The paper concerns a propulsion system of merchant ships intended for sailing in the Baltic Sea zone. Such system is to satisfy the ecological requirements determined by relevant international conventions for special zones to which the Baltic Sea also belongs. The paper draws attention to gas turbine used as a prime mover for such ships, because it satisfies the ecological requirements and has also other advantages. Application of gas turbine for ship powering does not require exhaust gas to be purified, however it requires fuel oils of a low sulphur content to be used. If the ecological rules impose the using of the fuel oils of similar quality for diesel engines then gas turbine propulsion system will be comparable - also economically (regarding specific fuel oil consumption cost) - with that of diesel engine. It would be even more favourable in a combine gas turbine /steam turbine system, especially at compound production of electric and heat energy (i.e. COGES systems). In the Baltic Sea zone gas turbines willfind application to powering a. o. such ships as : fast car-passenger ferries, fast cargo ships, special vehicles (hydrofoils, hovercraft, motor yachts).
The ship propulsion shaft line is one of the most critical ship components having big influence on a ship safety. Because of that, there is well known need for proper shaft line survey either by ship crew, ship owner technical services as well as by classification society surveyors. One of the most dangerous and frequent kind of shaft line failures, especially on old ships, is a fatigue break of the collar coupling bolts. It usually causes the loss of the possibility to use the main propulsion system. In case of the bad weather and severe sea conditions it can lead even to the ship loss. The paper presents some data on failure statistics that was observed to shaft lines and propulsion system machinery. Furthermore, analyses of causes and generation mechanism of the mentioned fatigue breaks of the collar coupling bolts is presented.
This paper presents chosen activities of the ships propulsion system shafting alignment procedure. The main focus in this paper was put on sighting through (bore sighting) which can be done with three different types of measurement equipment: piano were, optical instruments and laser instruments. The analysis of measurement equipment allows selection of most optimal measurement solution for company. The matter of this selection is to avoid hazard to the shaft line due to shafts misalignment. Presented in paper measuring techniques and measurement equipment which is being used for sighting trough the elements of ships propulsion system meet technological requirements requested by the client and by the ship classification society.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie procedury osiowania układu napędowego statku. Skoncentrowano się na ustawianiu bezpośrednim z wykorzystaniem trzech różnych przyrządów pomiarowych. Do pomiarów wykorzystano strunę stalową, urządzanie optyczne i urządzenie laserowe. Przedstawienie trzech różnych grup przyrządów pozwala na wybór najbardziej optymalnego rozwiązania dla przedsiębiorstwa. Istotą tego doboru jest uniknięcie zagrożenia dla linii wałów wynikającą z przekroczenia parametrów współosiowości. Omawiane techniki i przyrządy pomiarowe służące do bezpośredniego ustawiania elementów okrętowego układu napędowego spełniają wymagania technologiczne stawiane zarówno przez klienta jak i towarzystwa klasyfikacyjne.
This paper presents a components importance analysis of a complex technical system with the use of selected reliability components importance measures. The analysis was carried out on a propeller shaft stern tube seal of a ship propulsion system. The reliability structure of the analyzed system was modeled by means of the fault tree. For given system components the following were determined: the Birnbaum’s reliability and structural importance measure, reliability improvement potential, criticality measure and Vesely-Fussell’s measure. A transformation of measures based on rescaling their values has been proposed to simplify the comparative analysis using different measures with reference to the same system components. A transformation process for the analyzed system has been presented together with a results visualization of comparative components importance analysis by means of 3D bar charts and radar charts for a data series determined as system components and importance measures. Comments on the proposed methodology have been presented and other ways of its application have been indicated.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę ważności elementów złożonego systemu technicznego z wykorzystaniem wybranych niezawodnościowych miar ważności elementów. Analizę przeprowadzono na przykładzie systemu smarowania i uszczelnienia pochwy wału śrubowego układu napędowego statku. Strukturę niezawodnościową analizowanego systemu zamodelowano z wykorzystaniem drzewa niezdatności. Dla poszczególnych elementów systemu wyznaczono niezawodnościową miarę ważności Birnbauma, miarę strukturalną Birnbauma, Potencjał przyrostu niezawodności, miarę krytyczności oraz miarę Veseley-Fussell’a, Zaproponowano transformację miar polegająca na przeskalowaniu ich wartości w celu ułatwienia analizy porównawczej wykorzystującej różne miary w odniesieniu do tych samych elementów systemu. Przedstawiono dla analizowanego systemu proces transformacji oraz zaprezentowano wizualizację wyników analizy porównawczej ważności elementów z wykorzystaniem wykresów słupkowych 3D oraz wykresów radarowych dla serii danych ustalonych jako elementy systemu oraz jako miary ważności. Przedstawiono uwagi dotyczące zaproponowanej metodyki i wskazano inne możliwe jej zastosowania.
New systems are produced and developed to meet specific needs, and their reliability is the most important issue. In the maritime industry, evaluating failures in a ship’s propulsion system results in high costs and the loss of prestige for the company. Land/sea fleet employees need to detect and minimize the failures that may occur in ship propulsion systems in advance to ensure the continuity of the ships’ operations. In this study, the recorded failure data of four different ships belonging to a fleet in the last 10 years are used. Failures were examined as a whole since the ships have similar propulsion systems. The obtained failure data were grouped, and the average time to fix the failures was determined by the chief engineer and made suitable for reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) analysis. A suitable model was created for grouped failures by Isograph’s RWB software. As a result of the analysis of the propulsion system and its subsystems, the main engine of the ship was shown to have the best reliability. Furthermore, the most important components were the cylinders of the main engine as subsystems. This study highlights the components that are important to the reliability of a propulsion system. Thanks to the RAM analysis, improvements can be pinpointed on a ship’s propulsion system, which will increase the operations of the maritime industry. Reducing failures will further increase the confidence in maritime transport and strengthen its place among the modes of transportation. This study provides a valuable resource for academicians, experts, as well as companies working on reliability, availability, and maintainability in the future.
The article presents possible application of the theory of semi-Markov processes in creating the eight-state model of the process of appearance of the propulsion systems ability and inability states on sea-going vessels performing transportation tasks in a relatively long operating time t (t → ∞). The model has been proved to be able to be successfully used for determining the reliability of the abovementioned systems. The probability of faultless operation in time t was assumed the measure of system reliability. Operating situations of sea-going vessels were characterised, with special attention being paid to the fact that the loads of propulsion system components of these vessels are of random nature. These loads lead to damages which for this reason were also considered random events. It was also assumed that the damages provoke the appearance of states of inability of particular ship propulsion system components which means that these states are random events as well. The states of ability of a given ship propulsion system have been assumed to exist when all components of this system are in the state of ability. In case when at least one component is in the state of inability, the entire system is in the state of inability. Conditions were formulated for the reliability model of an arbitrary system to be able to be worked out in the form of the semi-Markov process. The need for the use of technical diagnostics in reliability examination of sea-going ship propulsion systems was indicated. In conclusions, certain qualities of the article were highlighted which are, in author’s opinion, of highest importance in reliability examination of sea-going ship propulsion systems.
Basing on the evolution of application of different kinds of fuel supplying main engines of gas carriers, this article justifies the need to compare the qualities of these engines. Mass-size, energy and energy-ecological effectiveness indicators have been defined. Properties of self-ignition engines run on one or two kinds of fuel have been considered. Values of key performance indicators have been estimated. On the basis of the identified sets of indicators, comparative analysis of a dual fuel engine with single fuel ones has been carried out.
Posługując się ewolucją zastosowania różnych rodzajów paliw zasilających silniki główne gazowców, w artykule uzasadniono potrzebę konfrontacji cech tych silników. Zdefiniowano wskaźniki efektywności masowo-gabarytowe, energetyczne i energetyczno-ekologiczne. Rozpatrzono cechy silników o zapłonie samoczynnym zasilanych jednym i dwoma rodzajami paliw. Oszacowano wartości kluczowych wskaźników efektywności. W oparciu o zidentyfikowane zbiory wskaźników przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą cech silnika dwupaliwowego z jednopaliwowymi.
The paper contains a formal description of ship propulsion systems operation process. The model of the process is presented in the form of two-dimensional stochastic process of which coordinates are semi-Markov processes of the final states set. The former process describes the process of changes in technical states of ship propulsion systems, the latter - the process of changes in their operating states. A monovariate model of ship propulsion systems operation process has also been proposed.
Podano opis formalny procesu eksploatacji układów napędowych statków. Model tego procesu przedstawiono w formie dwuwymiarowego procesu, którego współrzędnymi są procesy semi-Markowa o skończonych zbiorach stanów. Jeden z tych procesów jest procesem zmian stanów technicznych układów napędowych a drugi - procesem zmian ich stanów eksploatacyjnych. Zaproponowano także jednowymiarowy model procesu eksploatacji układów napędowych statków.
The paper presents the development of specialized ship's propulsion system during last twenty years. It was shown some applied solutions of propulsion systems and what aims were achieved: improving of manoeuvring ability, the achievement ofpropulsion system's high efficiency in very large range from the idling to full load and the increasing of navigation safety. Ship propulsion systems are more often applied, especially for ships which operate on the sea in special ways and need: ship positioning, very high manoeuvring abilities, other ships services, self manoeuvring even for cruise ships. These propulsion systems are not needed applying the steering gears. These functions: steering and propulsion do thrusters, which in these cases are built in twin systems. It ensures possibilities of ship's propulsion (motion) keeping, even in case of failure in one propulsion system. For reason of sea traffic increasing, especially on sea area, when this traffic needs co-ordination (VTS stations), ship equipped in modern propulsion system should ensure greater navigation safety for herself and should decrease collision risk for other ships situated on this sea area. The usage high-performance and efficiency active powerplants is a key for the enlargement of the safety of sea shipping.
W artykule przedstawiono rozwój układów napędowych specjalistycznych statków w okresie ostatnich dwudziestu lat. Podano stosowane rozwiązania oraz jakie cele udało się osiągnąć: zwiększenie zdolności manewrowych jednostek, uzyskanie wysokiej sprawności układów napędowych w szerokim zakresie obciążeń od biegu jałowego do obciążenia nominalnego oraz podniesienie bezpieczeństwa żeglugi. Układy napędowe z nowoczesnymi pędnikami są coraz powszechniej stosowane, szczególnie dla statków, które uprawiają nietypowążeglugę i wymagają: pozycjonowania jednostki, wysokich zdolności manewrowych, obsługi innych statków, samodzielnego manewrowania nawet w przypadku dużych statków pasażerskich. Układy te nie wymagają stosowania tradycyjnych maszyn sterowych. Funkcje sterowania i napędu jednostki spełniają pędniki, które z tego powodu budowane są minimum w układach podwójnych. W związku ze zwiększaniem się ruchu morskiego, szczególnie na akwenach, na których ruch ten wymaga koordynacji (stacji kierowania ruchem), statek posiadający nowoczesny układ napędowy będzie w stanie zapewnić bezpiecznążeglugę dla siebie i zmniejszyć zagrożenie kolizyjne w stosunku do wszystkich jednostek znajdujących się na danym akwenie. Stosowanie wysokosprawnych pędników aktywnych jest kluczem do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa żeglugi.
In recent decades, maritime transport, hand in hand with the International Maritime Organization (OMI), has promoted a change in the energetic model in ships and harbors. The main goal of this paper is to show the most useful advances in technologies with respect to reducing gas and particle emissions, and the implementation of technologies based on renewable energies for the propulsion of ships and the energy supply in harbors. Furthermore, new hybrid renewable energy-desalination water technologies which could change the shape of water supply to the ships from near shore zones will be shown. To carry out this study, exhaustive bibliographic research was conducted, including scientific and technical papers.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję symulatora nawigacyjnego planowania podróży, zbudowanego na bazie programu nawigacyjnego OpenCPN. Poprzez dodatkowy plug-in możliwości programu zostaną rozszerzone o moduł do planowania i symulacji trasy żeglugi z uwzględnieniem warunków meteorologicznych panujących na akwenie. Pozycja statku na potrzeby symulacji trasy będzie wyznaczana na podstawie przyjętego kursu zgodnie z zaplanowaną trasą oraz prędkości wyliczanej przez sztuczną sieć neuronową z uwzględnieniem warunków meteorologicznych.
The article presents the concept of a navigation simulator for travel planning based on the OpenCPN navigation program. Through an additional plug-in the program capabilities will be extended with a module for planning and simulating shipping routes taking into account meteorological conditions on the basin. The position of the ship for the simulation of the route will be determined on the basis of the accepted course of the ship, according to the planned route and velocity calculated by the artificial neural network, taking into account the forecasted meteorological conditions.
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