This report is an attempt to understand the place of Slavs in humanity based on a Christian concept of the meaning of history, beginning with the first people, and concluding with the kingdom of the Antichrist. Christ became incarnate on the outskirts of the Roman Empire, and its European peoples, the descendants of the youngest son of Noah – Japheth, were destined to become the major followers Christianity. A part of the Europeans, the Slavs, originally had their own characteristics and a common cultural identity. However, the differences between Eastern Christianity (Orthodoxy, that generally aspires for salvation in the kingdom of God) and Western Christianity (that seeks to create the Kingdom of God here on the Earth) affected the Slavic peoples, dividing them first on religious grounds, and then, with the spread of secularization –politically. In that process the largest Slavic nation, Russian, became the successor to the Byzantine Empire (the Second Rome) and spread throughout the middle part of the Earth’s land mass. This is an obvious geopolitical phenomenon that can be seen on a map of the world, and it seeks a spiritual explanation (that is proposed in this report). Because of internal sins and under the pressure of external enemies the Russian people lost their Orthodox statehood in the early twentieth century. Currently, in connection with the strengthening on Earth of a globally-leveling anti-Christian New World Order – is there any basis for the creation of a defensive union among the Slavs, and wider – between the Christian nations? What is the eschatological perspective of such an association?
Współcześnie można mówić o ponownym zniewoleniu narodów słowiańskich znajdujących się w orbicie cywilizacji postchrześcijańskiej oraz nowego porządku światowego. Jest to miękki typ zniewolenia, któremu towarzyszy liberalna ideologia obiecująca wolność i korzyści materialne. Sprzeciw wobec procesu globalizacji w latach 90. zrodził próbę odrodzenia ruchu słowianofilskiego w Federacji Rosyjskiej i Wschodniej Europie. Niestety często odwoływano się do wspólnej przeszłości socjalistycznej, czerwono-patriotycznej ideologii, zwycięstwa nad faszyzmem, co przypomina antyzachodnią retorykę okresu zimnej wojny. Dlatego jeśli odwołujemy się do pojęcia Słowiaństwo, to musimy przede wszystkim zdefiniować jego miejsce w historii i czasach współczesnych. Powinniśmy uświadomić sobie przyczyny religijnego, kulturowego, ekonomicznego i strategicznego podziału zwłaszcza w obliczu toczącej się wojny na Ukrainie. Dopiero na tej podstawie możemy sformułować pytanie: czy istnieją domeny jednoczące Słowian i czy istniały kiedykolwiek?
In this article I argue with Democritus and his heirs, that is to say, with a worldview that combines rationalism, ontological naturalism and mechanics. According to the latter conception, there is no metaphysical background of the world, no objective meaning, and therefore – in essence – "nothing is happening". This worldview, in the nineteenth century treated as "scientific", proved to be technologically fecund (through reductionism), but it destructively affected the sense of spiritual security associated with the sense of existence. It also contributed to the hypertrophy of the technological trunk in the culture and to the crisis of the mythological trunk (according to the distinction of Leszek Kołakowski). I also point out the important dividing line in modern European culture and philosophy: namely, the relatively coherent camp of supporters of naturalism and their vision of the world as a machine and, on the other side, the often conflicted and heterogeneous camp of its opponents. The latter has received unexpected support from new physics and cosmology, departing from the mechanistic paradigm and opening up new perspectives on the metaphysical thought, seeking the objective meaning of existence.
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