The intensity of seismic waves’ vibrations is proportional to the weight of the applied explosive. If the vibrations are sufficientin energy, surrounding buildings can be damaged or destroyed. Evaluating the negative effects of the blasting operations and quantification of the seismic safety is nowadays very actual and a challenging problem. The article presents the results of the analysis as well as an evaluation on seismic safety of the objects during blasting in the quarry Kučín. The results the evaluation seismic effects blasting verified in a Kučín quarry are the methodological base for evaluating the seismic effects of blasting in all quarries in Slovakia.
Nuclear devices are checked also from the seismic safety point of view. The response spectra method is one of the most important approaches to obtain an upper estimation of some output variables like displacements, velocities, accelerations, stresses etc. The proposed response spectra of the base especially accelerations serves as an input for extreme estimations of mentioned output quantities depending on frequency [1]. The alternative approach for functionality assessment can be used the base acceleration as an input for time integration of the mathematical model and the output quantities can be obtained in the direct integration way of the model. The main requirement on the input acceleration is posed on the desired response spectrum satisfaction. The paper deals with an approach to generation of the base acceleration in such a way to be satisfied the properties of the proposed prescribed response spectrum of the acceleration.
Bezpečnost jaderných zařízení je kontrolována mimo jiné také ze seizmického hlediska. Metoda spekter odezvy patří mezi nejdůležitější metody pro určení horního odhadu výstupních veličin, za které považujeme posuvy, rychlosti, zrychlení, napětí atd. Presentovaný přístup pro posouzení funkčnosti využívá zrychlení základu odpovídající návrhovému spektru odezvy jako kinematické buzení matematického modelu a výstupní veličiny lze získat přímou integrací.
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