Two groups of turkeys: slow-growing primitive turkeys (SS n = 80 and n = 80) and fast-growing Big-6 turkeys (<$<$ n = 80 and n = 80) were reared in a semi-intensive system: turkey hens until 14th week whereas turkey toms until 22nd week of life. Twelve males and twelve females with body weight corresponding to the mean body weight in a group were selected from each group for slaughter and slaughter performance analysis. A significantly (P < 0.01) higher body weight and weight of all anatomical parts examined were found in both hens and males of Big-6 turkeys. An exception was the weight of abdominal fat (P < 0.05) and weight of gizzard (NS) in males. In turn, Big--6 females were characterized by a significantly (P < 0.01) higher percentage of: breast muscles (by 8.7), leg muscles (by 2.4) and abdominal fat (by 0.9), and significantly (P < 0.01) lower percentage of: wings, heart, liver and gizzard (by respectively: 0.2, 0.1, 0.3 and 1.9) in the body weight. In the case of Big-6 males, analyses demonstrated a significantly (P < 0.01) higher percentage of breast muscles (by 16.5) and leg muscles (by 2.5, P < 0.05), and lower (P < 0.01) percentage of wing, heart, liver and gizzard (by respectively: 0.3, 0.2, 0.7 and 1.5) in the body weight, compared to the primitive turkeys.
Wpływ genotypu indyków na wyniki wydajności poubojowej. Dwie grupy indyków: wolnorosnące prymitywne (88 n = 80 i $C n = 80) i szybkorosnące Big-6 (88 n = 80 i $C n = 80) odchowywano w systemie półintensyw-nym. Indyczki utrzymywano do 14. a indory do 22. tygodnia życia. Do uboju i analizy rzeźnej wybrano po 12 samic i 12 samców o masie ciała średniej dla płci w grupie. Stwierdzono istotnie wyższą (P < 0,01) masę ciała i wszystkich części ciała u obu płci indyków Big-6. Wyjątek stanowiły u indorów masa tłuszczu brzusznego (P < 0,05) i masa żołądka mięśniowego (NS). Indyczki Big-6 wykazały istotnie wyższy (P < 0,01) udział procentowy w masie ciała mięśni piersiowych (o 8,7), mięśni nóg (o 2,4) i tłuszczu brzusznego (o 0,9), ale istotnie niższy (P < 0,01) skrzydeł, serca, wątroby i żołądka mięśniowego (odpowiednio o 0,2, 0,1, 0,3, 1,9). Indory Big-6 wykazały istotnie wyższy (P < 0,01) udział procentowy mięśni piersiowych (o 16,5) i mięśni nóg (o 2,5, P < 0,05), ale niższy (P < 0,01) skrzydeł, serca, wątroby i żołądka mięśniowego (odpowiednio o 0,3, 0,2, 0,7, 1,5) w porównaniu do indyków prymitywnych.
Соответствующие исследования проводились в период 1979-1984 гг. в двух стадах овец поморской разновидности, со средней численностью основного стада: I - 990 овцематок и II - 562 овцематок. В стаде I проводилась дополнительно селекция с точки зрения ягнят происходящих из близнецевых окотов. Определяли: 1) показатели оплотворимости плодовитости и выращивания ягнят, 2) зависимость между типом первого окота и жизненной репродуктивной способностью овцематок, 3) влияние на оплодотворимость подбора пар - матерей и отцов - происходящих из единичных и близнецевых окотов. Установлено, что самая высокая жизненная оплодотворимость достигается овцематками из близнецевых окотов (I - 159,8, II - 153,6%). Высокой оплотворимостью отличаются пары, в которых по крайней мере одна особь происходит из близнецевых окотов, при незначительном превосходстве случек ♀ P х ♂ B. Селекция и подбор с точки зрения происхождения из близнецевых окотов существенно повышали оплодотворимость в стаде.
The respective investigations were carried out in the period 1979-1984 on two flocks of Pomorska sheep, of the mean numbers of the basic flock: I - 990 ewes and II - 562 ewes. In the flock I an additional selection with regard, to lambs originating from twin lambings was performed. The 1) fertility, fecundity and lamb rearing coefficients, 2) relationship between the first lambing type and the vital reproductive ability of ewes, 3) effect of mating of couples - dams and sires, originating from single or twin births, were determined. It has been found that the highest vital fecundity is reached by ewes from twin births (I - 159.8 %, II - 153.6 %). By a high fecundity also the couples are characterized, in which at least one specimen would originate from twin birth, slightly superior being the ♀ P x ♂ B matings. The selection with regard to origin from twin births contributed to a significant increase of fecundity in the flock.
Three steps of multi-stage selection for more vigorous seminal roots were done in two cross combinations of oat. The total length of roots (TRL) was measured in seedlings of the F₂, F₃ and F₄ generations grown in filter-paper rollers. On average, the finally selected F₅ (or F₆) progenies distinguished by 7-11% improved rooting ability than their midparents. Transgressive forms were selected only in one cross combination. Coefficients of realized heritability for TRL were low and ranged from 0.08 to 0.42 indicatinga relatively high proportion of non-additive gene effects in the variance of TRL. Tolerance of the F₆-progenies to water and nutrient limitations was evaluated in pot and field experiments. Correlated selection effects were dependent upon initial cross combination. Only progenies from one cross combination exhibited an improved drought tolerance at the 8-9 Feekes' stage. The both enhanced rooting and decreased S : R ratio of the F₆-progenies correlated with their improved tolerance to reduced P supply at the 4-leaf stage. However, no significant consistence occurred between indices of the tolerance to reduced nutrition at the vegetative growth and those at field maturity. Performed root selection identified more frequently high yielding genotypes with less stable grain yield. No progenies were obtained that outperform their parents under low-input conditions. It was emphasized that root selection should be accompanied by selection for integrated response components.
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