large variety of materials used on short sections of sidewalks results in fluctuations in the slip resistance value, which may result in a local change in the slip risk level. Measurements made using the British pendulum made it possible to identify potentially dangerous places where the risk of slipping was likely (P2). Three historic surfaces were selected for experimental measurements and three types of sliders were used: type 55, with children's sports shoes and with a flip-top sole. The article presents the results of anti-slip measurements of historic pavements made of the so-called cubes made of field stones, cinder concrete cubes and basalt cubes. An analysis of the anti-skid properties of the tested surfaces was carried out.
Our main aim with this paper is to contribute towards the methodologies on the level of service which the pedestrians as vulnerable road users feel walking along the sidewalks, as well as contribution towards the process for modeling and simulation on pedestrian's movement. Namely, microscopic simulation model SFStreetSIModel, version 1.0 has been developed which simulates movement of vehicles and pedestrians on two-lane two-way section on low speed urban street. Beside the remaining outer parameters, SFStreetSIModel, version 1.0 simulates 15 minutes intensity on pedestrians on directions, as a measure on the level of service for pedestrians under influence of side friction caused by static obstacles on the road and the sidewalk: on-street parking and street furniture. Here, the modal which refers on the modeling condition, parameters and attributes, as well as the process elements for determination of the level of service for pedestrians, will be shown.
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest przyczynienie się do rozwoju metodologii analiz poziomu usługi, którą odczuwają piesi jako użytkownicy ulicy, poruszając się wzdłuż chodników, jak również wkład w proces modelowania i symulacji ruchu pieszych. Został rozwinięty mikroskopijny model symulujący SFStreetSIModel, wersja 1.0, który symuluje ruch samochodów i pieszych na dwupasmowym i dwukierunkowym odcinku wolnej ulicy miejskiej. Obok pozostałych parametrów wyjściowych, model symuluje też piętnastominutowe natężenie ruchu pieszych jako miarę usługi dla pieszych pod wpływem tarcia statycznego wywoływanego przez statyczne przeszkody na ulicy i chodniku: parkowanie na ulicy i sprzęty miejskie. Zostanie tutaj przedstawiony moduł, który odnosi się do modelowania stanu pieszych w dowolnym momencie czasu (t), ich atrybuty i elementy procesu potwierdzające poziom usługi dla pieszych.
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