Water pollution occurs due to the discharge of domestic waste mixed with residential, industrial, commercial, and agricultural wastewater. Conventional water treatment methods using aerobic/anaerobic methods can cause problems with the production of high green gases and result in the greenhouse effect. Microbial-based domestic sewage treatment technology using polyvinyl alcohol biofilm supporting media was introduced as an alternative measure to overcome this problem. The objective of the study was to determine the performance of polyvinyl alcohol beads in polishing domestic wastewater. In this study, the bacterium Bacillus velezensis isolate JB7 was used together with PVA as a raw material to treat domestic sewage wastewater more efficiently and stably. The results of the study show the effectiveness of domestic wastewater treatment in several factors such as pH value, chemical oxygen demand, phosphorus, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total suspended solids. As conclusion, domestic wastewater treatment methods using polyvinyl alcohol beads are seen to be effective, reducing the use of sewage waste plant construction sites and able to avoid the use of non-recyclable materials such as plastics and synthetics.
Prawidłowa praca elementów systemu odprowadzania i oczyszczania ścieków w dużej mierze zależy od właściwego ich zaprojektowania. Istotne jest również prawidłowe wykonanie i eksploatacja. W projektowaniu najważniejszym parametrem jest miarodajna objętość ścieków. W artykule przedstawiono analizę ilości ścieków na przykładzie miejscowości Olecko. Analizie poddano wielkości odpływu ścieków w latach 2013–2014. Największe miesięczne ilości ścieków zaobserwowano w marcu a najmniejsze w grudniu. Średnia ilość powstających w ciągu doby ścieków wyniosła 2812,3 m3/d. Ilość ścieków zmieniała się od 498,0 m3/d do 6470,0 m3/d. W odniesieniu do liczby mieszkańców jednostkowy odpływ ścieków wyniósł średnio 162,6 l/d M. W artykule przedstawiono również wyniki analizy sezonowości odpływu ścieków, wyboru funkcji autoregresji czy dopasowanie modelu adaptacyjnego.
Proper functioning of the elements of the system of discharge and purification of waste water depends to a large extent on their proper engineering. Correct manufacturing and operation of these elements is also essential. The most important parameter for designing is the wastewater volume. The article presents analysis of the sewage amount with the town of Olecko as an example. Analysed was the volumes of wastewater in between 201 and 2014. The largest monthly wastewater volume was recorded in March and the lowest in December. The average amount of generated sewage per 24 h was 2812.3 m3/full day. The amount of sewage varied between 498.0 m3/full day to 6470.0 m3 /full day. The unit wastewater effluent in relation to the number of population was on the average 162.6 per 24h and inhabitant. The work presents also results of a season variability of sewage effluent, selection of the model of auto-regression or matching of an adaptation model.
This study is concerned with the temporal changes in the levels of zinc and cadmium in the sediments of Nozha Hydrodrome during the past 100 years. Seven sediment core samples, covering the study area, were collected from the bottom of the Hydrodrome. A five-step sequential extraction technique was applied to determine the solid phase concentrations of zinc and cadmium. Zinc gives an idea of the quantities of sewage effluents, while cadmium provides an indication of the amounts of agricultural discharges. The vertical distribution curves show that the average total concentrations of zinc in the sediments increased at a rate of 2.5 μg g−1 y−1 from 1900 to 1950 and at 1.5 μg g−1 y−1 from 1950 to 1990. Since 1990 the zinc concentration in Nozha Hydrodrome sediments has been decreasing at 1.5 μg g−1 y−1. The average total cadmium concentration exhibits a different vertical distribution pattern: it increased at a rate of 0.42 μg g−1 y−1 from 1900 to 1950, after which it became constant from 1950 to 1970. Since 1970 it has been increasing at 0.53 μg g−1 y−1. The ongoing increase in cadmium concentrations in the sediments is due to the increase in agricultural discharges into the Hydrodrome, especially as significant amounts of phosphate fertilizers are used to nourish the soil around the Hydrodrome. The rise in cadmium concentrations since 1900 has been accompanied by a similar increase in zinc concentrations with time resulting from the discharge of untreated sewage into the Hydrodrome. In 1990 a sewerage system and sewage treatment plant came into operation, as a result of which discharges of domestic effluent into the Hydrodrome ceased. Since then the amount of zinc in sediments has been decreasing steadily.
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