Wstęp i cel: Fotografia krajobrazu w postaci krzewów w dydaktyce jest ważnym źródłem poznawania rzeczywistości. W procesie komunikacji społecznej jest ona nośnikiem informacji o rzeczywistości. W artykule przedstawiono album fotograficzny. Zdjęcia wykonano w Międzyzdrojach na terenie Wolińskiego Parku Narodowego. Zaprezentowano naturalną architekturę klifu Morza Bałtyckiego. Celem było przygotowanie materiału dydaktycznego na potrzeby edukacji medialnej i zdalnej. Materiał i metody: Psychologiczna i graficzna analiza struktury obrazu cyfrowej fotografii krajobrazu krzewów. Obróbka fotografii cyfrowych za pomocą edytora graficznego. Wykonanie albumu w edytorze MS-Word. Krytyczna dyskusja problemu ze studentami. Refleksja końcowa. Wyniki: Prezentacja dzieła artystycznego w postaci albumu fotograficznego. Wniosek: W procesie komunikowania się społecznego, wykorzystując technologie multimedialne, cyfrowa fotografia krzewów stanowi dla człowieka podstawowe źródło informacji o rzeczywistości zewnętrznej. Obraz steruje procesem myślowym człowieka oraz wpływa na podejmowanie przez niego decyzji. Obraz też wywołuje emocje, które mogą zakłócać ten proces decyzyjny.
Introduction and aim: Landscape photography of shrubs in didactics is important sources realty. In the process of social communication it is the carrier of information about reality. The article presents a photo album. Photographs were in Międzyzdroje in the Woliński (Wolin) National Park. The natural architecture of the Baltic Sea cliff was presented. The aim was to prepare the didactic material for the needs of media education. Material and methods: Psychological and graphical analysis of image structure digital landscape photographs of shrubs. Digital photo processing using a graphical editor. Making of photo album in the MS-Word editor. Critical discussion of the problem with students. Final reflection. Results: The presentation of artistic work in the form of photo album. Conclusion: In the process of social communication, using multimedia technologies, digital landscape photography is for humans the basic source of information about the external environment. The picture controls the human thought process and influences the decision making. The image evokes emotions that may interfere with the decision-making process.
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In a climax community where all species are sharing relatively similar and stable habitat, there are differences in leaf traits between deciduous trees and shrubs and dominant species and companion species, especially in leaf lifespan (LLs). What are the differences of relationships among leaf traits between deciduous trees and shrubs? What are the mechanisms of this phenomenon? Here, we presented a one-year observation and recorded the LLs followed a modified method in a Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest in the north slope of the Qinling Mountains, China. We found that (i) Different species in the same stand performed quite differently in their LLs (P <0.005). Average LLs of shrubs was slightly longer (P = 0.05) than that of deciduous trees. (ii) LLs showed a significant negative correlation with specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nitrogen content (LNC) (P <0.05) in deciduous trees, however, a significant positive correlation with LNC and leaf carbon content (LCC) (P <0.05) was detected in shrubs. (iii) The comparison of the traits between dominant and companion species in arbor layer and shrub layer showed that there was no significant difference in LLs, LCC and LNC, except SLA in arbor layer. Our study indicated that the amount of light, at the community scale, might be a main factor determining the LLs of wood plants in deciduous forest. The difference between trees and shrubs in relationships among leaf traits suggests that deciduous trees and shrubs may take different strategies to adapt to the environment. SLA is likely to be a marker trait to distinguish dominant and companion species in arbor layer of deciduous broad leaved forest
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