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The amount of radiocaesium in chosen species of mushrooms from localities in eastern Slovakia was studied. From the obtained results it was found that Macrolepiota procera and Armillariella mellea are defined by low ability to accumulate caesium. Higher values of 137Cs were measured in Russula aeruginea and Xerocomus subtomentosus and achieved 869.6 and 322.9 Bg kg 1 dry weight, respectively. Soaking and washing can be used to decrease radioactivity in mushrooms. Using water and solution of table salt in studied species of mushrooms decreased the amount of radiocaesium by 33 88%.
The aim of this study was to compare the amount of radiocaesium in chosen compartments of environment in two localities of Košice vicinity (Košice and Jasov). Prevailing part of radiocaesium is in the upper layer of soils and specific activity of 137Cs in the first layer for locality Jasov in 2001 achieved 21.49 1. Transfer factor values estimated for mixed grasses and for individual years varied within the range of 0.22 to 0.56 at locality Košice and of 0.09 to 0.19 at locality Jasov. On the base of results from modified Tessier sequential extraction method we determined that more than 50% of this radionuclide is in the soil in not extractable fraction. From studied species of mushrooms in sample of Rozites caperata the specific activity achieved 1822.0 1 d.w.
The studied bogs of the Siedlce Heights in eastern Poland are currently undergoing decession. In the course of pedological studies, a significant modification of the structure of soil profiles caused by the murshing process was found. The total contents of carbon and nitrogen values (TC/TN = 11.1–17.3) obtained in the study, as well as slight acidification (pHKCl 5.42–6.15) indicate the eutrophy of the studied soil environment, high biological activity and a significant degree of organic matter processing as a result of the processes of mineralization and humification. In addition, the upper levels covered by the process of murshing, compared to peat, are characterized by lower carbon content and, most often, similar nitrogen content. In the studied soils, humic substances are mostly represented by the fraction of humic acids. As a consequence, high values of the quotient expressing quantitative relations between soil humus fractions (HAs/FAs) were noted. For all profiles, the highest share of fulvic acids was recorded in turf murshic levels (M1). The occurrence of the most mature humic acids was found in the peat levels not covered by secondary transformation processes after dehydration.
The sequential extraction of chromium from galvanic wastewater sludge was studied. A five-step sequential fractionation scheme was used to partition the chromium into exchangeable (F I), acid-soluble (F II), reducible (F III), organic matter (F IV) and residual (F V) fractions. The results of investigations indicate that 59.5% of chromium occurred in residual fraction, which is permanently immobilized, whereas 40.5% of chromium in galvanic wastewater sludge can be released to ecosystems under changing natural conditions.
The sequential extraction of Cr from soil to soil eluates was studied. The influence of conditions of soil sample preparation and conditions of eluates obtained in the final result of Cr extraction from soil and its determination were found. Conditions protecting the total extraction of Cr from soil to solutions were established.
Lake Arendsee is a dimictic lake with a surface area of about 5 km2 and a maximum depth of about 50 m. Due to the input of untreated sewage rich in P the lake turned to eutrophic state in the 1950s. Sediment cores were taken by different methods: short cores (0-50 cm) with a gravity corer, long cores (0-160 cm) with a piston corer. The sediments were sliced into subsamples under argon atmosphere in a glove box. The samples were analysed by ICP-OES and ICP-MS on main and trace elements after digestion in either aqua regia or HF-HNO3-HClO4. Analogous cores were dated by varve counting and radiometric methods. The enforced build-up of industry and agriculture since the 1950s is displayed in the sediment composition. The P concentrations increase from a background of about 600 ppm (oligotrophic state of the lake) to more than 4,000 ppm in a depth of 14 cm, which corresponds to the 1970s. In 1976, a hypolimnetic withdrawal and a sewage plant were built. Above the corresponding depth the concentrations of P and heavy elements decrease in the sediments but are still by far higher than the background values. The bonding form analyses dokument mineral equilibration by diagenetic processes. Stable sulfidic bonding forms become predominant with increasing depth.
Content available Plant uptake of radiocesium from contaminated soil
Phytoextraction field experiments were conducted on soil contaminated with radiocesium to determine the capacity of autochthonous grasses and weeds to accumulate 137Cs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of spontaneously growing vegetation as a tool for decontamination of non-agricultural contaminated land. As a test field, the closed monitored area of the radioactive wastewater treatment plant of the Nuclear Power Plant in Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovakia was used. Contamination was irregularly distributed from the level of background to spots with maximal activity up to 900 Bq/g soil. Sequential extraction analysis of soil samples showed the following extractability of radiocesium (as percent of the total): water < 0.01%; 1 M MgCl2 = 0.3-1.1%; 1 M CH3COONa = 0.3-0.9%; 0.04 M NH4Cl (in 25% CH3COOH) = 0.9-1.4%; and 30% H2O2 - 0.02 M HNO3 = 4.5-9.0%. Specific radioactivity of the most efficiently bioaccumulating plant species did not exceed 4.0 kBq kg 1 (dry weight biomass). These correspond to the soil-to-plant transfer factor (TF) values up to 44.4 × 10 4 (Bq kg 1 crop, d.w.)/(Bq kg 1 soil, d.w.). Aggregated transfer factor (Tag) of the average sample of the whole crop harvested from defined area was 0.5 × 10 5 (Bq kg 1 d.w. crop)/(Bq m 2 soil). It can be concluded that low mobility of radiocesium in analysed soil type, confirmed by sequential extraction analyses, is the main hindrance for practical application of autochthonous plants as a phytoremediation tool for aged contaminated area of non-cultivated sites. Plant cover can efficiently serve only as a soil surface-stabilising layer, mitigating the migration of radiocesium into the surrounding environment.
Research on aluminium speciation was performed using a slightly modified version of Tessier’s procedure. The soils under study displayed strongly acidic character (pH KCl of 3.3 - 4.4). The content of aluminium in the exchangeable (11 mg/kg), acid extractable (67 mg/kg), oxidizable (2650 mg/kg), reducible (658 mg/kg) and residual fraction (24,680 mg/kg) varied widely. The percentage of labile phase (sum minus residual) obtained for mean values in the profile amounted to 12.1%, which may indicate its considerable bioavailability. The soil profile under study displayed a lithogenically dichotomous structure, which was also reflected in the aluminium content in the particular fractions.
Sewage sludge is a rich source of organic matter and nutrients, so there is a possibility of their broader agricultural utilization. However, agricultural utilization of this material is limited by excessive quantities of heavy metals. In accordance with this, the current paper presents the results of investigations referring to the speciation of heavy metals in selected sewage sludge. It was found that there were differences among metals in the preferential formation of bonds, but also such phenomena occurred in the individual sludge samples for the same element. This was mainly observed for cadmium and nickel. Especially important are the amounts of metals associated with water soluble plus exchangeable fraction (1 mol.L-1 NH4NO3) as well as fraction of metals extracted by 1 mol.L-1 NH4OAc (pH = 6.0), corresponding to weakly adsorbed and bound with carbonates and labile organic compounds. With reference to this, it was stated that the percentage share of such combinations decreased in the order: Cu < Cr < Zn < Cd < Ni, reaching values of 2.9, 7.2, 8.8, 19.5 and 21.6% respectively. It shows those copper forms the lowest number of fast released combinations, whereas Ni and Cd - the highest.
The work reported in this paper deals with the content of trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in bottom sediments of Goreckie Lake, situated in Wielkopolski National Park, Western Poland. Apart from total concentration, the distribution of the above metals into five fractions: exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter, and residual was studied by means of an analytical procedure involving sequential chemical extractions.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań form chemicznych występowania cynku w organicznej frakcji odpadów komunalnych, określonych za pomocą sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji chemicznej według Rudda. Zbadano także zmiany form chemicznych cynku podczas fermentacji metanowej organicznej frakcji odpadów komunalnych. Obiektem badań była frakcja organiczna odpadów komunalnych pochodzących z Gliwic.
The results of investigations of various chemical forms of zinc in organic fraction of municipal solid wastes are presented. As an object of the experiment, municipal organic wastes coming from Gliwice were taken. The forms of zinc were determined with the use of the sequential extraction - according to Rudd. For the whole methane fermentation process, dependence on time of each form contribution to total zinc content was determined.
Content available remote Ekstrakcja sekwencyjna metali z próbek środowiskowych
The metals contribution in food chain: soil - plant- animal - man and influence of metals on the course of biochemical reactions in the environment depends among others on possibility of its transfer from sample to solutions. In practice mobility process of metals is investigated by performance of the sequential extraction of sample. The metals sequential extraction for a given sample depend among others on the type of sample, leaching reagent, conditions of the process, the initial condition of sample (environmental sample, air-dried sample) and chemical forms of metals presents in sample. Most often the studies evaluate the chemical fraction of metals in environmental sample as: exchangeable, carbonate, oxide, organic, sulfide and residue forms. Many procedures of sequential extraction of sample e.g. soil, bottom sediments and fly ash were described, which include group extraction of metals to solution. Applied procedures of sequential extraction concern of group extraction of metals and doesn't selective for individual metals. Therefore, we have attempted to establish optimum conditions for researches of individual chemical fraction of metals in sample by sequential extraction method. Chemical fraction described as mobility in environmental conditions are frequently research in first and second step of sequential extraction. Next researches fractions of metals are mobile in environmental in specific conditions. Among various methods of the sequential extraction, the Tessier, Rudd, BCR, Gatehouse, Kersten and Forstner, Psenner and Sposito procedures are most often used for environmental samples. The procedures sequential extraction of environmental samples, defined metals fraction and list of researches metals in sample are shown in Table 1. Analysis of chemical fraction of metals depends on quantity of steps method, strong of reagents and conditions of researches.
A three-stage sequential extraction procedure, following a protocol recommended by the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) of the Commision of European Communities has been applied to the compost obtained from municipal wastes at the Composting Plant Warszawa-Radiowo. The extractant solutions were: step 1 - acetic acid (0.11 mol 1(-1); step 2 - hydroxylammonium hydrochloride (0.1 mol 1(-1), pH 2; step 3 - hydrogen peroxide ( 8.8 mol 1(-1) and ammonium acetate (1 mol 1(-1), pH 2; residual - HNO(3)+HF. The following elements were determined in the extracts: Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr and Zn. Analysis of the extracts was carried out by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Possible interferences of matrix were eliminated by preparation of standard solutions in the same matrices as the samples.
Biuro materiałów odniesienia (BCR) Komisji Wspólnoty Europejskiej wydało zalecenia dotyczące specjacji metali w glebach i osadach metodą ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej. Jest to trzystopniowa ekstrakcja sekwencyjna z następującymi roztworami ekstrakcyjnymi: l -kwas octowy (0.11 mol 1(-1); 2 - chlorowodorek hydroksyloaminy (0. l mol 1(-1), pH 2; 3 - nadtlenek wodoru (8.8 mol 1(-1) i octan amonu (l .0 mol 1(-1), pH 2; pozostałość. Powyższą procedurę zastosowano do specjacji metali ciężkich w kompoście otrzymanym z odpadów komunalnych w Kompostowni Warszawa-Radiowo. W uzyskanych ekstraktach oznaczono następujące pierwiastki: Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr i Zn. Analizę ekstraktów przeprowadzono metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej z atomizacją płomieniową. Możliwe interferencje matrycy były eliminowane przez przygotowanie roztworów wzorcowych w środowiskach takich samych jak próbki.
W celu rekultywacji terenów zdegradowanych i poeksploatacyjnych, w tym składowisk odpadów komunalnych można stosować określone odpady komunalne, tj. popioły paleniskowe i ustabilizowane osady ściekowe. Zmieszanie tych odpadów w stosunku 1:1 stanowi kompozyt mineralno – organiczny wykorzystywany jako materiał rekultywacyjny. Przy analizie potencjalnego ryzyka jakie mogą stwarzać odpady preferowane jest stosowanie badania wieloetapowej ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej. W pracy dokonano analizy zawartości metali ciężkich w poszczególnych frakcjach kompozytu wydzielonych metodą ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej według procedury Tessiera. Badanie ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej przeprowadzono w celu poznania poszczególnych form i frakcji składających się na całkowitą zawartość danego metalu oraz oceny mobilności pierwiastków w środowisku. Zidentyfikowano pięć form występowania metali ciężkich: wymienną, węglanową, tlenkową, organiczną oraz pozostałościową. Dominującą formą występowania kadmu i cynku były połączenia węglanowe. Najwyższą zawartość ołowiu i miedzi oznaczono we frakcji organicznej, a chromu i niklu we frakcji pozostałościowej. Przeprowadzono także analizę poziomu uwalniania metali ciężkich za pomocą podstawowego testu wymywania według PN-EN 12457-2. Badanie to wykazało niską wymywalność metali ciężkich z kompozytu. Ze względu na niewielki udział form metali rozpuszczalnych w wodzie badany materiał uznano za bezpieczny dla środowiska gruntowo – wodnego.
The specific municipal waste (bottom ash and stabilized sewage sludge) can be applied for reclamation of post-industrial areas and landfill sites. The mixture of this waste in a 1:1 ratio is a mineral-organic composite used as material for reclamation. The multi-stage procedure of sequential extraction constitutes the preferred tool applied in the analysis of the potential hazard that is formed by the waste. The paper presents the analysis of heavy metal contents in particular fractions of composite, separated by sequential extraction according to Tessier’s procedure. The sequential extraction analysis was carried out in order to identify the particular forms and fractions forming the total content of a given metal and assess the mobility of elements into the environment. Five forms of heavy metals were identified: exchangeable, carbonate, oxide, organic and residual. Cadmium and zinc occurred primarily in the carbonate associations. The highest content of lead and copper was determined in the organic fraction. On the other hand, chromium and nickel occurred primarily in the residual fraction. The analysis of heavy metals release using basic leaching test, according to PN-EN 12457-2, was also carried out. The study demonstrated low leachability of heavy metals. Due to the very small ratio of heavy metal forms that are water-soluble, the waste was considered to be safe to the soil and water environment.
Content available Heavy Metals in Soil from Coal Mine Dump in Gliwice
The aim of this work was to carry out investigation on heavy metal content: Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Fe in samples of soil collected from the coal mine dump in Gliwice and evaluation of their bioavailability. Each sample was subjected to sequential extraction according to Tessier’s method. Five fractions were separated: I – exchangeable; II – carbonate; III – bound to Mn and Fe oxides; IV – bound to organic matter and V – residue. The content of Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni and Fe in particular fractions was analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with flame atomization, whereas Cd by AAS with electrothermal atomization. On the basis of carried out experiments it was found that in examined samples of soil the contents of metals are higher than admissible values and also higher than geometric mean reported for this region. The greatest amounts of heavy metals have been found in oxide, organic and residue fractions, in forms less available for plants. Smaller amounts were determined in more available exchangeable and carbonate fractions. It is advisable to monitor such deposits as coal mine dumps, due to the potential threat for the environment.
Celem pracy było zbadanie zawartości metali ciężkich: Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni, Cd i Fe w próbkach gleby z hałdy w Gliwicach oraz określenia ich biodostępności. Dla każdej próbki gleb przeprowadzono frakcjonowanie sekwencyjne metodą Tessiera, podczas której zostaje wydzielonych 5 frakcji metali: frakcji I wymiennej, frakcji II związanych z węglanami, frakcji III związanych z tlenkami, frakcji IV związanych z materią organiczną oraz frakcji V pozostałości. Zawartość Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni i Fe w poszczególnych frakcjach oznaczono za pomocą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z atomizacją w płomieniu, a zawartość kadmu za pomocą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z elektrotermiczną atomizacją. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że w badanej glebie znajdują się duże zawartości oznaczanych metali, często większe niż dopuszczalne, oraz większe od średnich geometrycznych dla tego terenu. Największe ilości metali ciężkich występują we frakcji tlenkowej, organicznej i w pozostałości, a więc w formach mało dostępnych dla roślin. Małe ilości występują w formach biodostępnych czyli we frakcji wymiennej i węglanowej. Pomimo to monitoring takich miejsc powinien być prowadzony, gdyż stanowią one potencjalne zagrożenie ekologiczne.
Content available remote Mercury fractionation in sediments of the Lower Vistula River (Poland)
The Vistula is the second largest river in the Baltic Sea catchment area and provides one of the main inputs to the Baltic. The river and its tributaries flow through some of the major industrialized and urbanised regions of Poland, making it one of the most highly human-impacted rivers in Europe. Although the river status is monitored routinely, little is known about mercury forms in the sediments. This study examines mercury fractionation in the sediments of the lower part of the Vistula River. The results show that the cities along this stretch of river have a relatively low impact on both the mercury forms found in the sediment and its bioavailability in the floodplain soils. The mean concentration of total mercury in the sediments was 65 š14 ng g^-1 dry mass (range 54-92), calculated as the sum of mercury concentrations in the individual fractions. The most abundantly represented of these fractions were mercury bound to sulphides (68 š11%, range 55-82%) and humic matter (19 š10%, range 10-35%), with lower fractions of water-soluble mercury (6.9 š2.9%, range 5.1-13%) and organomercury compounds (6.4 š5.3%, range 0.6-13%). The least abundant fraction observed was acid-soluble mercury (0.3 š0.2%, range 0.1-0.6%). Similar concentrations and fractionation were observed in floodplain soils from Kieżmark, collected 1, 10 and 50 meters from the riverbed.
Twelve soil samples differing in physicochemical properties and total element contents were extracted by three sequential extraction procedures to determine As, Cd, Pb, and Zn bound to individual soil fractions and are defined by individual operational procedures. In the case of arsenic, two additional sequential extraction schemes were designed entirely for fractionation of soil containing arsenic were tested. The results confirmed that determination of element proportions bound to individual soil fractions is strongly dependent on the extracting agent and/or procedure applied within individual extracting schemes. As expected, absolute values of the elements released among the individual extracting procedures are weakly comparable. More reliable results were determined for the more mobile soil elements i.e. cadmium and zinc, in the fractions characterizing the most mobile proportions of investigated elements where significant correlations with basic soil characteristics were observed. In contrast, ambiguous results were observed for As and Pb, for both the individual extraction procedures and the effect of the soil characteristics. Regardless of the studied element, the poorest results were determined for reducible and oxidizable soil fractions. The application of at least two independent procedures or modification of the extraction scheme according to element investigated and/or particular soil characteristics can also be helpful in definition of element pattern in soils in further research.
Sequential extraction methods enable identification of chemical fractions of heavy metals in soil environment as well as evaluation of their availability and potential toxicity to biotic elements of a trophic chain. The study aimed at separating nickel fractions from particular genetic horizons of forest Luvisols by means of three sequential extraction methods (modified Tessier’s, Zeien and Brümmer’s as well as Hedley’s with Tiessen and Moir’s modifications methods), and to compare the metal content in four fractions: easily soluble, exchangeable, organic, and residual, along with their distribution within studied soils’ profiles. Nickel concentrations in the examined fractions varied: the largest amounts of the heavy metal (regardless of the analytical procedure applied) were found in residual fraction Fresid (mineral horizons) and organic fraction Forg (forest litter horizons – Ol), while the smallest ones occurred in easily soluble fraction F1 (all genetic horizons). Statistical processing revealed significant dependences between the four nickel fractions as well as between the fractions and selected properties of analyzed soils (except soil pH and total nickel content Nit).
Metody ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej umożliwiają identyfikację frakcji chemicznych metali ciężkich w środowisku glebowym, a także ocenę ich dostępności i potencjalnej toksyczności dla biotycznych elementów łańcucha troficznego. Celem pracy było wydzielenie frakcji niklu w poszczególnych poziomach genetycznych leśnych gleb płowych trzema metodami ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej (zmodyfikowanej metody Tessiera, metody Zeiena i Brümmera oraz metody Hedleya w modyfikacji Tiessena i Moira), a także porównanie zawartości tego metalu w czterech frakcjach: łatwo rozpuszczalnej, wymiennej, organicznej i rezydualnej oraz ocena ich rozmieszczenia w profilu badanych gleb. Zawartość niklu w badanych frakcjach była zróżnicowana. Najwięcej tego metalu, niezależnie od zastosowanej procedury analitycznej, stwierdzono we frakcji rezydualnej – Fresid (poziomy mineralne) oraz organicznej – Forg (poziomy ściółki leśnej – Ol), a najmniej we frakcji łatwo rozpuszczalnej – F1 (wszystkie poziomy genetyczne). Obliczenia statystyczne wykazały, że badane cztery frakcje niklu były wysoko istotnie zależne między sobą oraz wybranymi właściwościami analizowanych gleb (z wyjątkiem pH gleby i zawartości ogólnej Nit).
Soil samples were collected from each sedes after the end of rye vegetation in order to follow changes which occurred in physical and chemical properties. Increasing doses of organic matter and applied two doses of lithium affected changes of soil physical and chemical properties. Applied doses of lithium and organic matter influenced the values of pH and hydrolytic acidity, organic carbon content and the content of lithium in soil. Metal seąuential extraction with soltitions of various leaching power: H2O; 2.5 % CH3COOH; 0,1 mol K2P.,O7 o dm-3; 0.1 mol H2C2O4 o dm-3 + 0.175 mol (NH4)iC2O4 o dm-3 was used to determine lithium content and its forms in soil. In result of sequential extraction were lithium forms extracted from easily soluble, ie bioavailable, through weakly bound to sorption complex to sparingly soluble and immobilized, therefore unavailable to plants. Lithium content in individual fractions was quite diversified. The factor determining this element level in the analyzed soil was applied lithium dose and increasing doses of organic matter. One of many factors affecting tlie size of sorption complex. Lithium doses of 10 and 20 mg Li per pot very distinctly affected the amount of lithium extracted using 2.5 % CH3COOH as F-2 form. In this case a similar dependence occurred as in F-1 fraction. The content of lithium bound to organic matter (F-3), extracted with 0.1 mol K2P4O7 o dm-3 ranged from 0.212 to 0.340 mg Li o kg-1.The quantity of cation bound to organic matter extracted using 0.1 mol lithium doses.
Po zakończonym okresie wegetacji żyta pobrano próbki glebowe z każdej serii w celu prześledzenia zmian, jakie zaszły we właściwościach fizycznych i chemicznych. Wzrastające dawki materii organicznej oraz zastosowane dwie dawki litu powodowały zmiany właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych gleby. Zastosowane dawki litu oraz materii organicznej wpływały na wartość pH, wartość kwasowości hydrolitycznej, zawartość C-organicznego oraz na zawartość litu w glebie. W celu określenia zawartości litu oraz jego form w glebie wykorzystano metodę sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji metali, stosując roztwory o różnej sile ługowania: H2O; 2,5 % CH,COOH; 0,1 mol KiP4O7 o dm-3; 0,1 mol H2C2O4 o dm-3 + 0.175 mol CU o dm-1. W wyniku sekwencyjnej ekstrakcji oznaczono formy litu od łatwo rozpuszczalnych, czyli dostępnych dla roślin, przez słabo związane z kompleksem sorpcyjnym, po trudno rozpuszczalne, nieuruchamiane, a więc niedostępne dla roślin. Zawartość litu w poszczególnych frakcjach była dość zróżnicowana. Czynnikami decydującymi o poziomie tego pierwiastka w poszczególnych formach w glebie były zastosowana dawka litu oraz wzrastające dawki materii organicznej, jednego z parametrów wpływających na kompleks sorpcyjny. Zastosowane dawki litu w ilości 10 i 20 mg Li o wazon-1 wpływały bardzo wyraźnie na ilość wyekstrahowanego litu przy użyciu H2O - formy F-1, a zastosowane wzrastające dawki materii organicznej wpływały ograniczająco na ilość litu wyekstrahowanego przy użyciu H2O. Zawartość litu związanego z materią organiczną F-3, ekstrahowanego 0,1 mol K2P407 o dm-3, wahała się od 0,2 1 2 do 0,340 mg Li o kg-1. Ilość kationu związanego z materią organiczną wyekstrahowanego 0,1 mol K2P4O7 o dm-3 wyraźnie wzrastała w obiektach ze wzrastającymi dawkami litu.
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