Parkstraße w niemieckiej miejscowości Fürth to spokojna uliczka w centrum dzielnicy mieszkaniowej, z prawej i lewej strony zabudowana domami jednorodzinnymi i willami. Tylko od czasu do czasu panującą tu ciszę przerywa pociąg linii Rangaubahn, którego trasa biegnie równolegle do ulicy.
Linear shoring can be installed in the ground quickly and safely, reducing vibrations to a minimum so as not to damage the structures in vicinity and not disrupt traffic. The shoring is equally perfect for uses in the city. With various lengths of shoring plates or soldiers on slide rails, the system is suitable for trenches of various width and length. In the linear system the soldiers and consequently the panels are supported by rigid boogie cars, instead of permanently positioned spreader hinges. This ensures that the trench width is maintained at every stage of construction.