Krav Maga (‘contact combat’) is an Israeli hand-to-hand combat discipline that originated in the early 19th century in response to life-threatening conflicts. Today, Krav Maga is a popular self-defense and martial art discipline practiced and taught throughout the world. One of the key features of Krav Maga that distinguishes it from other combat disciplines is its dependence on reflexive defense – a natural and immediate defensive reaction. However, the relevant literature has not discussed the motor control mechanisms that underlie reflexive defense in hand-to-hand combat or that account for its temporal characteristics. This introductory study argues that the reflexive defense at the core of Krav Maga is a genuine reflex mediated at the brainstem level. The paper also discusses some aspects of reaction in the context of self-defense and combat sports, and the implications for the debate on whether Krav Maga training should involve more than one combat response to any given threat.
When a bad guy throws one innocent person against another, or uses one as a body shield so as to facilitate murdering the other, or is in the process of bashing in the heads of two such people, what are the rights and responsibilities of each of these latter two victimized parties vis a vis each other? The concept of negative homesteading is introduced in an attempt to shed light on these legal puzzles.
Młodzieżowe organizacje proobronne stanowią coraz istotniejszy element polskiego systemu bezpieczeństwa. Poprzez swoje różnorodne działania służą polskiej edukacji proobronnej i przyczyniają się do kształtowania postaw patriotycznych wśród młodzieży. W ostatnich latach obserwować możemy coraz bardziej prężny ich rozwój i większe nimi zainteresowanie ze strony instytucji państwowych. Czy młodzieżowe organizacje proobronne będą stanowiły w przyszłości istotny element polskiego systemu bezpieczeństwa? Wszystko wskazuje na to, że tak.
Youth paramilitary organizations are an increasingly important element of Polish security system. Through its various activities serve to Polish defense education and contribute to the shaping of patriotic attitudes among young people. In recent years, we can observe more and more resilient their development and their greater interest on the part of state institutions. Will paramilitary youth organizations constitute in the future a significant element of Polish security system? Everything seems to indicate so.