In this paper an air separation unit was analyzed. The unit consisted of: an ionic transport membrane contained in a four-end type module, an air compressor, an expander fed by gas that remains after oxygen separation and heat exchangers which heat the air and recirculated flue gas to the membrane operating temperature (850 °C). The air separation unit works in a power plant with electrical power equal to 600 MW. This power plant additionally consists of: an oxy-type pulverized-fuel boiler, a steam turbine unit and a carbon dioxide capture unit. Life steam parameters are 30 MPa/650 °C and reheated steam parameters are 6 MPa/670 °C. The listed units were analyzed. For constant electrical power of the power plant technical parameters of the air separation unit for two oxygen recovery rate (65% and 95%) were determined. One of such parameters is ionic membrane surface area. In this paper the formulated equation is presented. The remaining technical parameters of the air separation unit are, among others: heat exchange surface area, power of the air compressor, power of the expander and auxiliary power. Using the listed quantities, the economic parameters, such as costs of air separation unit and of individual components were determined. These quantities allowed to determine investment costs of construction of the air separation unit. In addition, they were compared with investment costs for the entire oxy-type power plant.
Oxy combustion is the most promising technology for carbon dioxide, originated from thermal power plants, capture and storage. The oxygen in sufficient quantities can be separated from air in cryogenic installations. Even the state-of-art air separation units are characterized by high energy demands decreasing net efficiency of thermal power plant by at least 7%. This efficiency decrease can be mitigated by the use of waste nitrogen, e.g., as the medium for lignite drying. It is also possible to store energy in liquefied gases and recover it by liquid pressurization, warm-up to ambient temperature and expansion. Exergetic efficiency of the proposed energy accumulator may reach 85%.
W artykule analizie poddano kocioł z cyrkulacyjnym złożem fluidalnym. Do spalania węgla brunatnego w kotle użyto tlenu wytworzonego w wysokotemperaturowej membranie typu three-end. Pokazano sposób określenia powierzchni membran oraz energochłonności procesu membranowej separacji powietrza. Sprawność termiczną kotła, energochłonność membranowej separacji powietrza i powierzchnię modułu membranowego wyznaczono w funkcji odzysku tlenu w membranie. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie azotu z instalacji separacji powietrza do suszenia węgla. Dla takiego wariantu również wyznaczono charakterystyki układu. Stwierdzono, że przy wykorzystaniu azotu do suszenia sprawności termicznej kotła rośnie z 76% do 87%, przy wzroście stopnia odzysku tlenu od 0,45 do 0,9, i jest wyższa odpowiednio od 12% do 6% w porównaniu do układu bez suszenia. W zaproponowanym układzie separacji powietrza powierzchnia modułu membranowego zawiera się w przedziale 76,5-95,0 tys. m².
In this paper boiler with circulating fluidized bed was analyzed. For the combustion of lignite in the boiler oxygen produced in the three-end high-temperature membrane was used. Paper shows a method of determining the surface of the membranes and energy consumption of the air separation process. Boiler thermal efficiency, energy consumption of the process and air separation membrane module surface was determined as a function of oxygen recovery in the membrane. Nitrogen from the air separation unit was proposed to be used for drying lignite. For this variant characteristics of the system were determined. It was found that the thermal efficiency of the boiler in case where nitrogen was used for lignite drying increased from 76% to 87% with increasing value of oxygen recovery ratio from 0.45 to 0.9 and is higher, respectively, from 12% to 6% in comparison to the system without drying. In the proposed air separation unit required membrane surface is in the range 76500-95000 m².
W artykule zaprezentowano aktualny status technologii tlenowego spalania (ang. oxy-fuel combustion), realizowanego w atmosferycznych paleniskach pyłowych i fluidalnych z wykorzystaniem paliw stałych. Wskazane zostały słabe i mocne strony dyskutowanego rozwiązania. Jednocześnie określono stan rozwoju technologii towarzyszących spalaniu tlenowemu, odnoszący się przede wszystkim do procesów separacji powietrza i wychwytu CO2. Wspomniano także rolę recyrkulacji spalin. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwości zmniejszenia potrzeb własnych, stanowiących główne ograniczenie dla komercjalizacji omawianej technologii. Ostatecznie wskazane zostały pespektywy dalszego rozwoju omawianej technologii.
The paper deals with a current development of oxy-fuel combustion technology, which can be performed in both pulverized- and fluidized bed boilers fired with solid fuels. The strong and weak points of this technology are discussed. Moreover, the issues associated with air separation, CO2 capture and other related processes are also analyzed in this paper. The important role of flue gas recirculation is mentioned as well. Furthermore, the possibilities to reduce the energy penalty are proposed, which is a key factor that limits the competitiveness of this technology on the energy market. Finally, the prospects of further development of the oxy-fuel combustion technology are considered.
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