Problems are taken up in the article appears with formation suit rendition proceeding. Fundamentally different approaches are justified to definition of a moment of changing (stopping) of material legal relation with transformative judgment. As a general rule the author saggests to proceed from deprivation of positive legal consequences from a deal conclusion moment for impugment of basis linked to vice deal. At the same time the author tells of a special case when the moment of material legal ceasing could be postponed to the future with the low or agreements of the parties.
W czasach współczesnych, w których kładzie się bardzo duży nacisk na rozwój alternatywnych metod rozwiązywania sporów, dążenia do wykorzystywania w praktyce sądownictwa polubownego i mediacji, zagadnienia i wątpliwości związane z umową ugody stają się coraz bardziej aktualne. W związku z tym, konieczne staje się dokonanie oceny poglądów już wypracowanych, a związanych z tą tematyką oraz zwrócenie uwagi na zmiany, które w ostatnich latach wywarły istotny wpływ na zawieranie ugód, co jednocześnie pozwoli na sformułowanie wniosków w zakresie rzeczywistego stosowania umów tego typu w obrocie prawnym i gospodarczym.
The very wide range of legal relationships which makes a possibility to conclude a settlement shows its great importance in practice. Similarly, it is necessary to assess the need for its dissemination, not only in court proceedings, because the amicable settlement of the dispute between the parties plays a very positive role. The parties to an out-of-court or court settlement have a sense of resolving the dispute, which is not settle by the third party. In this way, the parties have a possibility to create their own legal position and situation. In conclusion, it should be noted, that despite a number of doubts about how to deal with the practical application of Art. 917 k.c. and art. 918, the settlement agreement fulfills its essential functions, is a better way to resolve a dispute than to remain in the dispute or refer the case to court.
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