Septal papillary muscles, similarly to other papillary muscles, are essential elements of the heart valvular system. Damage to their structure may lead to a considerable life risk. Of all the papillary muscles, the septal papillary muscles are characterized by the greatest topographical and morphological variability. However, information about these muscles is scarce and fragmentary. The objective of this study was to ascertain their occurrence and the region in which they are placed in the inter-ventricular septum. One hundred and eleven human hearts were examined. The hearts belonged to the Clinical Anatomy Department of the Medical University of Gdańsk. They were fixed in formalin with ethanol and came from middle-aged and older individuals of both sexes, devoid of pathological changes and birth defects. During the tests, classic anatomical methods were applied. The region where the papillary muscles are found covers a sizeable surface of the septum, from the conus arteriosus up to the back angle of the right chamber. Depending on their location the following septal papillary muscles (musculi papillares septales, MPS) were singled out: 1) lying on the front wall of the septum (anterior papillares septales), 2) in the central part of the septum (central muscles), and 3) in the posterior section of the septum (posterior papillares septales). A trial to determine the types of MPS was based on this diversity of location. Consequently, five types of MPS were specified: type I: anterior–central (44.1%); type II: anterior (15.3%); type III: anterior–posterior (13.5%); type IV: anterior–central–posterior (24.3%); and type V: uniform (2.75%). This study is an attempt to systematize and standardize the terminology of these structures. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 2: 101–106)
Background. Learning detailed construction of individual structures in the heart is by all means essential for better understanding of pathologic variations which may occur within its constitution or beyond. In recent years there have appeared relatively few publications on septal papillary muscles co-creating valvular apparatus of the right atrioventricular orifice. Material and methods. The paper presents preliminary results of microscopic evaluation of septal papillary muscles in hearts of elderly people. The observations were conducted on the material of 10 human hearts of both sexes, 66-97 years of age, with no pathological lesions or malformations, originated from the collection of the Department of Clinical Anatomy of Gdansk Medical University. Results. A significant diversity of papillary muscle tissue structure was stated, and as such it can influence on the function of valvular apparatus. No elements of conduction system were observed within these structures. Geriatria 2012; 6: 207-211.
Wstęp. Poznanie szczegółowej budowy poszczególnych struktur serca z całą pewnością jest konieczne dla właściwego zrozumienia zmian patologicznych, jakie mogą pojawić się w jego obrębie lub poza nim. W ostatnich latach pojawiają się stosunkowo nieliczne publikacje traktujące o mięśniach brodawkowatych przegrodowych, współtworzących aparat zastawkowy prawego ujścia przedsionkowo-komorowego. W pracy przedstawiono wstępne wyniki obserwacji mikroskopowych mięśni brodawkowatych przegrodowych w sercach osób starszych. Materiał i metody. Obserwacje poczyniono na materiale 10 serc ludzkich obojga płci, w wieku 66-97 lat, pozbawionych zmian patologicznych i wad rozwojowych, pochodzących ze zbiorów Zakładu Anatomii Klinicznej Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego. Wnioski. Stwierdzono istotne zróżnicowanie tkankowe badanych mięśni, które może rzutować na funkcjonowanie aparatu zastawkowego. W strukturach tych nie odnotowano obecności elementów układu przewodzącego. Geriatria 2012; 6: 207-211.
Leaflets of the tricuspid valve are provided by tendinous cords extending from the papillary muscles. The situation is complicated with the septal muscles, which generally occur in two groups, one as constant musculus coni arteriosi and the second as other variable septal muscles. We tested whether there is a variability in the provision of the tricuspid valve in different taxonomical groups of mammals. The material examined consisted of 299 hearts of mammals (Primates, Ungulata, Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Marsupialia). The musculus coni arteriosi in the majority of mammals provided only the front leaflet, but among Ungulata and Rodentia it provided simultaneously the front and septal leaflet. The other septal muscles provided the front, septal and even back leaflets. The following regularity was observed: in the hearts of Primates provision of the front leaflet and the front part of the septal leaflet predominated, among Ungulata the muscles provided the middle part of the septal leaflet, but among the other mammals the rest of the septal muscles provided, significantly, the back part of the septal leaflet. Such a provision was characteristic for predators, hares, rodents and marsupials. These circumstances may allow the conclusion to be drawn that there is a taxonomical dependence in the provision of the tricuspid valve in the hearts of the mammals under examination.
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