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Content available remote Pattern-based software architecture for service-oriented software systems
Service-oriented architecture is a recent conceptual framework for service-oriented software platforms. architectures are of great importance for the evolution of software systems. We present a modelling and transformation technique for service-centric distributed software systems. architectural configurations, expressed through hierarchical architectural patterns, form the core of a specification and transformation technique. Patterns on different levels of abstraction form transformation invariants that structure and constrain the transformation process. We explorer the role that patterns can play in architecture transformations in terms of functional properties, but also non-functional quality aspects.
Business Intelligence promises improved decision making. To meet the changing business requirements, BI has to reduce latency between data acquisition and decision. As a result of growing needs, concepts like Real Time, Active, Operational, Business Performance Management or embedded BI are introduced in the literature. Nevertheless, the technical implementation prevents the realization of these concepts. Thus, overloaded infrastructures and heterogeneous system landscapes avoid further evolution. To prevent this lack of system integration and performance, we address the changing BI paradigms through a service-oriented approach. Hence, the novel BI concepts and Service-oriented Business Intelligence (SoBI) theories are illustrated and combined in a uniform artifact. The construct is developed by using reference modeling. As a result, a SoBI reference architecture accrues, which becomes validated successfully and provides a basis for future implementations. This paper offers a flexible approach that reduces the latency in order of dynamic market environments.
Inteligentne systemy komputerowe pomocne są w procesie wspomagania decyzji do zmieniających się wymagań biznesowych. System BI ma zmniejszyć opóźnienie między procesami akwizycji danych i podejmowania decyzji. Niemniej w praktyce trudna jest strona techniczna dotycząca realizacji tych koncepcji. Aby uniknąć problemów związanych z integracją i wydajnością systemu, możemy dostosować się do zmieniających się paradygmatów BI przez podejście zorientowane na usługi. Stąd nowe koncepcja BI zorientowana na usługi Business Intelligence. W publikacji przedstawiono elastyczne podejście, które zmniejsza opóźnienia w dynamicznym środowisku rynkowym.
Content available remote Entish : A Language for Describing Data Processing in Open Distributed Systems
There are two general approaches to integration of heterogeneous applications. The first one corresponds to business-to-business point of view, whereas the second one to the client's point of view. The first one is based on the assumption that applications are composed, orchestrated, or choreographed in order to create sophisticated business processes, whereas the second one assumes that applications are composed (typically on the fly) in order to realize clients' requests. In this work the client's point of view is taken and a new experimental technology for service description and composition in open and distributed environment is proposed. The technology consists of description language called Entish, and composition protocol called entish 1.0.
The paper presents an application of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to handle transfer of large volumes of data between IT systems. The use of ESB may affect the reduction of operating costs of the public entity minimizing the number of connections between systems, shortening the time of integration with external systems and increasing the reusability of software written. The design of integration was done according to the ‘1+5’ architectural views model adjusted to the integration solutions description. The previously proposed UML profile UML Profile for Integration Platform has been used. We present the solution, on a specific case study of Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection (AFQI) (, showing how fast data can be transferred electronically using an ESB. Finally, benefits of the solution were analysed in the context of the reduced time of data transfer.
Content available An evolution process for service-oriented systems
Evolution of service-oriented systems is quite a new research area, which becomes more and more important as engineering challenges move from enabling service-orientation onto the maintenance and evolution of already developed service-oriented systems. However, the development of suitable evolution processes and methodologies is still an open research problem. The evolution process presented in this paper has been designed to address the evolution of service-oriented systems, which are technically built out of a set of service compositions. The presented process comprises phases and tasks compliant with ISO 20000. The underlying model of service-oriented system consisting of business processes and corresponding service composition models has also been presented. A traceability model and tools supporting change impact analysis have also been provisioned for. Preliminary industrial validation indicates that the evolution process should be easy to adapt by the industry.
High performance computing is nowadays mostly performed in a best effort fashion. This is surprising as the closely related topic of grid computing, which deals with the federation of resources from multiple domains in order to support large jobs, and cloud computing, which promises seemingly infinite amounts of compute and storage, both offer quality of service (QoS), albeit in different ways. Long-term service level agreements (SLAs), which require the establishment of SLAs long in advance of their actual usage, seem a promising way for the offering of QoS guarantees in an HPC environment in a way that is not disruptive to the business models employed today. This work uses the long-term SLA approach as a basis for the provisioning of service levels for HPC resources and presents an SLA management framework to support this. Flexibility is provided by providing SLAs with different service levels, support for which is integrated into job submission and scheduling. The SLA management framework can, on a high level, be used in a generic fashion and an implementation is presented that is evaluated against a motivating scenario.
Content available remote Entish : elingua for Service Description and Composition
A new technology for service description and composition in open and distributed environment is proposed. The technology consists of description language (called Entish) and composition protocol called entish 1.0. They are based on software agent paradigm. The description language is the contents language of the messages that are exchanged (between agents and services) according to the composition protocol. The syntax of the language as well as the message format are expressed in XML. The language and the protocol are merely specifications. To prove that the technology does work, the prototype implementation is provided. It is still under testing. However, it is available for use and evaluation via web interfaces starting with the website The specifications were created on the basis of the requirements produced by the Service Description and Composition Working Group ( ) of Agentcities.NET project. Related work was done by WSDL + BPEL4WS + (WS-Coordination) + (WS-Transactions), and DAML-S. Our technology is based on different principles. The language Entish is fully declarative contrary to BPEL4WS and DAML-S. A task (expressed in Entish) describes the desired static situation to be realized by the composition protocol.
W pracy przedstawiono podejście do realizacji idei Web Services. W szczególności, do specyfikacji języka opisu oraz protokołu kompozycji usług. Oraz do ich realizacji poprzez tzw. miidleware, czyli system, w którym można podłączać usługi realizujące dowolne funkcje z jednej strony, a z drugiej strony można z nich korzystać poprzez specyfikację zadań. Do zadań nie są przypisywane usługi, które mogą je realizować : być może ich jeszcze nie ma lub były, ale aktualnie nie są dostępne, lub tez jest wiele usłu realizujących tę samą funkcję. Z punktu widzenia klienta, jak również z punktu widzenia dostarczyciela usług, system jest przezroczysty. Ważne jest, że ten middleware został zrealizowany i jest dostępny na www do sprawdzenia. W naszym rozumieniu jest to dowód na to, że język opisu Entish oraz protokół kompozycji entish 1.0 mogą być uważane za propozycję technologii realizującej ideę Web Services.
As cloud computing becomes increasingly popular among enterprises, organizations, and developers, it is time to consider how Software as a Service solutions can be built rapidly and cost-effectively. This paper presents the possibility of using a service-based architecture operating within the framework of the public cloud computing model and implementing Software as a Service. It also describes the architecture, implementation, and testing of sample applications. The conclusions drawn, with respect to related work and the results obtained, shed more light on the application of public cloud systems for Software as a Service purposes
This work investigates the use of enterprise models for service configuration with a focus on knowledge related to organizational roles. Starting from an industrial case, it presents an approach to extract a role’s information demand from an enterprise model and to use this as initial configuration for agent-based services. In addition to the meta-model included in the enterprise modeling language, the use of a common ontology is proposed which captures both, the perspective of information demand and services. The architecture of the agentbased services is following the idea to characterize all actors by their roles and to represent them by sets of services. This approach facilitates self-organization in the service level. The main contributions of the paper are (1) to show that a role’s information demand is relevant for service configuration, (2) to present a way of extracting information demand from enterprise models, and (3) to extend an approach for SOA-based enterprise representation with information demand.
This paper deals with a methodology for the implementation of cloud manufacturing (CM) architecture. CM is a current paradigm in which dynamically scalable and virtualized resources are provided to users as services over the Internet. CM is based on the concept of coud computing, which is essential in the Industry 4.0 trend. A CM architecture is employed to map users and providers of manufacturing resources. It reduces costs and development time during a product lifecycle. Some providers use different descriptions of their services, so we propose taking advantage of semantic web technologies such as ontologies to tackle this issue. Indeed, robust tools are proposed for mapping providers’ descriptions and user requests to find the most appropriate service. The ontology defines the stages of the product lifecycle as services. It also takes into account the features of coud computing (storage, computing capacity, etc.). The CM ontology will contribute to intelligent and automated service discovery. The proposed methodology is inspired by the ASDI framework (analysis–specification–design–implementation), which has already been used in the supply chain, healthcare and manufacturing domains. The aim of the new methodology is to propose an easy method of designing a library of components for a CM architecture. An example of the application of this methodology with a simulation model, based on the CloudSim software, is presented. The result can be used to help the industrial decision-makers who want to design CM architectures.
Content available remote Selected problems in electronic medical records implementation
Growing use of electronic medical record (EMR) systems in Europe and the United States has been driven by the belief that these systems can help to improve the quality of health care. Decision support systems, particularly for drug order entry, are becoming important tools in reducing medical errors. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is gaining support in several industries particularly in service-oriented enterprises. There has been increasing interest in adopting the SOA style in healthcare. Areas of use include: electronic medical records, medical prescriptions, exchange of medical information including telemedicine, medical practice management including medical billing and coding and many others. Having realistic expectations about what EMR s will do for medical practice and how they’ll work is a key to eectively selecting and implementing an EMR system. But EMR also brings risk. Even in resource-rich nations, the development of EMR systems is still an uncertain and challenging task, calling for a sensitive matching of local needs to available technologies and resources.
Tendencja wdrażania systemów elektronicznych rekordów medycznych w Europie i w Ameryce wynika z przekonania, ze te systemy są istotnym elementem poprawy jakości opieki zdrowotnej. Tradycyjna papierowa dokumentacja medyczna służy niemal wszystkim istotnym aspektom opieki zdrowotnej. Stanowi ona zapis przebiegu leczenia pacjenta, ułatwia rozpoznanie problemów medycznych i jest wykorzystywana do koordynacji procesu opieki zdrowotnej. Pomimo istotnych zalet papierowej dokumentacji medycznej ma ona wiele niedogodności. Wprowadzenie dokumentacji elektronicznej ma na celu zachowanie walorów papierowej dokumentacji medycznej eliminując jej wady. W artykule pokazano przykład kompleksowego rozwiązania systemów elektronicznych rekordów zdrowia w skali narodowej na przykładzie kanadyjskiego rozwiązania EHRS Infoway (Fig.1 i 2). Kluczową sprawą dla wdrożenia systemu jest oparcie się na standardach, przy czym uznano zasadę adopcji istniejących standardów gdzie to tylko jest możliwe. Zgodnie z tym przyjęto standard komunikacyjny Health Level 7 V3 (HL7) dla wszystkich nowo opracowywanych komunikatów przekazywanych w tym systemie. Infoway opiera się na wykorzystaniu SOA dzięki czemu uzyska się wykorzystanie istniejących aplikacji jako usług w bazującej na SOA infrastrukturze elektronicznych rekordów zdrowia. Usługowo-zorientowana architektura (SOA) rozprzestrzenia się w wielu obszarach zastosowań a zwłaszcza w zorientowanych na usługi organizacjach. Obserwuje się zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem SOA w systemach opieki medycznej. Obszary zastosowań obejmują elektroniczne rekordy medyczne, wystawianie recept, wymianę informacji medycznej w tym telemedycynę, zarządzanie przychodniami w tym fakturowanie usług medycznych, kodowanie procedur i wiele innych. Koncept SOA w istocie nie dotyczy nowych technologii, ale raczej innego sposobu formowania, posługiwania się i wspólnego korzystania z aplikacji. SOA pozwala na rozdzielenie określonych usług na elementy ponownego użycia, ułatwiające efektywne wykorzystanie systemów informatycznych. Fig. 4 pokazuje przykładowe funkcje systemu opieki zdrowotnej i związane z nimi aplikacje. Choć nie jest to pełna lista funkcji czy systemów, widać tu redundancje funkcji systemu w typowym środowisku opieki zdrowotnej. Jeśli funkcje systemu są powtarzalne, wówczas można sadzić że odpowiadające im procesy biznesowe są powiązane i mogą wskazywać na możliwość rozdzielenia procesu na usługi. Systemy wspierania decyzji, zwłaszcza przy wypisywaniu recept, również odgrywają istotną rolę w ograniczaniu popełnianych pomyłek medycznych. W oparciu o elektroniczne rekordy medyczne pacjenta lekarze mogą dobierać lekarstwa bezpośrednio online, stosując reguły zawarte w klinicznych systemach decyzyjnych chroniących lekarza przed popełnieniem pewnych rodzajów pomyłek medycznych. Zagadnienie interoperacyjności systemów opieki zdrowotnej nabiera znaczenia zarówno w skali narodowej jak i międzynarodowej między innymi w postaci transgranicznej interoperacyjności systemów elektronicznych rejestrów medycznych. Realistyczna ocena tego co elektroniczne rekordy medyczne moga˛ przynieść praktyce medycznej jest kluczem do efektywnego wyboru i wdrożenia systemów EMR. Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że wdrażanie elektronicznych rekordów medycznych wiąże się z ryzykiem. Przechodzenie z dokumentacji papierowej na elektroniczną tworzy nowe problemy na dodatek do parania się ze starymi problemami. Istotne problemy wdrażania systemów EMR będą zarówno związane z kłopotami użytkowników jak też zagadnieniami natury technicznej. Nawet w bogatych krajach, rozwój systemów EMR napotyka na niejasności i problemy związanymi z właściwym dopasowaniem lokalnych potrzeb do dostępnych zasobów i technologii.
The manufacturing industry has been reshaping its operations using digital technologies for a smart production towards a more customized demand. Nevertheless, the flexibility to attend the production plan changes in real time is still challenging. Although the Internet of Services (IoS) has been addressed as a key element for Industry 4.0, there is still a lack of clarity about the IoS contribution for advanced manufacturing. Through a case study, the paper aims to validate the adherence of a theoretical model named Service-Oriented Manufacturing Architecture (SOMA) in two manufacturing companies that have been already engaged in Industry 4.0. As main results, it was concluded that IoS could suit in one case of Industry 4.0 flexible production process but not in a mass production one. Considering the scarcity of research that exemplifies the IoS contribution, the present paper brings an important assessment on a real manufacturing scenario.
Content available Problemy integracji aplikacji
An application integration is a combination of problems. Each organization and trading community has its own set of Integration Issues that must be addressed. Because of this, It is next to Impossible to find a single technological solution set that can be applied universally. Therefore, each application Integration solution will generally require different approaches. Although approaches to application Integration vary considerably, It is possible to create some general categories, which Include: Information-oriented, business process Integration-oriented, service-oriented, portal-oriented.
Opisano korporacyjną architekturę zorientowaną na usługi. Przedstawiono uzasadnienie biznesowe budowania nowoczesnego systemu informatycznego zorientowanego na odwzorowanie procesów biznesowych. Omówiono dwa podstawowe rodzaje architektury wraz z podstawowymi pojęciami, a także zaprezentowano dwa narzędzia służące do integracji systemów informatycznych.
The article focuses on corporate service-oriented architecture. Rest part of the article is concentrated on business reasons of implementing modern business process-oriented Information system. Afterwards two basic types of architecture and the basic concepts are discussed, as well as two tools for system integration.
With the recent expansion of specialized databases and departure from the "one size fits all" paradigm, engineers might decide to use multiple databases. Each database holds a representation of a data object but offers transactions and consistency guarantees only locally. Existing solutions either require additional coding or do not provide global ACID transactions. In this paper, we present fed-agent, a transactional layer that provides global consistency and ACID transactions for single data objects within multidatabase systems. It requires no additional coding besides configuration files. We show that fed-agent scales linearly and introduces an overhead small enough for most microservice solutions.
Content available remote Medical prescription classification: a NLP-based approach
The digitization of healthcare data has been consolidated in the last decade as a must to manage the vast amount of data generated by healthcare organizations. Carrying out this process effectively represents an enabling resource that will improve healthcare services provision, as well as on-the-edge related applications, ranging from clinical text mining to predictive modelling, survival analysis, patient similarity, genetic data analysis and many others. The application presented in this work concerns the digitization of medical prescriptions, both to provide authorization for healthcare services or to grant reimbursement for medical expenses. The proposed system first extract text from scanned medical prescription, then Natural Language Processing and machine learning techniques provide effective classification exploiting embedded terms and categories about patient/- doctor personal data, symptoms, pathology, diagnosis and suggested treatments. A REST ful Web Service is introduced, together with results of prescription classification over a set of 800K+ of diagnostic statements.
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