It has been shown that the time course of echinocyte to discocyte transformation caused by exogenous phospholipids is an accurate measure of the flip rate of the phospholipids in the lipid bilayer [1,2]. In order to explore whether shape changes in erythrocytes are indicative of flip rates of water- soluble amphiphiles, the time course of shape changes caused by a large number of amphiphiles was studied. In case of amphiphiles inducing echinocyte to discocyte or discocyte to stomatocyte transformation it is proposed that the time course of shape transformation may be indicative of the flip rate of the amphiphiles. The relevance of using shape changes in erythrocytes as a tool to estimate flip rates of amphiphiles is discussed.
Human erythrocytes were incubated at alkaline pH. In samples equilibrating within 60 min to pH 11 erythrocytes underwent prelytic vesiculation (fragmentation). Erythrocytes developed large (diameter often 1-2 µm) hemoglobin-filled blebs which could be released to the outer medium as hemoglobin containing vesicles. It is suggested that the described vesiculation at high pH occurs due to an uncoupling of the membrane skeleton from the lipid bilayer. Due to the uncoupling from the skeleton the erythrocyte lipid bilayer may behave similar to the membrane of a giant lipid vesicle.
Platelets respond to stimuli by rapidly changing from discs into active forms having lamellipodia and filopodia. Actin filament fragmentation and assembly are essential for platelet shape change. Actin assembly is regulated by an intracellular signaling pathway that involves calcium and the activation of small GTPases and phosphatidylinositol kinases (PI-kinases). Polyphosphoinositides (ppIs), the final products of the PI-kinases, directly interact with a special class of actin associated proteins, the barbed end capping proteins, to initiate actin filament assembly in activated cells.
Bulwy ziemniaka przeznaczone do przerobu na produkty spożywcze i do bezpośredniego spożycia powinny charakteryzować się cechami zewnętrznymi takimi jak: właściwy kształt, wielkość czy głębokość oczek. Cechy te decydują o wydajności produkcji oraz stratach w procesach obierania i cięcia. Celem badań było określenie kształtu bulw ziemniaka odmiany Salto z wykorzystaniem dwóch metod: organoleptycznej i na stanowisku pomiarowym (konstrukcji własnej) oraz zmian parametrów bulw (wymiarów i objętości) o różnym kształcie podczas obierania. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują, że podczas obierania mechanicznego i ręcznego poza zmianami masy następuje zmiana kształtu, objętości i wymiarów bulw. Obrane bulwy kształtne zmniejszyły swoją objętość o około 9%, a zdeformowane o około 10%, zmieniając przy tym kształt na zbliżony do kulistego (zwłaszcza te obierane mechanicznie). Zastosowana metoda wideo-komputerowa do oceny parametrów bulw ziemniaka wykazuje dużą dokładność pomiaru i może być wykorzystana do badań innych obiektów o nieregularnych kształtach.
Potato tubers assigned for processing for food products or direct consumption should be characterized by the following external features such as the proper form, size or the depth of mesh. These traits affect the production effectiveness as well as losses in the process of potato peeling and cutting. The aim of the investigation was the determination of the shape of cv. Salto potato tubers by organoleptic method and using measuring stand (our own construction) as well as the assessment of changes of potato tuber parameters (size and volume) of various shape during peeling. The obtained results show that during mechanical and hand pelling, apart from the weight change, there are also changes in the shape, volume and size of tubers. Peeled shaped tubers decreased their volume by 9% while misshaped by about 10% changing their shape into more spherical (especially those peeled mechanically). The applied video-computer method for the evaluation of potato tuber parameters shoves a high precision of the measurement and may by used for the evaluation of other objects of irregular shape.
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