Mission Seminary of the Sacred Heart Fathers in Stadniki was established in 1964. One of the major difficulties, which the Seminary struggled with from the beginning, was inadequate staff of SCJ’s professors. Beside inner difficulties in the communist period of PRL in the life of Seminary appeared also same external problems, e.g. appointment to the army from different levels of seminarians. One of the most important events in the 50-years history of Mission Seminary was to sign an agreement on scientific cooperation with the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Cracow in 1980 (actually the Pontifical University of John Paul II). In this way, the Sacred Hear students were given the great opportunity to complete their studies with the title of Master of Theology. The dynamic development of the SCJ Seminary connects to the significant increase in the number of students in the 80's. The large group of polish students joined the students from abroad mostly from the Eastern Europe. At that time, the students undertake an amazing variety of practice in the pastoral field. After the political changes in 1989 the involvement of the students on this field even more extended. Along with the new possibilities of travelling abroad and deepening of international cooperation with other provinces, the students were given the new opportunity to participate in foreign language courses in Ireland, France and Germany. Furthermore, it should mark that the development of the Seminary was made possible through the efforts and the work of the Management Boards, as well as professors, employees and lay people who financially supported the special work of education.
The paper sets together the traditional biblical text about the SCJ formation: We have believed love (1 John 4, 16) with the biblical inspirations of the apostolic exhortation Pastores dabo vobis. Pope John Paul the II likes particularly the John narrative about vocation of the first disciples (John 1 35 – 42), and the Markus text: He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him (Mk 3, 14). In these biblical texts he sees the contemplative aspect of the priest for-mation for the pastoral love.
Usually the formation in the seminary is determined by the documents of the Church. But each environment is introducing into formation certain own characteristic aspects. The general principles of formation will underline the necessity of formation the statures of faith in the presence of the Savior in liturgical ceremonies, to have proper knowledge concerning the ceremonies and acquiring skills to celebrate them properly. In this structure enters proper character of the SCJ seminary. It will be the formation of the sensitive person for the presence of Jesus Christ, what was underlined by our Founder in the picture of St. John resting on the heart of Our Lord during the Last Supper. The other aspect will be the ability to undertake the acts of reparation, in compliance with the rules of the Church. The other characteristic ability will be the love of the Church and Holy Father. All these statures are nothing else but only deepening characteristics of Christian and catholic features.