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Content available Komputerowy system wspomagania diagnostyki nasienia
W pracy przestawiono kompletny system do komputerowego wspomagania diagnozy andrologicznej. System składa się z trzech modułów przeznaczonych do analizy ruchu, wyliczenia gęstości oraz badań morfologicznych plemników. System współpracuje z mikroskopem optycznym z optyką jasnego pola.
A computer system for semen quality assessment is presented. The system consists of three modules for mobility assessment, density calculation and morphology examination. The system uses an optical microscope with bright field optics.
Content available remote An automatic system for calculating basic semen parameters
Algorithms for examination of the density and selected parameters of movement of sperm cells have been elaborated and implemented. The conducted research is a part of work on a computer system for semen analysis. The system will allow for an increase in the precision of examination thanks to an exact specification of numerical values of the chosen parameters. An additional advantage of the system is an increased time efficiency of examination. Nowadays, the basic type of examination is an estimated analysis of semen parameters by visual observation of a sample, based on a physician's subjective assessment of an image. Registration of images is impossible in visual analysis.
The material consisted of 60 hybrid boars, from line 990 (female) and Pietrain breeds (male), divided into two groups depending on the litter size in which they were born and reared - group: 7-10 piglets (average 8.8) per litter; group: 11-17 piglets (average 12.5) per litter. The mean body weight of 21 day of live piglets born and reared in larger litters was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than among boars reared in smaller litters. This difference gradually diminished and at day 63 of life both groups had the same average body weight. In the period from 63 to 180 day of life, the boars from smaller litters had a slightly lower rate of growth (statistically insignificant). Boars reared in larger litters at 180 day of life were on average 3 kg heavier. There were no significant differences in fat thickness, lean meat and testicular volume between the assessed groups of young boars. From boars reared in smaller litters ejaculates had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) sperm concentration and total sperm volume.
Materiał badawczy stanowiło 60 knurków mieszańców linii 990 (♀) i rasy pietrain (♂), podzielonych na dwie grupy w zależności od wielkości miotu, w którym się urodziły i odchowywały, grupa: (średnio 8,8 prosiąt w miocie); grupa: (średnio 12,5 prosiąt w miocie). Średnia masa ciała w 21. dniu życia knurków, urodzonych i odchowywanych w miotach większych była istotnie (P ≤ 0,05) mniejsza od knurków odchowywanych w miotach mniejszych. Ta różnica zmniejszała się w trakcie ich wzrostu i w 63. dniu życia knurki osiągnęły taką samą średnią masę ciała w obu grupach. W okresie od 63. do 180. dnia życia knurki pochodzące z mniej licznych miotów charakteryzowały się nieco niższym ale statystycznie nieistotnym tempem wzrostu. Knurki odchowywane w miotach większych w 180. dniu życia ważyły średnio 3 kg więcej. Nie wykazano istotnych różnic w zakresie grubości słoniny, mię- sności oraz wielkości jąder pomiędzy ocenianymi grupami knurków. Od knurów odchowywanych w miotach mniejszych uzyskiwano jednak ejakulaty o istotnie wyższej (P ≤ 0,05) koncentracji nasienia i ogólnej liczbie plemników.
A simple cryopreservation method described in 1995 by Tselutin et al. was used for freezing the semen of four fancy fowl breeds: White Crested Black Polish (WCBP), Greenleg Partridge (GP),Italian Partridge (IP) and Black Minorca (BP). The differences in quality (ejaculate volume,osmotic pressure, sperm concentration and morphology) of fresh semen between evaluated breeds were observed, as well as the differences in semen freezability. The freezing-thawing process caused significant (P≤0.01) decrease in percentage of live, normal spermatozoa, with coincident increase in percentage of dead spermatozoa and spermatozoa with acrosome defect. In relation to the fresh semen, the number of live, normal spermatozoa that survived cryopreservation procedure constituted 18.1% in WCBP, 25.1% in GP, 26.2% in IP and 33.6% in BM semen.
Badano przydatność prostej metody mrożenia opracowanej i opisanej w 1995 r. przez Tselutina i współautorów do zamrożenia nasienia kogutów czterech amatorskich ras kur: czubatki polskiej (White Crested Black Polish – WCBP), zielononóżki kuropatwianej (Greenleg Partridge – GP), włoszki kuropatwianej (Italian Partridge – IP) i minorki czarnej (Black Minorca – BM). Stwierdzono różnice w jakości nasienia świeżego (objętość ejakulatów, ciśnienie osmotyczne, koncentracja i morfologia plemników) między kogutami ocenianych ras, a także różnice między rasami w podatności nasienia na mrożenie. Proces ekwilibracji nasienia w obecności 6% DMA oraz jego zamrożenie-rozmrożenie powodowały istotny (P≤0,01) spadek liczby plemników żywych, prawidłowo ukształtowanych, przy równoczesnym wzroście liczby plemników martwych lub z uszkodzonym akrosomem. Bez względu na rasę kogutów, mrożenie nasienia zastosowaną metodą powodowało spadek liczby plemników żywych prawidłowo ukształtowanych, których udział w stosunku do udziału w nasieniu świeżym stanowił w przypadku czubatki polskiej 18,1%, zielononóżki kuropatwianej 25,1%, włoszki kuropatwianej 26,2% oraz 33,6% w przypadku minorki czarnej.
Content available Male infertility and human environmental pollution
Introduction. Man is the only being that has created an artificial environment, or civilization. The development of civilization entails changes in the environment. The rapid growth of the impact of human economic activity has led to such changes that are able to threaten not only other living creatures but also themselves. Increasing environmental pollution are well-known factors negative influencing on human environment. Is now a global problem. Anthropogenic pollution contribute to the unfavorable demographic changes and grooving number of health problems of the population. Unfavourable demographic changes manifest themselves as not only increment in the number of deaths and malformations (defects in the reproductive organs), but also as decrement in the fertility rates being the consequence of increasing the growing problem of couples infertility. There is observed the increasing role of male factor in the couple infertility problem. In some developed countries its participation rate reaches 50%.Objective. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of environmental pollution on human development and reproductive function of male gonads.Material and methods. The study was carried out using the method of data analysis published in the works and scientific reports.Current state of knowledge. The paper presents information on identified environmental pollution with proven adverse effects on the development of the gonads and the their reproductive function. There are also known possible negative impacts of environmental pollution on carcinogenesis in male gonads.Wider awareness of the negative impact of environmental pollution and attempts put emphasis on primary prevention can give better long-term effects than increasing spending on the therapies of developmental disorders as well as gonadal dysfunctions symptoms including fertility problems.Conclusions.Among the environmental pollutants there are many chemicals adversely affecting the organogenesis as well as reproductive function of testicles.Many of these contaminants are pesticides or chemicals currently approved for use in agriculture and industry, including the food and cosmetics industry.Those chemicals, adversely affecting organogenesis and testicular generative function, are present in air, water and foods, packaged foods and everyday objects - including clothes (ingredients sponges), perfumes, creams and detergents.The increase in environmental pollution coincides with the deterioration of sperm quality and reduction in male infertility in highly civilized countries.Striving for continuous reduction of the environmental seems to be necessary to stop the growing problem of couples infertility.
The milt of individual males of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) and sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) was frozen without cryoprotector (at -79°C) or cryopreserved with methanol as the cryoprotector. The activity of arylsulfatase (AS), acid phosphatase (AcP), β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGase), and protein concentration was determined. The protein concentration and enzymatic activities in supernatant obtained after cryopreservation were higher than in milt plasma, but they were lower than that in the material obtained after freezing at -79°C. The protein and enzymatic leakage of sterlet spermatozoa was statistically higher in supernatants that had been frozen at-79°C than in those that had undergone cryopreservation. Differences in the protein and AS leakage the Siberian sturgeon supernatants were also observed.
Nasienie pobrane od 19 osobników jesiotra syberyjskiego (Acipenser baerii) i 10 - sterleta (A. ruthenus) zamrożono w -79°C bez obecności krioprotektora oraz poddano kriokonserwacji z metanolem jako krioprotektorem. Koncentrację oraz ruchliwość użytego w eksperymencie nasienia zamieszczono w tabeli 1. W świeżej plazmie nasienia oraz supernatantach uzyskanych po odwirowaniu zamrożonego materiału oznaczono zawartość białka oraz aktywność arylosulfatazy (AS), kwaśnej fosfatazy (AcP) i β-N-acetyloglukozoaminidazy (NAGase) (tabela 2). Oznaczone parametry w supernatancie uzyskanym po kriokonserwacji były statystycznie istotnie wyższe niż w plazmie nasienia i jednocześnie niższe niż supernatancie po mrożeniu bez obecności metanolu (tabela 2). Wykazano również istnienie korelacji pomiędzy „wyciekiem" arylosulfatazy i koncentracją plemników w materiale uzyskanym po mrożeniu w -79°C (rys. 1). W supernatancie po kriokonserwacji nie obserwowano istnienia takiej zależności (rys. 2).
The results of PCR were compared with the results of virus isolation test. 44 bovine semen samples were tested. The presence of BHV 1 was demonstrated with the virus isolation test in 6 samples of semen. PCR with external primers detected BHV 1 in 8 samples, while in nested PCR positive amplification was observed in 21 samples. The sensitivity of PCR with external primers and nested PCR were 0.6 and 0.06 of TCID₅₀ respectively.
The influence of ß-haemolytic Streptococcus organisms at concentrations of 100 x, 200 x, and 500 x 10³ cells/ml sperm incubated at 37°C for 60 min with stallion semen suspension on the motility, viability and morphology of the semen, and AspAT activity in seminal plasma was examined. S. zooepidemicus at a concentration of 500 x 10³ cells/ml exhibited a particularly unfavourable effect on semen. All parameters measured altered significantly after a 60 min incubation. The activity of AspAT also changed during a prolonged incubation of sperm with a suspension containing 500 x 10³ S. zooepidemicus/ml semen; after a 24 h incubation the activity of AspAT was enhanced by more than 38% in comparison to the initial value.
Ciało–dusza a narodziny i śmierć człowieka: opinia Benedykta Hessego w średniowiecznej dyskusji Przedstawiona problematyka została omówiona na podstawie wybranych komentarzy do traktatu Arystotelesa O duszy, tworzonych w nurcie tzw. via moderna, zwłaszcza jego głównych przedsawicieli: Jana Burydana, Mikołaja Oresme i Londoriusza z Lindores. W tym kontekście powstały krakowskie komentarze Benedykta Hessego i Anonima, nawiązujące do paryskich nominalistów. Przeprowadzone analizy tekstów pozwalają stwierdzić, że mimo opinii Wilhelma Ockhama, kwestionującej możliwość filozoficznego poznania duszy, późnośredniowieczni zwolennicy nominalizmu nie rezygnowali ze spekulacji na temat początku człowieka (narodzin) i śmierci, czyli oddzielenia duszy od ciała, a także losu duszy po śmierci. Skupili się oni na naturze materii ludzkiego ciała (embrion, nasienie) i jego relacji do duszy (formy) – w momencie narodzin. W problematyce śmierci XIV-wieczni uczeni podjęli próby uzasadnienia psychofizycznej jedności istoty ludzkiej istniejącej po śmierci w postaci nieśmiertelnej duszy. Jeśli nie potrafili znaleźć zadowalającego rozwiązania tych aporetycznych kwestii, mieli odwagę przyznać, że nie jest to możliwe, polegając wyłącznie na naturalnych siłach rozumu. Wskazywali na konieczność odwołania się do wiary, nie popadając jednak w fideizm. Było to metodyczne przedsięwzięcie, oparte na doświadczeniu, że naturalny rozum ludzki w swych poszukiwaniach nie jest w stanie samodzielnie dojść do pewnych prawd i czasami może się mylić. Wówczas wiara staje się przewodnikiem i dostarcza bardziej akceptowalnych rozwiązań. To odwaga jednego z największych filozofów – Platona, który powiedział, że trzeba mieć „wielką odwagę”, aby podjąć się takich poszukiwań i przyjąć wiedzę tylko prawdopodobną, gdy wiedza pewna jest nieosiągalna.
This issue was discussed with regard to chosen commentaries to Aristotle’s treatise De anima, formed in the so-called via moderna mainstream, in particular those of John Buridan, Nicole Oresme and Laurentius of Lindores. In such a context, the Cracovian commentaries referring to Parisian nominalists were presented by those of Benedict Hesse and Anonymus. The analyses carried out above allow one to ascertain that although William of Ockham’s opinion questioning the possibility of knowledge of the soul in the field of philosophy, nominalists of the late Middle Ages did not resign from speculation on the beginning (birth) and the separation (death) from the body of the soul, also the fate of the soul after death. They focused on the nature of the matter – human body (embryo, semen) and his relation with the soul (forma) – in the moment of birth. In the aspect of death 14th century scholars undertook the struggle, which was one with the justification of the psycho-physical unity of the human being existing after death solely as an immortal soul.  In both thems, they tried to find their solutions, while if they could not solve these aporeticals questions – they had the courage to admit, that is not possible by solely relying on the natural forces of reason. They had to refer to the teaching of christianity, without however falling prey to fideism. This was a methodical endeavour based on the experience that natural reason in searching for the truth is not capable of its own efforts to attain to certain concepts and might on occasion err, it is then that faith becomes its guide and supplies it with more acceptable solutions. This is the courage of one of the greatest philosophers – Plato, who said that you have to have this “great courage” to undertake only probable knowledge, when another is not possible.
A study was carried out of 30, 160 ejaculate samples collected from 81 boars of the wbp (Polish Large White) breed and 182 boars of the pbz (Polish Landrace) breed. The ejaculate was collected manually with the sampling frequency of 4 - 5 days. An assessment of the ejaculate has been done with regard to the following physical properties: ejaculate volume, sperm cells concentration, percentage of sperm cells exhibiting proper motility, total number of sperm cells in the ejaculate and number of insemination doses obtained from one ejaculate. The collected data have been analyzed according to the season criterion with indication of the ejaculate collected in the individual months. It has been revealed that the most suitable ejaculate was collected from the domestic pig boars in November and December whereas in March, April and May the parameters lowered. The ejaculate collected in the springtime is characterized by a lower volume and a lower number of the motile sperm cells than in the other seasons. From the ejaculate collected in the autumn and winter period more insemination doses can be prepared than from those collected in spring and summer. No difference has been found between the boars of the wbp and pbz breeds with regard to their susceptibility to the seasonal factors’ influence.
Metabolic activity of boar spermatozoa, liquid stored for three days at 5℃, was measured using bioluminescence for ATP content, fluorescent assay (JC fluorochrome) of mitochondrial activity and oxygen consumption. Sperm motility and plasma membrane integrity (PMI) were simultaneously analyzed. Apart from the statistically significant effect (P < 0.001) of semen storage time, the importance of the individual source of the ejaculate for the analyzed parameters of metabolic efficiency of spermatozoa was shown. This phenomenon was manifested in the interaction of the individual source of the ejaculate with spermatozoa motility, integrity of their membranes and metabolic activity with the passing time of semen preservation. Recorded results indicate that the individual factor may have a significant influence on the technological usefulness of boar spermatozoa for liquid storage. Quality analyses conducted on boar semen stored at 5℃ may be used for pre-selection of boars producing sperm with an enhanced tolerance to cold shock.
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