This paper is my humble contribution to the advancement of Distance Tutoring and e-Learning in Serbia where technical requirements have made it possible for educators to develop their skills in tutoring online. The paper will examine some advantages and disadvantages of the leading industry platform Adobe Connect Pro Meeting and my personal experience in engaging students to develop their skills in presenting content online to other students of the world. The paper will also show that delivering classes online to the students of the world is a great challenge even for those lecturers who are fluent in English and are confident in their teaching approach and classroom management skills in the physical classroom. The experience of Distance Tutoring is certainly rewarding and the students have embraced the new technologies most enthusiastically because it gives them an opportunity to market their knowledge and skills even before they graduate from vocational schools or colleges.
Ten artykuł jest moim skromnym wkładem w rozwój e-learningu w Serbii. Rozwój technologii pozwala nauczycielom rozwijać swoje umiejętności i kompetencje w nauczaniu online. W artykule dokonana została analiza zalet i wad wiodącej platformy Adobe Connect Pro pozwalającej na zarządzanie konferencjami sieciowymi. Opisane zostały także moje doświadczenia w angażowaniu uczniów do rozwijania swoich umiejętności w zakresie prezentowania treści online studentom z krajów całego świata.
W publikacji przedstawiono projekt sterownika rozmytego, którego zadaniem jest wykazanie zależności pomiędzy czynnikami stresogennymi, a stresem i zaangażowaniem w pracę studentów przed zbliżającym się terminem oddania pracy czy ważnym egzaminem. Opisywany projekt jest rozwiązaniem w pełni autorskim, którego koncepcją jest stworzenie narzędzia na użytek wykładowców uczelni wyższych. Wprowadzane do sterownika dane generują wynik, który może być zastosowany w celu lepszego zrozumienia studenta i zwiększenia świadomości o problemie czynnika ludzkiego w osiąganych przez słuchacza efektach. W projekcie wykorzystano oprogramowanie Matlab z pakietem Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Zaprezentowano pracę układu w oparciu o próbki danych testowych, które symulują czynniki stresogenne. Przedstawiono płaszczyzny sterowania, które umożliwiają analizę pracy układu oraz zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji układu w pakiecie Simulink z zadanymi wartościami sygnałów wejściowych.
The publication describes a project of a fuzzy controller which demonstrates the relationship between stress factors and stress, commitment to student work before the deadline or an important exam. This project is an original solution made by the authors, the concept of which is to create a tool for university lecturers. The data generated by the fuzzy controller indicate a result which might be used to better understand the student as well as increasing the awareness of the human factor problem in the results obtained by the student. The project uses Matlab software with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The authors present the performance of the system based on text data samples for the research, which simulate stress factors. The article also presents control surfaces, due to which it is possible to analyse the controller’s performance and show the simulation process with the preset input values, in the Simulink software package.
In the present study attention is paid to the question if some especially interesting periods can be found from the point of view of profitability at the Polish stock market. Days of the week, particular weeks of the month and the month of the year were taken into consideration. The following tests were applied: agreement test ÷2, Binomial Test and Anova analysis. The author was interested in the sign of the change of stock prices. The WIG (Warsaw Stock Exchange Index) was chosen as the representative of the changes and its successive falls and rises were noted. Ultimately it was found that in observations of the successive weeks of the month there were no statistically significant differences; on the other hand in observations of particular days of the week and months of the year there were some regularities that were proofs of some differences in profitability of particular periods of observation.
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