The paper presents the use of the Fast-Time navigational simulator to verify the location of designed elements of navigational infrastructure in vicinity of a high traffic fairway. The aim of the study is to perform the analysis of navigational safety in vicinity of newly constructed quay placed to the east of the island Ostrow Brdowski. The Quay is intended handling of large steel structures. The Fast-Time simulation is performed to evaluate the safety of the navigation passage through the fairway along the quay for the future use of vessels which length may exceed 260 m. This kind of simulation method has been implemented to make a statistical analysis based on a large amount of data, the collection of which would be very expensive and time consuming using a Real-Time simulator.
W artykule przedstawione zostanie wykorzystanie symulatora nawigacyjnego typu Fast-Time w celu weryfikacji lokalizacji projektowanego nabrzeża w pobliżu uczęszczanego toru wodnego. Celem opracowania jest wykonanie analizy nawigacyjnej dla nowobudowanego nabrzeża na wschodniej części wyspy Ostrów Brdowski przeznaczonego do załadunku wielkogabarytowych konstrukcji stalowych. Zaprezentowano ocenę bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego przejścia przez tor wodny prowadzący wzdłuż nabrzeża, dla przyszłościowych jednostek o długości 260 m, wykonana metodą symulacyjną Fast-Time. W badaniu wykorzystano model czasu przyspieszonego ze względu na dużą ilość danych (przejazdów) potrzebnych do wykonania analizy statystycznej, użycie symulatora czasu rzeczywistego do uzyskania wystarczającej ilości danych byłoby zbyt drogie i zbyt kosztowne w czasie.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę określania bezpieczństwa przejścia jednostek żeglugi śródlądowej pomiędzy filarami mostu na przykładzie mostu Kolejowego w Szczecinie. Jest to metoda kompleksowa składająca się z metody symulacyjnej czasu rzeczywistego oraz metody fotogrametrycznej wykorzystanej do weryfikacji otrzymanych wyników. Metoda ta pozwala na określanie poziomu bezpieczeństwa mostu w aspekcie możliwej kolizji jednostek żeglugi śródlądowej z podporami mostu oraz takie zaprojektowanie zabezpieczeń podpór w formie prowadnic, które zminimalizuje skutki ewentualnych zderzeń statków.
The paper presents a method of safety evaluation of inland ships passage under the Kolejowy Bridge in Szczecin. It is a complex method which consists of real time ship manoeuvring simulation and photogrammetric method used for verification of simulation results. Such method allows the evaluation of bridge safety in respect to possible ship's collision with bridge pillars and designing the guide fender layout which minimise the consequences of possible collisions.
The Quai des Trois Fontaines is a berthing area in Chooz, France, which was designed for 80 m long vessels (CEMT Class IV) plying the River Meuse. A turning basin is located in front of the Quai des Trois Fontaines to allow vessels to turn before loading at the quay. Real time simulations on a dedicated inland ship manoeuvring simulator at Flanders Hydraulics Research were carried out with experienced skippers to study how the safety of the turning manoeuvre could be improved and which measures are required for safe manoeuvres with longer vessels, i.e. vessels of 85 and 90 m in length. In the first phase of the study, turning manoeuvres of CEMT Class IV vessels of 80 m, 85 m and 90 m long were studied in the existing environment. The manoeuvres were evaluated based on different safety criteria and on the feedback of the pilots. The real time simulations have shown that the actual design of the turning basin is suitable for the 80 m long vessels in any hydro-meteorological condition. However, the manoeuvres become risky with 85 m long vessels under certain conditions and impossible with longer ships. Although the current can be very strong on the river Meuse, the local width turned out to be the most critical parameter. In the second phase of the study, measures were proposed to allow the safe turning of 85 m and 90 m long vessels. Local widening of the river to 100 m and to 105 m were proposed for 85 m and 90 m long ships respectively. A third proposed measure is to provide a fixed point near the end of the quay, to which the vessels can attach and around which they can then turn.
This paper presents the development of a method for calculating the horizontal contact forces between two bodies in a real-time ship manoeuvring simulator. The method was implemented in the simulator of the University of São Paulo, whose computing core is named “Dyna”. The model proposed calculates restoration and friction forces between bodies and has a Momentum-Impulse based criterion to reduce numerical issues when the simulation numerical integration has large time-steps. The model was empirically evaluated at the simulator by deck officers, in real-time simulations with pilots and tugmasters. We also ran simulations of that model to compare its performance under different integration time-steps lengths.
This paper presents a comparative analysis of manoeuvring patterns through the fairway which is marked with physical and virtual Aids to Navigation (AtoN). The impact of V-AtoN environment on decision-making and on consequent manoeuvres has never been studied in such a way. The results published in this paper were obtained using TRANSAS Navi Trainer 5000 and TRANSAS ECDIS 4000 simulators where 12 deck officers with at least 5 years of sea service participated. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant difference in manoeuvring patterns between the two environments. In case of virtual environment, more intense drift angles, ROTs as well as XTDs are observed. The paper demonstrates significant impact of virtual environment on behaviour of OOW.
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