Article deals with a fractional and chemical composition of sediments from the sediment reservoir in Ilyash village, Ferghana region, Uzbekistan (Syr Darya river basin) and analyses their feasibility. As a key factor in the study of this process was considered the fractional and agrochemical composition of sediments moving with water in the sediment reservoir, and the change of their share in the water along the length of the reservoir. The main composition of the sediments in reservoir consists of fractions >0.25 and 0.25–0.01 mm, with the average fraction of 69% in the inlet and 60% in the outlet. The river sediments are rich in minerals important for the irrigated cropland. Based on the results we conclude that it is possible to regulate the number of chemical compounds in the water by controlling the exploitation regime of reservoir and the sedimentation process in it.
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Zarządzanie zasobami wodnymi w małych zlewniach opierać się musi na informacjach hydrologicznych a także eksploatacyjnych obiektów hydrotechnicznych. Informacja o stanie zamulenia zbiorników wodnych a często i rozmieszczenia osadów w ich czaszy jest istotna dla właściwego funkcjonowania obiektów. Pomiarami zamulenia objęto dwa zbiorniki: zbiornik Cierpisz, na rzece Tuszymce i zbiornik Brzóza Królewska na potoku Tarlaka. Obydwa zbiorniki zlokalizowane są w małych zlewniach rolniczych. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki pomiarów zamulania, umożliwiły podjęcie próby oceny zastosowania metod Christofano, Ortha-Šamova i Rooseboom-Annandale i opracowania prognozy zamulania. Obliczona na podstawie przeprowadzonych pomiarów objętość sedymentu zdeponowana w zbiorniku wodnym Cierpisz w latach 2009 i 2011 wynosiła odpowiednio 8,75 i 9,47 tys. m3, a w zbiorniku Brzóza Królewska w latach 2010 i 2012 jest odpowiednio równa 3,36 i 3,55 tys. m3. Przyrost odkładów między pomiarami w zbiornikach wyniósł 2,1% w Cierpiszu i 0,35% w Brzózie Królewskiej. Obliczona prognoza wykazała zmniejszenie pojemności zbiorników Cierpisz i Brzóza Królewska o 50% co nastąpi odpowiednio po upływie 40 i 110 lat. Stwierdzono, że metoda Christofano umożliwia jedynie określenie ogólnego trendu rozmieszczenia rumowiska w małym zbiorniku wodnym, a rozbieżności wyników wykluczają stosowanie metody Ortha-Shamova. Wykazano, że istnieje możliwość zastosowania metody Roseboom–Annadale’a do prognozowania rozmieszczenia osadów w małych zbiornikach wodnych, lecz określenie warunków jej stosowania wymaga dodatkowych badań.
The management of water resources in small water reservoirs has to be based on hydrological information as well as information obtained from exploitation of hydrotechnical objects. The information concerning silting and sediment distribution is important to both the water reservoir and the hydrotechnical objects, including the way they work and are utilized. The measurements of silting were carried out in two reservoirs: Cierpisz on the Tuszymka river and Brzóza Królewska on the Tarlaka stream. The results of silting measurements presented in the paper, enabled the attempt to evaluate the applicability of Christofano, Orth-Šamov and Rooseboom-Annandale methods and to develop silting forecasts. Based on the calculated forecast it was demonstrated that the capacity of Cierpisz and Brzóza Królewska reservoirs will be reduced by 50% after 40 and 110 years, respectively. It was found that the Christofano method enables only the identification of a general trend of sediment deposition in a small reservoir and the discrepancies between results exclude the application of the Orth-Shamov method. It has been demonstrated that it is possible to apply the Roseboom–Annadale method to forecast the sediment distribution in small reservoirs, but additional research is required to define the conditions of its application. The measurements of silting were carried out in two reservoirs: Cierpisz on the Tuszymka river and Brzóza Królewska on the Tarlaka stream. This reservoir is characterized by agricultural character of the river basin.
The distribution of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Si, P, S, Al, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sb, As, Bi, Pb, Tl, Th, U, Ti, Cr, Ba and REE (determined by ICP-MS, ICP-AES, XRF and AAS methods) in bottom sediments of the southern Baltic as well as the Vistula and Szczecin Lagoons were discussed. Based on enrichment factors (EFs) the accumulation of the chemical elements in surficial sediment with respect to their concentration in Earth’s crust showed that Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Ag in coastal regions seem to be generally anthropogenic in origin. It is shown that the sediments of the Szczecin Lagoon are the most polluted by heavy metals, especially Cd, Zn and Pb, and that the degree of heavy-metal pollution decreases substantially on passing from the Szczecin Lagoon to the Pomeranian Bay and then on passing to the Bornholm Deep and Słupsk Furrow. Fluffy material from the Oder estuary appears to be the main source of heavy metals in the muddy sediments of the Bornholm Deep. The distribution of the rare earth elements (REE) in sediments of the Polish EEZ is more complex than previously thought and may be controlled by the input of Fe-organic colloids from rivers and the presence of detrital material in the sediments. The rare earth element (REE) patterns in sediments from the study region do not appear to have been greatly modified during transport from their source into the southern Baltic. In each of the study areas, there is a slight enrichment in the LREE relative to the HREE in the sediments compared to the NASC. The lack of significant anomalies for the redox-sensitive elements such as Ce and Eu implies that redox processes have marginal significance in modifying the distribution of the REE in the sediments studied. Chemometric techniques (FA, EMA) appeared to be useful for interpreting the spatial differences of chemical element concentrations in the study area.