The paper focuses on the problems associated with the instigation and closure of enforcement proceedings concerning restriction of liberty. In the case of restriction of liberty, the moments in question are regulated by several separate provisions: Article 57a of the Criminal Enforcement Code, Article 64 of the Criminal Enforcement Code and Article 83 of the Criminal Code. The starting date of the restriction of liberty sentence period is by no means obvious and leads to very individual problems. Precise indication of this date is crucial to the determination of the date of the end of the sentence period as well as legal consequences associated with this date.
Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest syntetyczna analiza problematyki związanej z karą pozbawienia wolności. Kara ta jest jedną z najstarszych, o dość skostniałym kształcie. Pod jej adresem podnoszonych jest natomiast szereg zastrzeżeń, dostrzeganych nie tylko przez pryzmat kosztów, jakie wiążą się z jej wykonaniem, lecz także przez pryzmat funkcji, jakie kara ma pełnić wobec skazanego. Powstaje zatem pytanie, czy jest w obecnej polityce karnej alternatywa dla tego rodzaju kary? Autorzy próbują odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, a równocześnie przedstawić istniejący stan prawny i wysuwane w doktrynie propozycje jego modyfikacji.
The main aim of this article is to provide a synthetic analysis of the problems associated with custodial sentences. This is one of the oldest types of sentence, and it has a fairly ossified structure. It is, however, subject to a number of objections, perceived not only in terms of the costs related to its implementation, but also in terms of the purpose that the sentence is meant to serve in relation to the convicted individual. This raises the question – is there an alternative for this kind of sentence within current criminal policy? The authors attempt to provide an answer to this question, while simultaneously presenting the existing state of the law and proposals offered within the doctrine for its modification.
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