The recent developments in mineral processing led researchers to look for alternative methods and propose new mechanisms for enhancing the efficiency of relatively costly processes (e.g., flotation, aggregation), where especially dealing with fine particles. Finer the particles, the higher the role of their surface on their behavior and properties. The importance of particle morphology becomes even clearer when particle-particle and particle-bubble interactions are considered. In this study, the effect of particle shape “roundness” on the surface wettability and flotation response was investigated upon producing fine particles with the “abrasion blasting” method. In order to provide a fundamental perspective, adsorption measurements were also carried out along with the flotation experiments under the same conditions. In addition to these, zeta potential measurements were also carried out with both spherical and blasted particles as a function of collector concentration. The results suggested that the roundness of particles decreased up to a certain nozzle pressure value, which was followed by higher adsorption degrees and consequently higher flotation recoveries. Additionally, settling rate tests were also performed with very fine material to show the effect of particle morphology on particle-particle interactions. The results showed that while lower settling rate values were obtained for spherical ones, higher values were obtained in the case of the ground and blasted samples in the presence of DI water. It was concluded from this study that the “Abrasive blasting method” could be an effective alternative for tuning the surface morphology of particles and their wettability, which in turn can affect the particleparticle interactions in the system.
In this study, flocculation behaviors of natural stone powder suspensions were determined by applying classical jar tests. The flocculation tests were performed in the presence of different types of polymers at different polymer dosages and pHs. Then, the settling rates and residual turbidity values of suspensions were recorded. The flocculation performance of flocculants possessing unique molecular architecture (UMA) and conventional polyacrylamide based flocculants was investigated for the solidliquid separation of natural stone processing wastewater. The effects of flocculant type, dosage and pH were examined. The results obtained from this study indicated that in terms of the settling rate and turbidity, the medium anionic SPP 508 flocculant of 28% charge density showed a better flocculation performance compared to other conventional and UMA flocculants at natural pH. The SPP 508 flocculant gave the lowest turbidity value of 3 NTU (Nepheleometric turbidity Unit) at dosage of 0.3 mg/dm3, while the highest settling rate (870 mm/min) for the suspensions tested was achieved at 1 mg/ dm3 dosage for the same flocculant. However, the lowest settling rate was obtained by high cationic flocculant (Enfloc 440 C). All flocculants showed a good flocculation performance for the settling rate and turbidity at pH 8 and 10.
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The flocculation performance of new generation of flocculants (Magnafloc 5250 and 6250) possessing unique molecular architecture (UMA) and conventional polyacrylamide based SB 1836 was investigated for the solid-liquid separation of travertine processing wastewater. The settling rate and turbidity values were considered as the performance criteria. Based on the settling rate and turbidity values the anionic UMA flocculant 6260 showed better performance compared to the other anionic flocculants, SB 1836, which is currently used in the travertine processing plant, and the UMA flocculant 5250. The results obtained from this study clearly indicated that the type of the flocculants showed no significant effect on the adsorption of the polymers on the travertine particles at natural pH. The settling rates of the travertine particles and the turbidity of the suspensions were greatly affected by the surface charge of the flocculants at high and low pH regimes. The flocculation tests results with the medium charge flocculants (Magnafloc 5250 and SB 1836) were slightly affected by pH, and resulted in poor performance in terms of turbidity.
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W artykule opisano badania nad wpływem oczyszczania soków surowych metodą z zastosowaniem osadu po defekacji wstępnej na parametry soku rzadkiego: czystość, szybkość sedymentacji, zawartość soli wapniowych oraz zabarwienie. Na podstawie badań określono zalety stosowania metody w porównaniu z klasyczną metodą oczyszczania jako optymalnego wariantutechnologicznego. Wariant ten umożliwia otrzymanie soku o wysokiej czystości i szybkości sedymentacji oraz zmniejszenie zużycia wapna, obniżeniu zawartości soli wapniowych oraz obniżeniu zabarwienia oczyszczonego soku.
The article describes research of juice purification effects by method using sediment after preliming to parameters of thin juice: purity, settling rate, lime salts and color. Research presents the advantages of the method compared to the classical method of purification . This method allows to obtain the thin juice of high purity and settling rate, reduce lime salts and color.
The clarification of industrial wastewaters by solid–liquid separation techniques and the removal of suspended particles are the problems of growing environmental consciousness. However, there appears to be very limited number of studies reported in the literature to investigate the flocculation and settling properties of ceramic wastewaters. The efficiency of solid/liquid separation may be greatly improved by the application of synthetic polymeric flocculants, particularly in mineral processing plant where sedimentation, filtration and centrifugation processes are extensively used. In ceramic plants, the water used in ceramic processing is contaminated with suspended quartz, feldspar and associated clay particles, which results in a so-called wastewater problem which have to be dealt with from an environmental point of view. In this study, sedimentation of ultrafine particles from ECE Ceramic Co. (Çorum/Turkey) ceramic wastewater sample was investigated using three anionic polymeric flocculants (Superfloc A-130, Superfloc A-100 and Enfloc 330A). The performances of the flocculant in the experimental studies were assessed with the change in the interfaces height during sedimentation resultant. The best performance was obtained Superfloc A-130. At the dose of 60 g/t for A-130, the settling rate was shorter than 60 seconds.
Klarowanie ścieków przemysłowych technikami rozdzielania substancji stałych i ciekłych oraz usuwanie zawieszonych cząsteczek jest problemem rosnącej świadomości ekologicznej. Jednakże okazuje się, że istnieje bardzo ograniczona liczba przedstawionych w literaturze badań dotyczących flokulacji i właściwości osiadania ścieków ceramicznych. Efektywność separacji ciało stałe/ciecz, może być znacznie poprawiona przez zastosowanie syntetycznych flokulantów polimerycznych, zwłaszcza w zakładach przetwórstwa minerałów, gdy szeroko stosowane są procesy sedymentacji, filtracji i wirowania. W zakładach ceramiki, woda stosowana w obróbce wyrobów ceramicznych zanieczyszczona jest przez zawieszony kwarc, skaleń i związane cząstki gliny, co prowadzi do tak zwanego problemu ścieków, które muszą być rozpatrywane z punktu widzenia ochrony środowiska. W badaniu tym, sedymentacja cząstek ultradrobnych z próbki ścieków ceramicznych z ECE Ceramic Co (Çorum, Turcja) została zbadana z zastosowaniem trzech polimerowych flokulantów anionowych (Superfloc-130, Superfloc 100 i Enfloc 330A). Charakterystyka działania flokulantu w badaniach doświadczalnych była oceniana za pomocą zmiennej wysokości interfejsów podczas sedymentacji końcowych. Najlepsze wyniki uzyskano z użyciem Superfloc A-130. Dla dawki dawce 60 g A-130/t, szybkość osadzania była krótsza niż 60 sekund.
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