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Gorczyca sarepska = kapusta sitowata (Brassica juncea L. Czern), jest charakterystyczna dla upraw w regionach o krótkich porach roku oraz mniejszych ilościach opadów. Obecnie w Iranie brakuje wystarczającej wiedzy rolniczej do wydajnej produkcji gorczycy. W artykule tym, będącym formą pracy przeglądowej i badawczej jednocześnie, skoncentrowano się na produkcji gorczycy w półsuchym regionie oraz ocenie jakości jej oleistych nasion. Celem pracy było również porównanie nawożenia pięcioma różnymi dawkami azotu (w postaci mocznika), w trakcie dwukrotnego wysiewu oraz zbadanie wpływu tych dawek na wzrost, plon nasion i niektóre właściwości agronomiczne gorczycy, w warunkach agroklimatycznych Takestanu (Iran). Wyniki pokazały, że sezon uprawy oraz dawki azotu, miały znaczący wpływ na wzrost roślin, plon biomasy, liczbę owoców – łuszczyn na roślinę, zawartość oleju siewnego i ogólny plon ziarna. Data sadzenia, warunki środowiskowe, nawożenie są ważnymi czynnikami wpływającymi na jakość i ilość plonów gorczycy.
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern) cultivation is suggested for regions with short seasons and low rainfall. Although there have been many studies conducted on agronomic production of mustard in Iran, the information regarding the interactive impact of cropping seasons and nitrogen fertiliser on growth characteristics and yield quality of mustard plant is still insufficient and requires further investigation. This study focused on the possible implications of different cropping seasons and different nitrogen levels on selected agronomic traits in mustard. In this experiment, five different doses of nitrogen and two sowing periods were used to assess for their combined effects on the growth parameters, seed yield and agronomic characteristics of mustard in the semi-arid climatic conditions of Takestan. The results revealed that cultivation seasons and nitrogen rates had a significant effect on plant height, biomass yield, number of siliques per plant, seed oil content and seed yield.
tom nr III/1
The aim of this research was to study the effect of stecklings planting density on the seed stalk architecture, cluster yield and seed quality of 20 mono - and multigerm breeding lines and cultivars of red beet. The study included the new monogerm lines - AR79 A and AR79 B - breed in the Unit of Genetics Plant Breeding and Seed Science at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. The experiment was conducted in the years 2010 and 2011, in the open field conditions. Two planting densities of stecklings: 50×25 and 50×40 cm, were applied. Standard crop management practices, as recommended for red beet seed production under Polish conditions, were followed. The increase in plants interspacing from 50×25 to 50×40 cm led to the lower height, but twice higher number of shoots per plant, lower number of single, but higher number of bush and bush with main stem seed stalks, twice higher yield per plant as well higher thousand-seed weight and germination capacity. A large variation between genotypes in the features of seed-bearing plants, such as morphological structure, clusters yield and seed quality, were noted. Compared to other genotypes, the new monogerm breeding lines AR79 A and AR79 B formed very high, mostly bush or bush with main stem seed plants developing one of the largest numbers of unluckily, late-ripening shoots, yielded on the average level and producing the seeds of relatively low quality. The research has expanded the knowledge about the generative development of red beet. The results will facilitate Polish breeding programs aimed at the selection of monogerm red beet lines.
The research was carried out in 2018-2021 at the Agricultural Experimental Station, in Poland. The factors of the experiment were three morphotypes of winter oilseed rape: population morphotype, long-stemmed morphotype, semi-dwarf morphotype. The second factor of the experiment corresponded to three ways of using the preparations: 1. Control variant, 2. Organic preparation (Ugmax) 3. Biostimulator containing P2O5 and K2O, 4. Biostimulator containing silicon. The aim of the study was the reaction of three morphotypes of winter rape to soil and foliar application of microorganisms as well as inorganic preparations in different growing seasons. Elements of yield structure and yielding of winter rape were determined by a genetic factor. In all growing seasons, the best yielding was in the restored hybrid with the traditional type of growth, while the seed yield of the semi-dwarf form was lower by 5.8% on average, and by 10.0% on average in the population form. The number of seeds in the pod and the value of the yield index (HI) was the most favourable in the restored forms, and the thousand-seed weight and yield in the population form. The preparations applied to the soil and leaves increased the parameters of yield structure and yielding in all tested cultivars. Soil preparation with microorganisms as well as micro and macro elements applied in autumn before sowing seeds and in spring in the BBCH 21-36 phase significantly increased the number of seeds per pod by 3.4% on average; weight of a thousand seeds by 3.5% on average, seed yield by 15.7% on average, straw yield by 4.5% on average compared to the control variant. The ratio of seed yield-to-biomass yield was higher in the heterosis cultivars by an average of 9.2% compared to the population cultivar. The elements of the yield structure as well as the main and by-products were the highest in the growing season with the highest annual rainfall and the highest average air temperature.
tom 18
nr 1
Productivity of plants is determined by multiple factors that directly affect one another, therefore yield variability may be high and difficult to predict. Most often, however, a lower crop yield is achieved in the notillage system than in the ploughing system. An exact field experiment was undertaken to determine the yield and chemical composition of pea seeds sown under conditions of: 1) conventional tillage – CT (shallow ploughing and harrowing after the harvest of previous crop, pre-winter ploughing in winter); 2) reduced tillage – RT (stubble cultivator after the harvest of previous crop); and 3) herbicide tillage – HT (only glyphosate after the harvest of previous crop). A cultivation unit was applied on all plots in the springtime. Pea seed yield was higher by 14.1% in the CT than in the RT system and by 50.5% than in the HT system. The CT system was increasing the plant number m–2, number of pods and seeds m–2, seed mass per plant, and 1000 seeds mass, compared to the other systems. Protein content of seeds was at a similar level in all analyzed tillage systems, but was affected by the study year. In turn, the mineral composition of seeds was determined by both tillage system and study year. The seeds harvested from CT plots contained more phosphorus and iron, those from RT plots – more calcium and zinc, whereas those from HT plots – more phytate-P, potassium, magnesium, and copper, compared to the seeds from the other plots
This work uses the results of Post-registration Cultivar and Agricultural Experimentation conducted in 1999–2011 in Lower Silesia, on soils of very good and good wheat complex. The rape vegetation season was divided into five periods that approximately corresponded to the phenological phases of the plant, namely: September-November (from sowing to stemming the growing season in the autumn), December-March (stunted vegetation – renewal of vegetation), April (renewal of vegetation – the beginning of flowering), May (flowering), June (end of flowering – technical maturity). In the constructed regression model the following factors were included: the average air temperature and total precipitation in the periods, the content of phosphorus, potassium and pH of soil and fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Comparing the impact of meteorological conditions in different growing periods of winter rape, it was found that the weakest impact on the yield had temperature and precipitation from September to November. During this period, the optimum for yield are the following conditions: average temperature 10.4°C and precipitation total 145 mm. The winter period (December- March) has the strongest impact on the yield of rape. The yield is conspicuously higher with lower average air temperatures. Optimal for yield is precipitation of 171 mm (highest tested) and a relatively low average air temperature (–0.9°C). In April, the decisive factor is rainfall. Its lower values (12 mm) favour higher yield. The optimum weather in this period is 12 mm precipitation and average temperature of 9.1°C. Rape yield increases with increasing average air temperature in May and is highest when its value is 15°C and rainfall in this month is above average (73 mm). The weather in June has less impact on rape crop than in the three previous periods. The optimal layout is: 27 mm precipitation and temperature 16°C, these values being the smallest tested.
W pracy wykorzystano wyniki Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego i Rolniczego (dawniej Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego) prowadzonego w latach 1999–2011 na Dolnym Śląsku na glebach kompleksów pszennego bardzo dobrego i pszennego dobrego. Czas wegetacji rzepaku podzielono na pięć okresów odpowiadających w przybliżeniu fazom fenologicznym tej rośliny, mianowicie: wrzesień-listopad (od siewu do zahamowania wegetacji jesienią), grudzień-marzec (zahamowanie wegetacji – wznowienie wegetacji), kwiecień (wznowienie wegetacji – początek kwitnienia), maj (kwitnienie), czerwiec (koniec kwitnienia – dojrzałość techniczna). W zbudowanym modelu regresji uwzględniono następujące czynniki: średnią temperaturę powietrza i sumę opadów w ww. okresach, zawartość fosforu, potasu i pH gleby oraz nawożenie azotem, fosforem i potasem. Uzyskaną funkcję badano w przedziale średnia ± odchylenie standardowe dla każdego czynnika. Porównując oddziaływanie warunków meteorologicznych w poszczególnych okresach wegetacji rzepaku ozimego, stwierdzono, że najsłabszy wpływ na jego plon ma temperatura i opad od września do listopada. W okresie tym optymalnym dla plonu jest układ czynników: średnia temperatura – 10,4°C i suma opadów – 145 mm. Okres zimowy (grudzień-marzec) ma zaś najsilniejszy wpływ na plonowanie rzepaku. Plon jest zdecydowanie większy przy niższych średnich wartościach temperatury powietrza. Optymalny dla plonu jest opad wynoszący 171 mm (największy badany) i stosunkowo niska średnia wartość temperatury powietrza (–0,9°C). W kwietniu decydującym czynnikiem jest opad. Większemu plonowaniu sprzyjają jego mniejsze wartości (12 mm). Optymalne warunki pogodowe w tym okresie to 12 mm opadu i średnia temperatura 9,1°C. Plon rzepaku wzrasta wraz z rosnącą średnią temperaturą powietrza w maju i jest największy, gdy jej wartość wynosi 15°C, a opady w tym miesiącu są powyżej średniej (73 mm). Przebieg pogody w czerwcu ma mniejszy wpływ na plony rzepaku niż w trzech okresach poprzednich. Optymalny jest układ: 27 mm opadu i temperatura 16°C, które to wartości są najmniejsze z badanych. Z uzyskanego modelu wynika ponadto, że na plon rzepaku ozimego dodatni wpływ mają: zawartość w glebie fosforu i potasu oraz nawożenie N, P i K.
The effect of differentiated pre-sow ploughing depth (30, 20 and 10 cm) and weed control method (mechanical, chemical, combined mechanical and chemical) on the overwintering, weed infestation, yield and quality of seeds of oilseed rape was tested. Shallower ploughing worsened the main traits of the autumn condition of rape plants. Rape plants treated chemically had better-formed rosettes than those treated mechanically. Ploughing made to the depth of 30 and 20 cm did not significantly differentiate the yield of rape plants. However, a significant decrease (9-13%) in the yield occurred when the ploughing depth went down to 10 cm. The highest yield was obtained from the rape controlled chemically against weeds. The yield-protective effect of the combined mechanical and chemical weed control was comparable to that of mechanical method.
tom 07
nr 2
The aim of the present research was to evaluate the yielding of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), 'Stadion' lawn cultivar grown for seed, depending on the sowing method, date and row spacing. The research was carried out at the Experiment Station for Cultivar Testing at Chrzšstowo, in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz. The experiment was carried out over 1998-2002 in three series; each of them included the sowing year and two years of full use for farming purposes. The experimental factors included: I - sowing method/date: autumn pure stand, spring pure stand, undersown perennial ryegrass in spring barley cultivated for green matter and undersown perennial ryegrass in spring barley grown for grain, II - row spacing: 12 cm - narrow, 24 cm - average wide, 36 cm - wide and 48 cm - very wide. In the first year of full use for farming purposes, the seed yields were lowest when ryegrass was sown in autumn. Furthermore the yield of perennial ryegrass sown in spring in pure stand was significantly lower than that of undersown perennial ryegrass in barley in both its growing variants. The seed yield in the second year was significantly higher for sowing together with a cover crop, as compared with the yields obtained for autumn sowing. The application of varied row spacing showed a significant effect on the seed yield neither in the first nor in the second year of full use for farming purposes.
W zróżnicowanych warunkach glebowych ukształtowanych pod wpływem wieloletniego nawożenia organicznego i mineralnego oraz naturalnej ich zmienności badano zależność plonowania grochu siewnego od uziarnienia gleby, zawartości węgla organicznego, pH oraz zasobności w przyswajalne formy makroelementów. Oceniono cechy biometryczne, elementy plonowania i plon nasion grochu siewnego (Pisum sativum L.). Przeprowadzono ocenę zmienności i analizy: czynnikową, korelacji, regresji prostej i wielokrotnej. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono duże zróżnicowanie właściwości gleby, zwłaszcza na obiektach nienawożonych i nawożonych obornikiem wraz z mineralnymi formami azotu, fosforu, potasu oraz magnezu i regularnie wapnowanych. Warunki glebowe najbardziej różnicowały obsadę roślin grochu siewnego, liczbę strąków na roślinie i masę nasion w strąku. Plon nasion zależał od składu granulometrycznego gleby oraz zawartości materii organicznej. Korzystnie na jego poziom wpłynęła większa zawartość ziaren frakcji drobniejszych niż piaskowa oraz zawartość węgla organicznego w glebie.
The relationship between pea yielding and soil texture, soil organic carbon, pH and available nutrients were analysed under various soil conditions developed as a result of long-term organic and mineral fertilisation and their natural variation. Biometric properties, yielding components and the pea seed yield were assessed. Results were tested with the factorial and variation analysis, correlation, linear and multiple regression analysis. A high variation of soil properties was found, especially between unfertilised treatments and those fertilised with FYM with mineral forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium and regularly limed. Soil conditions differentiated most the density of pea plants, the number of pods per plant and the seed weight per pod. The seed yield depended on soil texture and on the content of organic matter. Higher content of grain fractions finer than sand and organic carbon content in the soil favoured pea yielding.
Up-to-date production of shallots for commercial purposes was limited due to low supply of the seeding material as well as no breeding cultivars that would produce seeds. Local populations commonly grown in various countries are reproduced mainly in vegetative way, because they usually do not produce generative shoots nor seeds, or they are formed, but in a very reduced number. The aim of this study, conducted in the period 2009–2012, was to evaluate generative growth and seed production in shallot grown from seedlings planted in summer at different dates, without producing mother bulbs. The study included 4 shallot cultivars – ‘Toto’, ‘Ambition F1’, ‘Bonilla F1’, and ‘Matador F`1’. Seedlings (4 weeks old) were planted in the field on three dates – 3rd decade of July, 1st decade of August, and 3rd decade of August. In the second year of cultivation, after the plants had overwintered in the ground, losses in plants, the percentage of plants producing seed stalks and some traits of these stalks as well as seed yield in the true breeding cultivar ‘Toto’ were determined. Plants of the other cultivars were not allowed to produce seeds (inflorescence umbels were topped before flower opening), since these were hybrids and undesired cross-breeding could occur. The study showed that overwintering losses in plants were on average 26.3%, but they were the lowest in cv. ‘Toto’, in particular among plants obtained from the first date of planting seedlings. Irrespective of the cultivar, the largest amount of plants with developed seed stalks and with their highest number per plant were recorded in the treatments where the first planting date was used. A delay in planting seedlings in the first year of cultivation by 2–4 weeks had a significant effect on reducing the percentage of plants developing seed stalks in the second year, while in cv. ‘Toto” it resulted in a very high decrease in seed yield.
Dotychczasowa produkcja szalotki na skalę towarową była ograniczona z powodu małej podaży materiału siewnego i braku odmian hodowlanych wytwarzających nasiona. Miejscowe populacje uprawiane powszechnie w różnych krajach rozmnażane są przede wszystkim wegetatywnie, gdyż przeważnie nie wytwarzają pędów generatywnych i nasion lub pojawiają się one w znikomej liczbie. Badania przeprowadzone w latach 2009–2012 miały na celu ocenę rozwoju generatywnego i wytwarzania nasion u szalotki uprawianej z letnich terminów sadzenia rozsady z pominięciem produkcji cebul wysadkowych. W badaniach uwzględniono 4 odmiany szalotki: ‘Toto’, ‘Ambition F1’, ‘Bonilla F1’, ‘Matador F`1’. Rozsadę (wiek 4 tygodnie) sadzono w polu w trzech terminach: 3. dekadzie lipca, 1. dekadzie sierpnia i 3. dekadzie sierpnia. W drugim roku uprawy, po przezimowaniu roślin, określono ich straty oraz udział roślin wytwarzających pędy nasienne i niektóre cechy tych pędów, a także plon nasion u ustalonej odmiany ‘Toto’. Do wytworzenia nasion nie dopuszczono roślin pozostałych odmian (ogławiano baldachy kwiatostanowe przed otwarciem kwiatów), gdyż były to mieszańce i mogło dojść do niepożądanego przekrzyżowania. Wykazano, że straty po przezimowaniu roślin wynosiły średnio 26,3%, lecz najmniejsze były u odmiany ‘Toto’, zwłaszcza wśród roślin z pierwszego terminu sadzenia rozsady. Niezależnie od odmiany, najwięcej roślin z wytworzonymi pędami nasiennymi i o największej ich liczbie u jednej rośliny zarejestrowano w obiektach pierwszego terminu sadzenia rozsady. Opóźnienie sadzenia rozsady latem w pierwszym roku uprawy o 2–4 tygodnie istotnie wpływało na zmniejszenie udziału roślin wytwarzających pędy nasienne w drugim roku, a u odmiany ‘Toto’ na bardzo dużą obniżkę plonu nasion.
Titanium is one of a plant biostimulators. It stimulates life processes, growth and development, as well as affects physiological and biochemical pathways, often increasing biomass production and enhancing yield. An open field experiment was conducted in the years 2011-2013 in Polanowice, Poland to investigate the effects of titanium foliar fertilization on the growth of timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.). This single-factor, randomized block design study was performed in four replicates on research plots with the area of 10 m2 each. The substrate was black loess soil (chernozem) typical for top class farmland. Titanium fertilization via leaf spray was performed with a water solution of Tytanit® at three doses of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 dm3 · ha−1. Foliar fertilization with the highest dose of Tytanit® significantly increased seed yield, thousand grain weight and germination capacity. Moreover, the middle dose of Tytanit® (0.4 dm3 · ha−1) was enough to observe a positive effect on the sample.
Doświadczenie prowadzono w latach 2011-2013 na terenie Stacji Hodowli Roślin w Polanowicach pod Krakowem (220 m n.p.m.). Celem eksperymentu było zbadanie wpływu tytanu (Ti) na plon i jakość nasion tymotki łąkowej odmiany ʽEgidaʼ. Jednoczynnikowe doświadczenie polowe założono metodą losowanych bloków, w czterech powtórzeniach, powierzchnia poletek doświadczalnych wynosiła 10 m2. Na polu doświadczalnym występował czarnoziem zdegradowany wytworzony z lessu, zaliczany pod względem bonitacyjnym do klasy I. Czynnikiem doświadczenia był oprysk biostymulatorem wzrostu w postaci nawozu Tytanit® w trzech dawkach: 0,2, 0,4 i 0,8 dm3 · ha–1. Zastosowanie nawożenia dolistnego Tytanitem® w najwyższej dawce (0,8 dm3 · ha–1) spowodowało istotny wzrost plonów nasion, masy tysiąca nasion oraz zdolności kiełkowania w stosunku do obiektu kontrolnego. Zadowalające efekty uzyskano już w obiektach, gdzie aplikowano Tytanit® w dawce 0,4 dm3 · ha–1.
The study was carried out in the years 2013 and 2014 at the Łagiewniki farm to determine the effect of some herbicides on the yield and development of two opium poppy cultivars: ‘Lazur’ – with high morphine content, and ‘Borowski Biały’ – with low morphine content. The development and yield of the poppy was a derivative of environmental and agronomic conditions. The mixture of tembotrione and fluroxypyr applied post-emergence at a rate of 88 and 75 g a.i. · ha−1, respectively, effectively controlled most weeds which are harmful for the poppy and did not phytotoxically affect opium poppy plants. The level of yield also depended on the cultivar’s ability to grow under unfavourable weather conditions. A lower yield was noted for the cultivar with a lower content of morphine – ‘Borowski Biały’.
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