In this paper one-dimensional migration of the chemically active substances transferred from the underground depository of waste materials by technical water has been considered. It has been assumed that active substances dissolved in water flowing through rocks are subjected simultaneously to the advection, sorption, and chemical reactions. The author has taken into account the situation in which the substance A flowing out the depository is transformed chemically into substance B, and substance B is afterwards transformed chemically into substance E. The author assumed that from the standpoint of chemical kinetics the sequential reaction A -› B -› E is of the first order. For the description of the propagation problem the system of partial differential transport equations have been applied. In the transport equations, the concentrations FA, FB,FE of substances A, B, E were handled to be the primary dependent variables. The cylindrical symmetry of the problem has been assumed. The system of differential equations describing the propagation process has been solved applying the Carson-Laplace integral transform method. Rational considerations have been completed with a brief discussion concerning the adequacy of the model for the genuine migration phenomenon.