The aim of the study was to compare the intensity of fly invasions during the grazing period in two breeds of young cattle. Studies were carried out on 26 2-year old heifers of Polish Red and 25 of Black-and-White Lowland breed. Flies were counted every day, for 6 days in July, on grazing animals between 12-13 pm. within 15 s. at angles in both eyes, on the nose, cheek, neck, side as well as on foreleg and hind leg. Flies particularly attacked the cattle during windless and hot days. The number of insects on the heifers depended both on body region and breed of cattle. House flies, and some species of grazing flies, mostly gathered in the angles of the eyes and nose. A lot of flies occurred also on the heifer’s sides, mainly in the case of Polish Red, and the majority of these flies were Stomoxys type. In heifers of Polish Red breed, the average number of insects in the examined regions was 15.3-27.8% lower than in Black-and-White. The explanation for this phenomenon may be related to the color of coat, which does not heat up as much as in Black-and-White, or the attractiveness of tears and mucus of Polish Red.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of the pasture season on the level of strongyles infection in horses from a multi-herd farm. The investigations comprised Pure Blood Arabian horses: yearlings (n = 70-101), two-year-olds (n = 62-80) and mares (n = 141-148) kept in the pasture-housed system and dewormed twice a year, before and after the pasture seasons, with ivermectine. Fecal egg counts (Mc Master method) and larvae culture by Henriksen and Korsholme were conducted each year in April, June, August and in October in the years 2004-2006. Based on the obtained results, the mean prevalence of the infection (%), EPG and the percentage of cyathostomes or strongyles in Strongyliae community were calculated. The mean seasonal prevalence of the infection with small strongyles as well as EPG were the highest in 2004 and were consistently dropping in all groups of horses in the following years. Two-year-old horses were infected the most: on average they have been expelling 1630 EPG in 2004 while only 165 EPG in 2006. A high strongyle egg count in horses in the autumn has an influence on a high level of the infection in the spring of the following year. Consequently, a low level of strongyles infection in the autumn causes a low egg output in the spring of the following year. Larval differentiation revealed a dominance of small strongyles (Cyathostominae), whereas the population of large strongyles (Strongylinae) was lower than 1%. The dropping level of strongyle infections in horses observed in the studies in the subsequent years might have been caused by climatic factors (high temperature and low humidity), which did not favor the development and survival of infective strongyles larvae on pastures.
One problem underestimated by veterinarians and farmers in horses is diptera Hippobosca equina, a blood-sucking insect that annoys horses and causes skin injuries. The aim of the presented studies was to estimate the extensiveness and intensity of Hippobosca equina invasion in primitive Polish horses during the grazing period. Studies were carried out from July to October on 15 mares, 10 sucking foals, as well as on 15 young stallions and 13 young mares. Insects were counted in all animals once in mid June, then daily from July 24 to 29, next on August 16, September 20 and October 25. In July the presence of Hippobosca equina was not found in mares and sucking foals, but in young horses the invasion occurred in more than 53% of stallions and about 76% of mares. Daily examinations in July showed the presence of diptera in all groups, but not in all animals. The maximum invasion extensiveness in mares (80%) occurred July 28, while in foals July 26 (90%) and August 16 (70%). In 1.5-year-old mares and stallions H. equina occurred in July and lasted up to September. The greatest number of insects (up to 11) was found July 29 in one stallion and July 25, 27 and 29 in mares (up to 29). The extensiveness of invasion in young stallions in the early part of the summer fluctuated between 53.3% (June) and 93.3% (July 27) and decreased in September to about 27%, while in young mares it was more than 92% in July and August and 30.8% in September. Hippobosca. equina did not occur in October in 1.5-year-old horses.