Cytotoxicity of cadmium sulphide, oxide and chloride was tested using A549 and CHO-9 cells. Metabolic activity of cells (MTT test) and cell membrane permeability (NRU test) were used as cytotoxicity endpoints. The results revealed unexpectedly low toxicity of cadmium sulphide as compared to chloride and oxide. This preliminary report does not provide any explanation for this effect, but the result may nevertheless be interesting for future studies of toxicity mechanisms of cadmium compounds. First cadmium compounds caused damage or change in the permeability of cell membranes, then inhibition of metabolic activity of mitochondria. It cannot be ruled out that the cell lysosomes are at first exposed to the effect of cadmium.
Cienkie warstwy siarczku kadmu o różnych grubościach nakładane były w kąpieli chemicznej (CBD). Warstwy wykazywały strukturę regularną. Ze wzrostem grubości przepuszczalność warstw w badanym zakresie widma silnie malała, zwiększała się natomiast wielkość ziarn CdS, występowała poprawa ciągłości warstwy i zmniejszały się nierówności powierzchni.
Cadmium sulphide thin films with various thickness were deposited using CBD method. The films have shown a cubric structure. With the increase of the film thickness the transmission in examined spectral range strongly decreased, while CdS grain size increased, the continuity of the film improved and the roughness of the surface decreased.